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Sto from San Jose, Ca writes

How best to use premixed fogging solutions in the VectorFog BY100

The instructions for the BY100 say to only put diesel or water solution in the main tank. The insecticide chemical goes in the top, a separate tank which gets mixed with the fuel it seems. Because there's a separate tank for the fuel and the chemical, can I use a premixed formula like ULD BP-100 with this fogger? The instructions specifically say using a premixed formula can cause clogging. If I can't use a premixed formula, what insecticide can I mix with diesel/water for this fogger?


Yes, you can use ULD BP-100 in the Vector Fog BY100 Mini Thermal Fogger. This product is not pre-mixed with anything. What they mean by pre-mixed would be ULD BP-100 mixed with oil before putting it in its proper tank in the fogger. You will put the oil/diesel in its proper place and put the insecticide in its place.

Answer last updated on: 03/31/2015

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