Sunshine Mimosa is not labeled as tolerant on the Fusilade label. If you can tell us what type of weeds you have, we can try to make a better recommendation for you.
As long as no unfavorable results occur when mixing the two products together, and no harmful effects occur when spot treating an inconspicuous area of your turf, then the tank mixing is fine to do.
Per the Docket DF Product Label:
The required amount of Docket DF should be added slowly into the spray tank during filling. When tank mixing other products with Docket DF, follow the proper sequence of adding products to the spray tank. Add wettable powders or water dispersible granules such as Docket DF to the water in the tank first, followed by floable products, then emulsifiable concentrates. Provide sufficient mechanical or bypass agitation during mixing application.
No, Fusilade II Herbicide is not labeled to kill hemp. We would recommend possibly spot treating with a glyphosate product.
Yes, Fusilade II Herbicide is labeled to use on spearmint according to the product label.
Fusilade II Herbicide is NOT labeled, nor safe, to use around peanuts or any other edibles. Fusilade II may only be used in landscape areas, roadsides, nurseries, greenhouses, flower beds, groundcovers, interiorscapes, parks, sports fields, gold courses, commercial and residential areas.
Fusilade II Herbicide will kill Bermuda, but may also harm Fountain Grass. It may be best just to spot treat the Bermuda with Roundup.
Fusilade does list it will control Grass Pampas on the product label.
Fusilade II Herbicide is not labeled to be used around anything edible and is actually labled to control v. corn (zea mays).
Fusilade II Herbicide could pose harm to Love Grass. It may be best to spot treat with Roundup.
Fusilade II Herbicide does not list milkweed on the product label as a tolerable species to applications. We recommend contacting Syngenta 866-796-4368 to confirm that Fusilade II could be used on it.
You can use Fusilade II Herbicide for over-the-top applications to established daylilies, but Fusilade targets grassy weeds only and will not kill the wild strawberry. Products that will kill the wild strawberry could also potentially harm the daylilies, so you would need to make directed applications, taking care to avoid the desirable plants, or you can remove the strawberry by hand. You could use a non-selective such as RoundUp QuikPro or a broadleaf herbicide such as Fertilome Weed-Out with Trimec for this application, taking care to cover and/or avoid the lilies or other desirable flowers.
The product label for Fusilade II Herbicide does list some species of yucca as tolerable to applications but we recommend contacting Syngenta 866-796-4368 to confirm that Fusilade II could be used on it.