For control of susceptible woody plants and to prevent or control regrowth from cut stumps, mix 4 gallons of Crossbow Herbicide in diesel oil, No. 1 or No. 2 fuel oil, or kerosene to make 100 gallons of spray mixture.
Crossbow Herbicide will become rainfast in 4-6 hours after application but it would be recommended to apply when no rain is forecasted within 24 hours.
According to the label, Crossbow Herbicide should not be used in areas where the water table is shallow and the soil is permeable because it will contaminate the water. We generally recommend that you use any herbicides at least 10-15 feet away from the well.
We recommend to mow at least 2 days prior to Crossbow Herbicide and 2 after application.
Chickens can be returned to the area treated with Crossbow Herbicide once dry.
Yes, Crossbow Herbicide is concentrated. Most all of the professional products that we sell are concentrated. Please read the product label for dilution and application measurements and instructions.
Crossbow Herbicide will not volatilize as long as it is not applied when temperatures exceed 85 degrees, or can be applied and dry before temperatures reach this range.
Depending on what you are treating for, please find product label, you would mix approx. 2oz Crossbow per gallon water. The mix rate will vary according to what you are treating for.
Crossbow is not labeled for use on home lawns so we cannot advise that you can apply along with a fertilizer.
When applying Crossbow Herbicide, the applicator needs to wear shirt, shoes, socks, pants, and chemical resistant gloves. If applying in a non-ventilated area, applicator will need to wear a respirator mask.
Typically any wildlife living in that area is going to move out while you are doing any clearing, walking, towing, or spraying of a product in that area. Products like Crossbow are designed to be safe for people and pets once dry and the safety likely is the same for wildlife. This time of year with hot temperatures surfaces should dry within about 30 min to an hour after spraying depending on how heavily you put it on the target plants. If you can find anything to do in that area for about 30 min after you spray to help keep the wildlife from moving back in for a bit they should be safe to return to their normal habitats and routine.
can take to two weeks to burn down. Please allow for more time.
Crossbow Herbicide lists on the product label that it is toxic to fish and may be toxic to aquatic invertabrates. Drift and runoff may be hazardous so treatment should be kept at least 15 feet away from the shoreline to prevent getting into the water. A better option would be something actually labeled for use around aquatic sites such as Diquat or Rodeo.
Crossbow Herbicide is known to be a great product to kill brush and other unwanted woody plants. You should not spray if it is windy, and be careful that over spray does not get on the desirable trees. Crossbow Herbicide is not supposed to harm established grasses and should pose no threat on your Bahia grass, according to the manufacturer. This being said, we always recommend treating a small area first to test the results. As long as your grass is not stressed by drought and it is healthy the grass will not be harmed. Before using Crossbow Herbicide we suggest going over the product label.
Crossbow Herbicide is labeled to make a maximum of 2 applications per year on annual & perennial weeds, and once per year for woody plants. However, if the Sumac is that thick, we would certainly wait until it is cut back completely and then apply the product to get the best results possible.
Yes, Crossbow Herbicide will eliminate star thistle. The mixing rate is 2 fl oz per gallon of water.