Essentria IC Pro Insecticide - Questions & Answers

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  • Asked by Alex
    What is the difference between IC3 and Essentria IC Pro?

    Essentria IC Pro Insecticide has the active ingredients Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Geraniol, Clove Oil, and Cornmint Oil while the Essentria IC3 Insecticide Concentrate has active ingredients of Rosemary Oil, Geraniol 600, and Peppermint Oil. Other than active ingredients, the IC Pro label states "Not for aquatic use, do not apply directly to water."

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  • Asked by Laura from Florida
    How long does the effect of Essentria IC Pro Insecticide last?
    Hi! I used to use the IC3 and per label for mosquitoes it says it lasts 3-4 weeks but label for this one says to re-apply every 4 days? It's not specified if this is at first and then continue with a maintenance dose?. It also doesn't specify the drying time.

    Essentria IC Pro Insecticide has a residual of about 2-4 weeks which is the standard with natural options.  The label does give different repeat intervals depending on the target pest and area you are treating in and how often can depend on how heavy the pest pressure is.  For mosquitoes you repeat every 4 days to get the most out of the repellency and killing factor of the IC Pro.

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  • Asked by David from Hilmar
    Can Essentria IC Pro Insecticide be applied to vegetable and fruits?.
    I was wondering if this product can be applied directly to vegetables and fruits? Also can you spray over vegetable or fruit gardens.?

    Essentria IC Pro Insecticide is not labeled to apply onto anything edible and would not be recommended. You can see our insecticides for edibles here

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  • Asked by Harriet from Richmond
    Is Essentria IC Pro Insecticide toxic to koi fish?
    Carpenter Bee are attaching wood pergola,18 by 20 that sits over a fish pond, 6by 9 feet.

    Due to the sensitive nature of this species of fish, we do not give advice on Koi ponds. We recommend contacting a local Koi expert for recommendations or consulting with the County Cooperative Extension Office for recommendations. As all insecticides are very detrimental to all types of fish, including koi fish. You should not use any insecticides around them. When people ask about products that would be safe to use around boat docks we would typically recommend either EcoVia or Essentria IC3 as these are natural products that are made from essential oils instead of pesticides. However, when Koi fish are in a pond we recommend contacting a Koi expert.

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  • Asked by Blake from Daufuskie Island, Sc
    Will Essentria IC Pro Insecticide control chiggers / red bugs?

    Essentria IC Pro Insecticide's label doesn't state that it will control chiggers/redbugs. 
    Bifen IT is labeled to control chiggers and will work great for this use when applied to areas where chiggers harbor. Treatments for chiggers should begin in May and could need to continue through the summer as new chiggers move into the area. Treating the entire lawn is of little benefit because chiggers avoid direct sunlight and normally will not infest areas that are mowed or otherwise well-maintained. Focus treatment on the unkempt areas of the lawn and lawn edge. 

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  • Asked by Richard from North Al
    Essentria IC Pro Insecticide vs Ecovia EC
    Which product is more effective for a perimeter pest control treatment - Essentria IC Pro Insecticide or Ecovia EC? Does Essentria no longer kill ticks?

    If you are wanting to stick strictly to all natural insecticides, the EcoVia EC will be the better option as it has more insects listed on its label currently including fleas and ticks. We are unsure why those insects were removed from the Essentria IC Pro label when it was launched to replace the Essentria IC3, but we will follow up with the manufacturer to see if any label amendments will be made to include those pests again in the future. 

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  • Asked by Bonnie from New Mexico
    If Essentria IC Pro Insecticide is completely natural and safe, why are gloves and masks suggested?
    Also, if it's natural and safe can it be used as a personal bug spray on the body? I have used the Essentria IC3 for bug spray on myself and it has worked phenomenally, the only thing that has worked on me but now it's discontinued. Would this be the same as the Essentria IC3? Thank you!

    It is recommended to wear gloves and follow safety protocol provided by the manufacturer even for organic or natural/green products including Essentria IC Pro Insecticide.  There is no way to know how everyone will react to products.  It is not labeled to be used on skin and we do not carry products for human use and IC3 should not be used either.

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  • Asked by Greg from Terre Haute
    Can Essentria IC Pro Insecticide be used in a fogger?

    Essentria IC Pro Insecticide can be used in a ULV or Thermal Fogger indoors to treat for crawling and flying insects as well as spiders. 
    Please refer to the Fogging Section on page 2 of the product label for more information. 

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  • Asked by Walter from Cape Coral, Fl
    Is Essentria IC Pro Insecticide effective against root-knot nematodes?
    If saturated into container of soil will it effectively reduce the root-knot nematodes?

    No, Essentria IC Pro Insecticide is not labeled to help control root-knot nematodes, however AzaGuard Insecticide Nematicide is labeled to help control root-knot nematodes. Please read the product label for complete application instructions.

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  • Asked by Lee from Boca Raton, Fl
    Equine spray? Can I use Essentria IC Pro Insecticide on horses for flys

    Essentria IC Pro Insecticide can not be applied to horses or any other animal.  Please see our Horse Fly Sprays, Wipes & Topicals for Horses for proper products.

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  • Asked by Scott from Ocean Twp, Nj
    Can Essentria IC Pro Insecticide be used in a mist blower?

    Essentria IC Pro Insecticide can be used in a mist blower.   Please refer to the product label for complete instructions.

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  • Asked by Sam
    Is Essentria IC Pro Insecticide safe for cats?
    We want to make sure that this product is safe for our cat, especially if the cat eats a bug that has been treated with the Essentria IC Pro.

    Essentria IC Pro Insecticide is safe around pets once dry. Just keep them out of the area while applying the product & they may resume normal activities once the product has dried. Typically after 4-6 hours for outside applications and an hour inside.  Generally a pet would need to eat their weight in bugs treated by this product prior to being affected 

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