Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 101 to 120 (of 220 questions)
  • Asked by Tina from Cashmere, Wa
    Will Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide work on Goat Heads (Puncturevines)?

    Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension is a pre-emergent herbicide that will prevent sandbur (Cenchrus species), but it does not prevent goathead or puncturevine. Unfortunately, we do not know of a pre-emergent that will prevent goathead/puncturevine/Tribulus terrestris. There are many post-emergent herbicides for this weed, such as Fertilome Weed Free Zone.

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  • Asked by Mark from Raleigh, Nc
    Can I use a pre emergent like Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide to control henbit?
    I use weed killer but it comes back quickly.
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  • Asked by Wayne from New Bedford, Massachusetts
    Can you apply Milorganite and Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper at the same time?

    Yes, you can use a fertilizer and a pre-emergent such as Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension at the same time as long as your lawn needs both of those applications. You will not need to fertilize turfgrass that is already dormant or has not yet started growing in the spring.

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  • Asked by Chad from Defiance,ohio
    How much does a 35 pound bag of Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide cover?

    A 35 lb bag of Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide treats up to 10,000 to 15,000 sq. ft. 

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  • Asked by Michael from Tracy
    Can Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide be applied with Ferti-Lome Weed-Out?

    You could potentially apply Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension at the same as using Fertilome Weed-Out with Trimec. Just keep in mind that the Weed-Out is a post-emergent herbicide that will work best on listed broadleaf weeds that are actively growing. You want to wait at least 24 hours before watering or rainfall after appling this product. The Weed and Grass Stopper, however, is a pre-emergent herbicide which does need to be watered into the soil to be activated. For this reason, you may want to apply these products a few days apart.

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  • Asked by Nicholas from Quinton, Va
    Is there a similar product to Dimension 2EW that is available in a smaller size?
    Research tells that Dimension 2EW is the product I need to use. My concern is if I can use it up before it effectiveness diminishes in 3 years. Since you offer 64 oz. as the smallest size, is there a different product that is in a smaller quantity that is just as effective?

    Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide is a granule alternative to the liquid that treats smaller areas. 

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  • Asked by Jacqueline from Aldie Va
    Can Hi Yield and Grass Stopper burn established lawn?

    When used as directed no the Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide should not burn an established lawn.

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  • Asked by Paul from Monroe, Tn
    How long after using Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide can I reseed grass?

    You will need to wait at least 12 weeks after application of Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide before reseeding. 

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  • Asked by Adam from Walkersville, Md
    If I were to overseed in early September, how long would I have to wait to apply Hi Yield with Dimension after seeding?

    If you plan to overseed you would want to wait until the seed has come up and been mowed at least twice or wait at least 4-6 weeks (whichever comes first) before putting down an application of Hi Yield with Dimension. Normally seeding and pre emergents cannot be used in the same season due to the timing needed for each being so close together. 

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  • Asked by Dave from Roseville, Ca
    Does Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide affect the growth of Bermuda grass?

    Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide should be applied to lawns that are well established.  If you are referring to any issues with runners of bermudagrass it should not inhibit them.  It would only do so if seeding.

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  • Asked by Nancy from Corpus Christi
    I'm looking for something to control Bermuda grass in my flower beds. Can I use Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper to prevent?

    Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide will not prevent bermuda grass from growing.  For grassy weeds in ornamentals it is best to use a post emergent such as Fertilome Over the Top.

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  • Asked by Donna from Niagara, Wi
    Can I use Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide in an area where I have blackberries?

    Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide cannot be applied in areas where you have or are going to plant anything edible. It can stay in the soil for up to 4-6 months. As an alternative, you could use a pre-emergent like Casaron.

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  • Asked by Jenny from Nj
    I applied way too much Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide. What should I do?
    I applied 15lbs to 1000 sq feet of ornamentals since I didn't calibrate it right. Will this kill my plants? Is there something I can do to remedy this?

    The only way to reduce the effects of an herbicide such as Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide would be use an activated charcoal pretty immediately after applying (within hours). If you have contacted intolerant grass/plants with an herbicide by mistake, you will mostly have to wait and see what happens since result will vary depending on the rate used and overall health of the desirable plants.  You may also try reaching out to VPG directly for advice, 888-583-5296

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  • Asked by Edh
    Does Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimensionact as a pre emergent and a post emergent?

    Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide is mainly a pre-emergent.  It has very early post emergent control of crabgrass only, not any other weeds.  

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  • Asked by Hank
    Will Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide kill St Augustine grass if watered 2 days after application?

    Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide will not kill St. Augustine grasses if watered in 2 days after application. Please keep in mind we recommend to water in within 24 hours of application. 

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  • Asked by Ronni from Passaic, Nj
    How safe is Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide around spring bulbs?
    Would this prevent my spring bulbs from coming up such as tulips, daffodils, allium, etc.?

    Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide can only be applied around established ornamentals.  If applied over newly planted bulbs, or newly established plantings, it can prohibit growth.  

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  • Asked by Charlie from Jacksonville, Fl
    What pre emergent herbicide do I need for north Florida?
    How much for 1/2 acre lot

    Hi-Yield Turf & Ornamental Weed and Grass Stopper would be a great spring pre-emergent.

    12 lb. treats up to 3,500 to 5,000 sq. ft.
    35 lb. treats up to 10,000 to 15,000 sq. ft.

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  • Asked by Dann from Newburgh, Indiana
    Will Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide kill poa annua that has germinated?

     Hi-Yield Weed & Grass Stopper with Dimension will not kill existing poa annua. It is a fantastic product and one of many we carry that would do a great job of preventing poa annua germination when applied at the right time. It can be hard to get rid of poa annua in lawns with a post-emergent, depending on what kind of turfgrass you may have. If you want to let us know what turf you have we can see if we have a post-emergent product that would work for you. 


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  • Asked by Robert from Ga
    Is theHi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide the best herbicide for poa annua in Bermuda?

    Certainty will kill actively growing poa and is safe on Bermuda as directed. Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension Herbicide can be applied to established turf as directed in the fall for a pre-emergent application. 

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  • Asked by Shirley
    I live in Oklahoma. When will be the best time to apply Hi Yield herbicide granules in my fescue yard?
    The yard had crabgrass and some other kind of weeds. I hope this Hi yield herbicide will eliminate this.
    You should contact your local cooperative extension office and speak to the master gardener on staff to see when they recommend you apply the product as this timing will vary widely from region to region.
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Displaying 101 to 120 (of 220 questions)