Esplanade 200 SC 2.5 gal

Esplanade 200 SC 2.5 gal

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Product Overview

Esplanade 200 SC is an advanced generation in weed control. It is specifically developed as advancing weed control. Unlike other weed control formulas on the market, this pre-emergent herbicide stresses a new method of action, providing efficient, effective and long-lasting control. Improved for the Industrial Vegetation Management Market, making it fitting for use on roadsides, industrial sites, railroads, and utility rights-of-way. Comparatively better than pre-emergent products in the market by being able to control more than 75 types of broadleaf and grassy weeds including those tough-to-control and resistant ones. Residual control can last up to 8 months even under the extremely difficult conditions on 75 weed species and more. Works excellently on low use rates, requiring fewer applications making a cost-effective choice. This particular product is odor-free and non-staining to surfaces. Comes in 2.5 gallon jug.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Indaziflam 19.05%
Target pests Horseweed/marestail, kochia, pigweeds, Russian thistle, yellow star thistle, and more. Please see label for complete list.
For use in Non-residential non-crop areas, railroad and rail yards, managed roadsides, fence rows, utilities, hardscapes, industrial, municipal, and government sites.
Application Using backpack sprayers, broom sprayers or hand-held sprayers for smaller areas. Please label for complete and detailed instructions.
Pet safe Yes, if followed as directed on the label.
Yield 2.5 gallons can treat up to 64 acres.
Formulation Professional Product
Group 29 Herbicide
Shipping Weight 3.00 lbs
Manufacturer Envu (Formerly Bayer)
UPC 00785740197820
EPA Registration 432-1516


WEEDS CONTROLLED AND SYPRESSED (Broadleaf, Sedges and Grass):

American black nightshade, Bittercress, California burclover, Common Canada thistle (seedlings), Carpetweed, Common Chickweed, Chickweed, Mouse-ear, Clover, White, Corn speedwell, Linear-leaf/purple Cudweed, Curly dock (seedlings), Cutleaf evening primrose, Cat’s ear Dandelion, Common Dandelion (seedlings), Doveweed, Eclipta, Common Evening primrose, Cutleaf Evening primrose, Redstem Filaree, Black-leaved Fleabane, Florida pusley, Yellow Gromwell, Common Groundsel, Hairy fleabane, Hairy nightshade, Henbit, Horseweed/Marestail, Kochia, Common Lambsquarters, Lawn burweed, Little mallow, Long-stalk, Panicle willow weed, Buckhorn Plantain, Palessed Plantain, Prostrate knotweed, Prostrate pigweed, Prostrate spurge, Common Purslane, Common Ragweed, Red tasselflower, Redmaids, Redroot pigweed, Redstem fleabane/Storksbill, Russian Thistle, Shepherd’s-purse, Sowthistle, annual, Spotted cats ear, Swinecress, Tropic ageratum, Velvetleaf, Wild buckwheat (seedlings), Wild mustard, Yellow starthistle, Annual bluegrass, Annual bromegrass, Barnyardgrass, common, Cheatgrass, Crabgrass, Henry Crabgrass, Henry, Large/Hairy Crabgrass, Smooth Crabgrass, Brome Foxtail, Giant Foxtail, Green Foxtail, Yellow Foxtail, Goosegrass, Guineagrass, Medusahead, Mouse barley, Rice flatsedge, Italian Ryegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Annual Sedge, Sprangletop, Tufted lovegrass, Black medic, Black mustard, False chamomile, London rocket, Prickly lettuce, Hemp Sesbania, Prickly/teaweed Sida, Southern brassbuttons, Common Sunflower, Purple Vetch, Wild carrot, Yellow Woodsorrell, Woodsorrel/Oxalis.

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How much of Esplanade 200 SC would I need for my 1 gallon sprayer?

Esplanade 200 SC 2.5 gal has a max use rate of 7 ounces per acre in a single application, or 10 ounces per acre annually.  This would break down to 1 tsp per gallon of water if applying at the 7 ounces per acre, or 1.25 tsp per gallon for the max annual rate.   

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Does Esplanade need to be watered in to activate it?

How soon does it need rain to be effective?


Yes, since Esplanade 200 SC is a pre-emergent herbicide, it needs to be watered in to be effective. Per the product label: The herbicide needs to be activated prior to weed germination for most effective control. For maximum activity against germinating weeds, Esplanade 200 SC requires rainfall (minimum 0.25 inches) within several weeks after application to activate the herbicide.

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How long after Esplanade application does it need to be watered?

To apply on bare grounds and wait for the water rain.


Esplanade 200 SC needs to be activated prior to weed germination for most effective control. For maximum activity against germinating weeds, Esplanade 200 SC requires rainfall (minimum 0.25 inches) within several weeks after application to activate the herbicide.  If no rain is expected within 7-14 days after application, then you will need to water in.

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What is the mix rate for using Esplanade 200 SC 2.5 gal on common bermuda per 1000 sq ft? What is the recommended volume of water to use per 1000 sq ft?

For Warm Season Turfgrasses, Esplanade 200 SC  the application rate is 5 fl oz to 7 fl oz per acre in a single application. A repeat application can be made if needed as long as not to exceed a total of 10 oz of Esplanade 200 SC per acre per year. 

5-7 fl oz per acre breaks down to be 0.66 to 1 tsp per gallon of water per 1000 sq ft. The maximum annual rate of 10 fl oz per acre would break down to be 1.32 tsps per gallon of water per 1000 sq ft. 

Please refer to page 5 of the product label for more information. 


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Does Esplanade 200 SC 2.5 gal harm established orchard grass?

Esplanade 200 SC 2.5 gal does not list orchardgrass specifically on the product label so we can not determine if any injury, control or suppression will occur.

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