We don’t see any reason why Fusilade II Herbicide and Tenacity cannot be mixed in the same tank. It is recommended to do a jar test first to make sure they will mix well together in the tank.
When stored in a temperature controlled environment and out of direct sunlight, the shelf life of Fusilade II Herbicide is 3-5 years.
Pets need to be kept out of the area while Fusilade II is being applied, but can safely return as soon as everything is fully dry.
Fusilade II Herbicide is safe to apply over clover, ornamentals and certain turf grasses for control of annual and perennial grass weeds. Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental Herbicide does not control broadleaf weeds or sedges (nutgrass).
You should wait 24 hours after applying Fusilade II Herbicide to water the lawn. Be aware Fusilade II Herbicide is only labeled to be used on Tall Fescue when treating for bermudagrass only. It is not labeled to be used on fine fescue.
Fusilade would be a great option for you! It can also be used to remove bermuda grass from tall fescue and zoysia grass when used at reduced rates
It is recommended that you wait at least 14 days after applying Fusilade II Herbicide to overseed/reseed an area. It is recommended that you wait until the reseeded area is established before applying any additional products. This will be after at least three mowings.
Yes, Fusilade II Herbicide will kill rye grass. The mixing ratio is 0.4 - 0.6 per 1,000 sq. ft.
Fusilade II Herbicide is labeled to safely be applied over Junipers. Mix at 0.5 oz Fusilade per gallon water.
Yes, Fusilade II is labeled for post-emergent control of large, smooth, and southern crabgrasses. Be sure to follow the product label directions to be sure it is safe to use in the area where you plan to apply it, and to use a non-ionic surfactant when applying Fusilade II. You can also view all our Crabgrass Products here.
Yes, Fusilade II Herbicide is a very safe product if it is used according to the label. Pets need to be kept out of the treatment area while this product is applied, but can safely return as soon as everything is fully dry.
Fusilade II Herbicide can actually be tank mixed with liquid fertilizers, so you can apply either before or after or at the same time.
You want to apply Fusilade II Herbicide to dry foliage and when there is no rain in the forecast for 24 hours after application.
You can mix Fusilade II Herbicide with other herbicides such as RoundUp Custom. You should use a non-ionic surfactant with these herbicides for best results. Be sure that you are following the more restrictive labeling that pertains to your application needs.