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Robert from Statesboro, Ga writes

How many ounces of Celsius WG Herbicide would I need to treat 3 acres of a Centipede lawn for dallisgrass?

I'll try to be specific for an accurate reply. I have just over 3 acres, my targeted weed is Dallisweed. I have a 50 gal boom sprayer that dispenses 12 ounces of liquid in 100 feet. Per the label for Dallisweed "0.113 oz (3.2 g) of product per 1,000 sq ft" So, for 120,000 feet, that would be 0.113 x 120 = 13.56 oz of product. Please advise.


If you are treating 3 acres, that is a total of 130,680 sq feet. If applying at the high rate of 0.113 oz per 1,000 sq ft, you would use a total 14.75 oz of Celsius WG Herbicide

Per the product label for Dallisgrass Control: This product in combination with REVOLVER® Herbicide (2 fl oz per gallon) and MSO at 1% v/v applied as a spot treatment in late summer or early fall will suppress and/or control dallisgrass. Applications made sooner may not be effective. Add the specified product rate of 0.085 - 0.113 oz (2.4 - 3.2 g) to enough water to create approximately one gallon of spray solution. One gallon of spray solution will treat up to 1,000 sq ft. Make a second application if regrowth is observed 30-60 days later, but do not exceed 0.17 oz (4.8 g) of product per 1,000 sq. ft. in a calendar year

Answer last updated on: 08/24/2021

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Celsius WG Herbicide

Celsius WG Herbicide

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