A gallon of Hi - Yield 2, 4 - D Selective Weed Killer treats up to 1/2 acre.
Hi - Yield 2, 4 - D Selective Weed Killer can damage trees if the roots are sprayed directly during application. It is best to keep applications outside the dripline of any desirable trees.
Hi - Yield 2, 4 - D Selective Weed Killer is not labeled for Virginia buttonweed. Blindside is a better option.
The Hi-Yield 2, 4 -D Selective Weed Killer is not labeled for Moss or Poison Oak
Hi-Yeild 2, 4 - D Selective Weed Killer would damage or kill your flowers if they were sprayed. If you use it in those areas you would have to be very careful to avoid drift and root zone of any desirable plants as it could cause damage.
It is recommended that you apply Hi-Yield 2, 4-D Selective Weed Killer when the temperature is at least about 55 degrees Fahrenheit. We do not recommend applying if you are expecting a freeze within about 24 hours of the application since this will put extra stress on the turfgrass. Most plants are not actively when it is that cold, thus reducing the efficacy of the herbicide.
It is recommended that you wait until soil temperatures are at least 55 degrees consistently to apply Hi-Yield 2, 4-D Selective Weed Killer. Do not apply when temperatures are over 90 degrees F or in the middle heat of the day. Applications are best when applied early morning or late evening.
Hi - Yield 2, 4 - D Selective Weed Killer is labeled to kill Wild Onion.
The mixing ratios for Hi - Yield 2, 4 - D Selective Weed Killer will vary according to where you are treating and what you are treating for. According to the product label, for Spot treatment in non-crop areas: Use 1 pint in 3 gallons of water or 4 oz. in 3/4 gallon in a hand sprayer. In pastures and range land: Use 3 to 4 oz. in 1 to 3 gallons of water per 1,000 sq. ft. On Ornamental Turf: Use 16 oz. in 1 to 8 gallons of water per 2,725 sq. ft. or 2 gallons in 15 to 50 gallons per acre. Please review the product label for complete usage instructions
Yes, you could apply Hi-Yield 2,4-D after your fertilizer or herbicide. Be sure any granule products have already been watered in and dried before you use sprays like this one. You should also avoid mowing within 2 days of your herbicide applications.
Hi - Yield 2, 4 - D Selective Weed Killer is labeled to target carpetweed but does not list spurweed specifically on the label. It should only be applied to established turfgrasses as listed.
Hi-Yield 2, 4-D Selective Weed Killer should not be used inside your garden. It will kill the flowers there since they are considered broadleaf weeds. This product should only be used on and around lawns, drainage ditch banks, pastures, etc.
While Hi - Yield 2, 4 - D Selective Weed Killer is labeled to kill water lilies it is not labeled to kill Lilies of the Valley.
No, Hi Yield 2,4D Selective Weed Killer cannot be broadcast sprayed over the top of flower beds or shrubs as this will injure or possibly kill them. If treating broadleaf weeds in flower beds/shrubs with a selective herbicide, you would have to carefully spot treat the weeds directly and avoid any overspray. Broadleaf weeds are best removed by hand pulling or using a non selective like Roundup to spot treat the weeds as this will not leach into other plants or flowers.
There are over the top herbicides like Grass Out Max that are labeled to kill actively growing grassy weeds in flower beds without risk of injury to the flowers, bushes or shrubs. Always check the product label to be sure your specific flowers or ornamentals are listed as tolerant to the herbicide. Another option is to apply a pre-emergent such as Snapshot Herbicide Granules that will stop weeds from germinating in flower beds and around ornamentals.
*Grass Out Max is recommended to use with a Non Ionic Surfactant for best results.
Hi-Yield 2, 4-D Selective Weed Killer does not list spurge as a target weed on the product label. You may consider instead Monterey Spurge Power as an alternative, which does control spurge along with several other weeds. You can refer to the product label for complete application instructions, and use as directed. Be sure you only use products labeled as safe for your turfgrass.
Yes, Hi Yield 2, 4-D Selective Weed Killer will control or kill ironweed. Please refer to the product label to check for any other types of weeds you may have.
If you are applying Hi-Yield 2, 4-D Selective Weed Killer in an area where animals will graze, then you would need to wait a minimum of 30 days after application before allowing animals back into the treated area. If you are applying in a non-grazing area, they would need to be kept out of the area while spraying and until the product dries completely.
Hi - Yield 2, 4 - D Selective Weed Killer is not labeled to be used around trees for broadleaf weed control. Roundup Quick Pro can be used to spot treat actively growing weeds around desirables as it will not leach in to the soil on only kill the weeds/grasses where applied.
Southern Ag Surflan A.S. Herbicide is labeled for pre-emergent control of puncturevine weeds around arborvitaes trees. Pre-emergents should be applied before the weeds start to germinate in early spring though summer and after increased rainfall. Seedlings can stay in the soil for 3-6 years so repeat applications will be required each season to gain control.
Hi - Yield 2, 4 - D Selective Weed Killer and glyphosate based products can be tanked mixed together providing a Compatibility Test in a small glass jar has been done prior to mixing in the sprayer to determine the physical compatibility of the 2 herbicides.
Always refer to the individual product labels for Tank Mixing/Compatibility Test instructions.