Fusilade II Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 201 to 220 (of 347 questions)
  • Asked by Phillip from Nc
    Will Fusilade II Herbicide kill Rutledge
    Fusilade II Herbicide is not labeled to treat Rutledge.  We are not familiar with that specific weed. Are you referring to Tumble weed?
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  • Asked by Mike from Valrico, Fl
    Sunshine Mimosa
    I have a large patch of Sunshine Mimosa that has weed grass and a few other weeds. Will Fusilade hurt the Sunshine Mimosa. Thank you.

    Sunshine Mimosa is not labeled as tolerant on the Fusilade label.  If you can tell us what type of weeds you have, we can try to make a better recommendation for you.

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  • Asked by Ed from Tampa, Florida
    Can this product be safely applied over Muehlenbeckia Axillaris?
    The Fusilade II Herbicide does not mention the effects on Muehlenbeckia Axillaris. Although, Muehlenbeckia Axillaris is a low creeping groundcover and Fusilade II is used for the control of grass weeds in landscape areas, roadsides, nurseries, greenhouses, flower beds, and groundcovers. Therefore, we believe it would be safe but we would recommend contacting the manufacturer, Syngenta for further advice.
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  • Asked by David from Culver City Ca
    Can I tank mix Fusilade II with Docket DF?

    As long as no unfavorable results occur when mixing the two products together, and no harmful effects occur when spot treating an inconspicuous area of your turf, then the tank mixing is fine to do. 

    Per the Docket DF Product Label: 

    The required amount of Docket DF should be added slowly into the spray tank during filling. When tank mixing other products with Docket DF, follow the proper sequence of adding products to the spray tank. Add wettable powders or water dispersible granules such as Docket DF to the water in the tank first, followed by floable products, then emulsifiable concentrates. Provide sufficient mechanical or bypass agitation during mixing application.

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  • Asked by Duane from Nsw
    Will Fusilade effect young bananas when spraying long grass amongst them?
    Fusilade II Herbicide is not labeled to be used around edible vegetation. We could not recommend to use it along side Banana plants.
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  • Asked by Philip from Montgomery, Al.
    After one application of Fusilade to Bermuda, how long before the Bermuda grows back?
    Fusilade can be applied to suppress Bermuda grass. The application timing and amount will very depending on when the product is applied. Please provide more information on the stage of growth and when you have or will apply the product. This will help us answer your question accurately.
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  • Asked by Douglas
    Does fusilade kill the grass seed as well as the plant
     Fusilade II Herbicide  will kill plants post emergent. You would want to use  pre emergent to prevent germination of the seed. If you are referring to apply Fusilade over top of a seed, you would need to review the label to see if your grass seed is tolerant with this product.
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  • Asked by Dan from Solomon, Ks
    Is Fusilade II safe to use on a buffalo grass lawn?
    Will this kill buffalo grass? I want to kill the bermuda grass in our buffalo grass lawn. I also need to get rid of crabgrass.
    Fusilade II Herbicide is not labeled to be used on buffalo grass. We would recommend contacting your local cooperative extension office to see what you can use in your buffalograss to kill bermudagrass. Most of the products that we carry can be used on both types of turf so this will not be helpful to you.
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  • Asked by Tom from Chester, Va
    I read the great review on Fusilade killing bermuda grass. The product label seems to be written to large appl
    We apologize but your question was not submitted completely, could you please tell us what information you were looking for?
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  • Asked by Bob from Chattanooga, Tn
    Will Fusilade II kill bittercress, a weed blooming with 0.5 inch white crosses, now. It's raging in my fescue
    My only I.D. of this weed is a single web photo at www.virginiagreenlawncare.com -- labeled "Bittercress". I'm in Chattanooga, TN. I sprayed it with Fertilome Weed Out with Q 3 weeks ago -- ineffective. It's raging in my fescue.
    Fusillade II is not labeled for bittercress. We would recommend using Dismiss Turf Herbicide. It is safe to use in fescue grass for bittercress. The application rate is .092-0.275 fl. oz. per 1000 square feet. This will generally be used in about a gallon of water.
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  • Asked by Jerry from Bloomfield, Ky
    Will Fusillade II Herbicide kill Hemp?
    We are grow sample plots of Hemp on our farm. The Hemp is struggling to compete with Johnson Grass.

    No, Fusilade II Herbicide is not labeled to kill hemp. We would recommend possibly spot treating with a glyphosate product.

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  • Asked by Jerr from Slidell, Louisiana
    Can I spray Fusilade ll over the top of spearmint?

    Yes, Fusilade II Herbicide is labeled to use on spearmint according to the product label.

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  • Asked by Erik from Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
    Is Fusilade II safe for the peanuts?
    If it is, what is the dilution ratio?

    Fusilade II Herbicide is NOT labeled, nor safe, to use around peanuts or any other edibles. Fusilade II may only be used in landscape areas, roadsides, nurseries, greenhouses, flower beds, groundcovers, interiorscapes, parks, sports fields, gold courses, commercial and residential areas. 

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  • Asked by Randy from Southlake, Texas
    Can fusillade be used to kill Bermuda grass in fountaingrass?

    Fusilade II Herbicide will kill Bermuda, but may also harm Fountain Grass. It may be best just to spot treat the Bermuda with Roundup. 

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  • Asked by Dale from Liberty, Sc
    Can Fusilade II Herbicide be used to control Pampas grass?
    Will this work to kill Pappas grass?

    Fusilade does list it will control Grass Pampas on the product label.

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  • Asked by Mark
    Will Fusilade II harm field corn or soybeans ?

    Fusilade II Herbicide is not labeled to be used around anything edible and is actually labled to control v. corn (zea mays).

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  • Asked by Richard
    Can I spray Fusilade II Herbicide over love grass to kill other broadleaf weeds?

    Fusilade II Herbicide could pose harm to Love Grass. It may be best to spot treat with Roundup

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  • Asked by John from Abilene, Tx
    Is Fusilade safe to use on milkweed (Asclepias spp)?
    I am going to use this product with a surfactant to control small patches of bermuda (tiff 419) cropping up in raised beds of native milkweed (Asclepias speciosa, tuberosa, and eriocarpa). Is it safe around milkweed (I am assuming so since it is a flowering perennial)?. Thanks in advance.

    Fusilade II Herbicide does not list milkweed on the product label as a tolerable species to applications.  We recommend contacting Syngenta 866-796-4368 to confirm that Fusilade II could be used on it.

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  • Asked by Thomas from Tamaqua, Pa
    Can I use Fusilade II Herbicide over my established day lilies that have wild strawberries?

    You can use Fusilade II Herbicide for over-the-top applications to established daylilies, but Fusilade targets grassy weeds only and will not kill the wild strawberry. Products that will kill the wild strawberry could also potentially harm the daylilies, so you would need to make directed applications, taking care to avoid the desirable plants, or you can remove the strawberry by hand. You could use a non-selective such as RoundUp QuikPro or a broadleaf herbicide such as Fertilome Weed-Out with Trimec for this application, taking care to cover and/or avoid the lilies or other desirable flowers.

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  • Asked by Tom from Canoga Park, Ca
    Can I apply Fusillade 2 to target annual grasses and not affect plantings of chaparral yucca?

    The product label for Fusilade II Herbicide does list some species of yucca as tolerable to applications but we recommend contacting Syngenta 866-796-4368 to confirm that Fusilade II could be used on it.

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Displaying 201 to 220 (of 347 questions)