How much water you will use to apply a pre-emergent herbicide like kes Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer is not as important as using the correct amount of herbicide per 1000 sq/ft per the product label. This is going to be watered into the soil to be activated as well. Depending on your turf type and instructions on the Product Label, you can use 1.1 to 1.6 fl oz per 1000 sq ft you are treating for most applications.
We have a video here to help you with calibrating your sprayer if needed.
Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer will last for 2-4 months if using the 2.1 qt/acre rate or 6-8 months if using the 4.2 qt/acre.
Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer is best applied by itself in early spring and late fall to prevent weeds from germinating but can also be tank mixed with post emergent herbicides when weeds are actively growing. Per the product label, the efficacy of Sandbur & Crabgrass Preventer will be best if the application is followed by one-half inch of rainfall or its equivalent in sprinkler irrigation. If Sandbur & Crabgrass Preventer is not activated by rainfall or irrigation within 30 days, weed control may be erratic.
product label for Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer states, "Delay reseeding or winter overseeding of treated turfgrass for at least three (3) months following the last Sandbur & Crabgrass Preventer application."
Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer should be applied in the Spring prior to soil temperatures reaching 55 degrees and/or in the Fall when soil temperatures start hitting 70 degrees and dropping. How much water you will use to apply a pre-emergent herbicide like this one is not as important as using the correct amount of herbicide. The water is acting as the carrier. This is going to be watered into the soil to be activated as well. Depending on your turf type, you can use 1.1 to 1.6 fl oz per 1000 sq ft for most applications.
We have a new video here to help you with calibrating your sprayer.
Please be sure to review the product label for more information and complete application instructions.
Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer provides superior pre-emergent control of grassy and broadleaf weeds. This product can be applied safely to cool and warm season grasses listed on the product label without harming desired turf grass if used as directed. It would not kill anything already growing.
Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer is not labeled for use on areas where horses graze.
Pastora Herbicide is recommended for pre emergent control of listed weeds and has no grazing restrictions. View the full product label for more information.
For actively growing weeds, GrazonNext HL Herbicide can be used for post ermergent applications which also has no grazing restrictions. View the full product label for more information.
Yes, Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer is labeled to be used on Centipede grass for sandbur control. The mix rate for residential turfgrass is 1.1 to 1.6fl oz. Please refer to page 7 of the product label for the complete list of application rates and instructions.
Yes, Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer can be use in turf - residential, golf course and commercial. Please refer to the product label for application rates and more information.
Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer is not labeled for use in grazing areas. You may browse our Range and Pasture products here.
Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer should be applied in the Spring prior to soil temperatures reaching 55 degrees and/or in the Fall when soil temperatures start hitting 70 degrees and dropping. There is a web site called that tracks soil temperatures by your zip code.
In states where soil temps stay warm pretty much year round like Florida, residents use pre emergents on a quarterly basis due to the warmer climate and extended growing seasons. Pre emergent applications during summer months will not harm your turf, we just cannot guarantee any preventative results.
If you need to control existing crabgrass in a warm season lawn such as bermuda, centipede, zoysia, or st augustine, you can use a product like Blindside WDG as a spot spray or broadcast application over the lawn.
It is advised to keep animals off the area while applying Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer and until the treated area is completely dry.
Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer is a pre-emergent therefore will not kill any established grasses or weeds and will only prevent grassy and broadleaf weeds from germinating. This product can interfere with new seeding and overseed applications though.
Do not apply Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer to newly seeded lawns until after 4 mowings and do not reseed or overseed for 3 months following an application. P
lease view the full product label for more information.
Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer should be applied at the labeled rates listed in the Rate Chart on page 6 of the product label for early weed prevention. Applications at the 2 fl oz per 2 gallons of water would be less the rates advised for best results.
Per the Rate Chart, application rates range from 1.1 fl oz to 1.6 fl oz in 2 gallons of water per 1000 sq ft. Please note that some target weeds suggest a 2nd application 5 to 8 weeks after the initial treatment.
Please view the product label for more information.Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer is not labeled to be used where animals graze.
Pastora Herbicide is labeled for crabgrass and has no grazing restrictions following the application you can view the product label here
There is also Rezilon 200SC Pre Emergent Herbicide available. Please review the product label here.
A hose end sprayer is not recommended for applying herbicides such as Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer as it is difficult to regulate or ensure that you are using sufficient water volume to cover 1000 sq ft. With herbicides, it is recommended to apply using a low pressure (25 to 50 psi) hand pump sprayer or backpack sprayer (for larger areas) would be recommended.
Refer the Chart on page 6 of the product label for application rates based on the type of turfgrass you have.
Ike's Sandbur and Crabgrass Preventer does not come in a granule but there is a granule pre-emergent made by another manufacturer with the same active ingredient called Pendulum 2G.