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Laurie from Whitfield County, Georgia writes

How do I mix and apply NyGuard IGR for flea and roach treatment?

How should I mix Nyguard to treat house (indoor and covered porch area) with flea AND American Cockroach problem? Can it be applied with a regular spray bottle?


NyGuard IGR should be diluted with water and applied with a hand pump sprayer. For both fleas and cockroaches, it is recommend to use an adulticide (insecticide) along with the NyGuard: NyGuard will not kill existing adult insects; it will only affect immature stages. An insecticide like Onslaught Insecticide would be great to use with NyGuard for roaches and fleas. You would use 0.5 to 1.0 fl. oz. of Onslaught with 8 mL of NyGuard IGR per gallon of water and apply as a broadcast spray in areas with fleas, such as carpets. For roaches, treats cracks and crevices where these insects hide or are likely to travel. Please see our Treatment Guides for these pests for more tips and information: Roach Treatment Guide Flea Treatment Guide

Answer last updated on: 09/15/2016

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NyGuard IGR

NyGuard IGR

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