Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 41 to 60 (of 80 questions)
  • Asked by Bill from Kingsville, Md
    How long does it take an application of Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide to become rain proof?

    Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide is rainfast after 1 hour per the product label.

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  • Asked by Jim from Riverside, Ca
    Would Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide be safe for use on a lawn mix of Fescue and Kentucky blue grass?
    I would like to find a product to control unwanted Bermuda.

    Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide is safe to use on Tall Fescue, but not Kentucky Bluegrass, so it would damage your desirable turf if you have these grasses mixed together.

    You can use Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester to help control Bermuda grass in your Fescue and Bluegrass lawn.

    We also recommend calling your local county extension office as they usually know the optimum times for spraying lawns in your area.




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  • Asked by Jesus from Katy
    Is Ornamec safe to use on St. Augustine grass?

    Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide is not for use in any type of lawn.  It is for in and around groundcovers, shrubs, trees, landscape beds, container yards and grower nursery fields to kill grasses, so it could kill St Augustine grass.

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  • Asked by M. from Leasburg, Nc
    Can Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide be used for horse pastures? Are there any grazing restrictions?
    Need to rid pasture of Bermuda grass. Also, could I apply now in late October if our highs stay in 60's and then in Spring for 2nd dose?

    No, Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide cannot be used in areas where animals would graze.  We apologize, but we do not have a product that is labeled for removing bermudagrass from grazing pastures.  We would recommend reaching out to your local cooperative extension office or department of agriculture for a recommendation.  

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  • Asked by William from Alachua, Fl
    Is Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass safe to use on Bahiagrass lawn?

    Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide is not labeled for bahia grass nor is it safe to use on it as it is a grass killer.

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  • Asked by B from Waldorf, Maryland
    According to the directions, Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide must be applied when daytime temperatures are under 85 degrees. Is this for the day of the application, or several days before / after application as well? I am applying to Tall Fescue Lawn.

    As long as you do not apply the Gordons Ornamec Over the Top during the hottest parts of the day when temps would be 85 degrees or higher, it doesn't matter the surrounding days temperatures or the max for that day. If you treat in the early morning or late evening just before sun down, the plants will be under less stress and you will be able to apply it under their recommended temperature range. 

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  • Asked by S from Arkabsas
    Can I spray Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide overtop of my roses to kill the Bermuda growing up around them?

    Yes, Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide can be sprayed over top of your roses to kill the Bermuda. 

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  • Asked by Sherie from Carrollton, Va
    Will Ornamec kill Mugwort in my flower bed?

    Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide is not labeled to target Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris).   It is only for grassy weeds

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  • Asked by Jay from Laurel, Md
    Use with 2,4-D or MCPP?
    Can you use this with 2,4-D or MCPP?
    Good afternoon,

    This product is used for landscape areas and not for lawns.  The products that you mentioned are used in lawns or in agricultural use.  Not sure you would use the two products together because of the label.  You can do a jar test if needed to see if the chemicals are compatible and make sure the products aren't separating.  Let me know if you have any questions.


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  • Asked by Rob from Ozark, Ar
    Will Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide control Andropogon viginicus, aka broomsedge..
    I have a wildflower meadow which is being outcompeted by broomsedge, which is a native grass. I don't want to start from scratch by killing everything with Roundup.

    Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide is not labeled to control broomsedges, only certain types of grasses.    We would recommend to contact your local cooperative extension office and speak to the master gardener for more information regarding control and only mentions using glyphosate to kill it. Most of the literature we're finding has to do with cultural control rather than herbicide control. Here's a link we were able to find, I hope it will be useful: http://plants.usda.gov/factsheet/pdf/fs_anvi2.pdf

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  • Asked by Cleta from Idaho Falls
    Can I use Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide to kill turfgrass in my Iris beds?

    Yes, Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide is labeled to control a broad range of grasses safe for groundcovers, shrubs, trees, landscape beds, container yards and grower nursery fields. Please refer to the product label for the grassy weeds you are targeting. 

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  • Asked by Robert from Goode, Va
    Will Ornamec kill Japanese stiltgrass?

    Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide is not labeled for Japanese Stiltgrass. You could use Blindside herbicide which is labeled for stiltgrass. Be sure your type of turf is tolerant to this product. 

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  • Asked by Corey from Abilene Ks
    How long do I have to wait to water the grass after I have applied Gordons Ornamec Over the Top Grass Herbicide?

    You should wait at least 24 hours after application of Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide to water the area.

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  • Asked by Cliff from Marion, Nc 18752
    How much Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide is needed per gallon of water to eliminate bermudagrass in my 12k sq ft lawn?
    When is the best time to apply? Do I need to wait 14 days to reseed after the application?

    Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide can be used to eliminate bermudagrass in Tall Fescue and Zoysiagrass lawns only. The application rates will be determined by which type of turfgrass you have and the time of year you are planning to apply.

    Please refer to Sections 3.1 & 3.2 on page 2 of the product label for recommended rates and timing for each turfgrass.

    A Non Ionic Surfactant is also recommended for best results. 

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  • Asked by Amanda from Chapel Hill, Tn
    Can Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide be used to control bermudagrass in Turf Type Tall Fescue in summer heat?
    I've got a section of TTTF lawn that is being invaded with bermudagrass, and we are experiencing an unseasonal heat wave for June in my area. Running out of time to get this down before the heat sets in for good this summer. What can I expect if I go ahead and spray the next time temps are below 85 degrees? The infestation is so bad, I'm looking at a glyphosate kill off this fall if I don't get the bermuda under control with the Ornamec, so I'm more than willing to risk some damage to the fescue. That said, I would love to know what I can expect if I go ahead and spot spray the Ornamec. The TTTF is irrigated and not showing signs of distress. Also, is there a better time of day to spray? In the evening?

    The manufacturer does advise only to apply Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide in the Spring and the Fall for the control of Bermuda in tall fescue, and advises extreme caution when applying in the hot summer months of July and August, according to the product label.  It would not be advisable to apply this product if the current temperatures are unseasonably high. 

    In general, during summer months when temperatures reach their hottest during the day, herbicides should be applied in the early morning or late afternoon evening when they are at the coolest for the day (between 65-85 degrees) to prevent inurying desirable turf. 

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  • Asked by Ron from San Angelo Texas
    Will Ornamec kill ornamental grasses such as Karley Rose fountain grass?
    Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide states that it will hurt fountain grass. we would recommend not getting this product on it, only treating the grass directly. 
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  • Asked by Darnell from Greensboro, Nc
    Is it ok to fertilize my lawn before or after applying Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide?
    How much time should I wait before applying fertilizer to my lawn after using Ornamec ?... if fertilizing my lawn prior how long should I wait before using ornamec?

    There are no restrictions on the product label for fertilizing before or after an application of Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top. It is typically recommended to wait 7 days between applications as a precaution to avoid injury. 

    View our Lawn Care Schedule for Warm & Cool Season Lawns for general timing recommendations or contact your County Cooperative Extension Office for exact timing recommendations for your area. 

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  • Asked by Garland from Powhatan
    I just started a wildflower meadow (seeds sown last fall) and I have a lot of weedy grass coming up in it.
    Can I use this product to control grassy weeds in my wildflower meadow?
    Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide can be applied to the ornamentals on the label without harming them. If the ornamentals in question are not on the label, we cannot say how it would/wouldn’t affect them. It would be best to a spot treatment with them first. 
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  • Asked by Patricia from La Plata, Md
    Which product is best to control dallisgrass, and hopefully kill it w/ repeated applications in tall fescue?
    The label for Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top mentions suppressing dallisgrass with a single Spring time application. I've also seen Fusilade II and Dismiss NXT recommended for dallisgrass suppression, but I don't find dallisgrass listed on those product labels. I know dallisgrass is difficult to control, but other than glyphosate, which herbicide is best for suppression in residential tall fescue yard?
    Since dallisgrass is not listed on the product labels of the Fusilade or Dismiss NXT, we would not recommend using these products as results are not guaranteed. We strictly go by the product labels' information as the labels are law. Gordons Ornamec Over the Top Grass Herbicide has been discontinued. Gordons Ornamec 170 Grass Herbicide can be used as an alternative. You may view the product label here for more information and complete application instructions. The only other option that we carry other than non selective herbicides for a post emergent application would be a product called Pylex Herbicide which can be pretty expensive.
    You could also consider doing a pre emergent application to prevent the dallisgrass from coming up in the first place. A product like Dimension 2EW would be a good option. You may view the product label here
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  • Asked by Jayson from Charlotte Nc
    How long after applying can I reapply ornamec
    Per the label, repeat applications of Gordons Ornamec Over-The-Top Grass Herbicide can be made t 28 to 30 days.
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Displaying 41 to 60 (of 80 questions)