Each Gentrol Point Source Station treats up to 75 square feet for 90 days. Please be aware this product is an insect growth regulator which contains a juvenile growth hormone mimic that retards the growth of certain insects. Gentrol Point Source Stations will cause the roaches to become deformed. It also will prompt the females to prematurely lay their eggs (the eggs will also be affected by the product). Gentrol Point Source should never be used to eliminate a roach population by itself. Gentrol will not kill roaches...it only prevents them from reproducing. You should use roach baits like the Advion Roach Bait Gel and roach sprays like the Cyzmic CS in conjunction with the Gentrol Point Source. Please take a moment to look at our Roach Control Kits.
Since birds are very sensitive, we cannot advise that you apply Gentrol Point Source in any area birds may be in. Please contact your vet to see what chemicals would be safe to use in the bird areas.
Typically you would use 3-4 Gentrol Point Source in a kitchen, but one would be enough for just in the pantry. It will spread up to 75 sqft from where it is placed.
The Gentrol Point Source is designed to work in areas such as open rooms, closets, or cabinets, where the active ingredient vapor can move throughout the space. We would not recommend trying to use the Gentrol Point Source inside a wall void. You could apply an insecticide dust such as CimeXa Insecticide Dust into wall voids for long-lasting control of roaches in this area. Please see our Roach Treatment Guide for more information about treating for this pest.
Gentrol Point Source spreads like a vapor up to 75 sqft from where it has been placed, as long as a young roach has come into contact with the area it is in they will be affected, even if they leave the area. They do not have to stay in the area.
Gentrol Point Source stations last up to 90 days.
Gentrol Point Sources should be used where there is roach activity. There is not a problem placing these point sources near bait. The ideal places include cabinets, closets, pantries, drawers, refuse areas, electrical boxes, equipment, false ceilings, and around doors, expansion joints, pipe chases, dressers, windows, heating and air conditioning ducts, refrigerators, and voids where pests are active.
When a Gentrol Point Source capsule is opened, it releases the active ingredient in microscopic particles that actually fly through the air. As these particles float through the air they land on the listed insects causing growth abnormalities. Target pests do not need to contact the device directly since the active ingredient moves into a localized area.
It is not recommended to use Gentrol Point Source inside an air vent. We would suggest applying it along with a roach bait right outside of the vent.
There would be no added benefit of using the Gentrol Point Source if the Gentrol IGR Concentrate has been applied. It would not repel them from an area, but it would just be a waste of product since they work the same way.
No, Gentrol Point Sources are not harmful to individuals or pets when used on the side of a refrigerator. It is recommended that you keep them out of reach of pets/children.
Yes, Gentrol Point Source can safely be applied to areas like closets or cabinets.