ImidaPro 4SC - Gallon

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5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.8

6 Reviews | 12 Q&A

Product Overview

ImidaPro 4SC has the highest concentration of imidacloprid for use in and around poultry facilities and on many agricultural crops. ImidaPro 4SC provides control of hide and darkling beetles, mites, thrips, crickets, and 100 other insects listed in the label. ImidaPro 4SC works systemically on many agricultural crops, vegetables, and fruit trees.

Same active ingredient as Dominion and Credo.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Imidacloprid 40.7%
Target pests Aphids, Crickets, Flea Beetles, Grasshoppers, Japanese Beetles, Leaf-hoppers, Mites, Pepper Weevil, Thrips, Sting Bugs, Whiteflies, White Grubs, Wireworms and others
* See label for complete list
For use in Commercial Indoors & Outdoors: In & Around Poultry Facilities; Agricultural Crops, including Cotton, Potatoes, Tobacco, Cucurbit Vegetables, Greenhouse Vegetables, Fruiting Vegetables, Herbs, Leafy Vegetables and others
* See label for complete list
Application Poultry Facilities: 3.2 oz. per 1-2 gallons of water per 1,000 sq. ft.
Agricultural Crops: 0.05 - 1.6 oz. per 1,000 ft. row
* See label for complete application instructions
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label
Formulation Professional Product
Group 4A Insecticide
Shipping Weight 2.85 lbs
Manufacturer Agrisel
UPC 858916001334
EPA Registration 42750-140-72159



For soil applications of ImidaPro 4SC, direct product into the seed or root-zone of crop. Failure to place ImidaPro 4SC into root-zone may result in loss of control or delay in onset of activity. ImidaPro 4SC may be applied with ground or chemigation application equipment.

Do not apply ImidaPro 4SC in enclosed structures such as planthouses or greenhouses except as specified in the Tobacco, Cucurbit Vegetables, FruitIng Vegetables and Greenhouse Vegetables, (Mature plants in production greenhouses): Cucumber, Tomato only sections of this label.

Foliar applications of ImidaPro 4SC must be applied as a directed or broadcast foliar spray. Thorough coverage of foliage, without runoff, is necessary for optimum insecticidal efficacy. Use adequate spray volumes, properly calibrated application equipment, and spray adjuvant if necessary to obtain thorough coverage. Failure to provide adequate coverage and retention of ImidaPro 4SC on leaves and fruit may result in loss of insect control or delay in onset of activity. ImidaPro 4SC may be applied with properly calibrated ground or aerial application equipment. Minimum specified spray volumes, unless otherwise stated in the crop-specific application sections, are 10 gallons per acre by ground and 5 gallons per acre by air. ImidaPro 4SC may also be applied by overhead chemigation (see additional information in “Chemigation” section on this label below) if allowed in crop-specific application sections.

When applied as a soil application, optimum activity of ImidaPro 4SC results from applications to the root-zone of plants to be protected. The earlier ImidaPro 4SC is available to the developing plant, the earlier the protection begins. ImidaPro 4SC is continuously taken into roots over a long period of time, and the systemic nature of ImidaPro 4SC allows movement from roots through the xylem tissue to all vegetative parts of the plant. This results in extended residual activity of ImidaPro 4SC, the control of insects, and the prevention and/or reduction of virus transmission or symptom expression. The rate of ImidaPro 4SC applied affects the length of the plant protection. Use the specified higher rates when infestations occur later in crop development or where pest pressure is continuous. ImidaPro 4SC will generally not control insects infesting flowers, blooms, or fruit. Additional crop protection may be required for insects feeding in or on these plant parts, and for insects not listed in the crop-specific, pests-controlled sections of this label. Additionally, specific ImidaPro 4SC application instructions are provided in the crop-specific sections of this label.

A surfactant may be used to improve coverage. Formulated and made right here in the USA.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    white flies gone.

    By Cc on 05/06/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Took a few weeks but it cleared palm trees of white flies.

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    6 of 6 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Reliable Product

    By Gary on 03/31/2016

    I have used ImidaPro for several years with great success controlling various insect pests and it is a product that lives up to its name by 100% control by using it per instructions on strength and coverage as well as application methods. And DoMyOwnPestControl is by far the best place to purchase....they have the needed products in stock at very reasonable prices....and great Tech. Support when needed.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    White Flies Gone ON Collards

    By Thomas on 11/19/2014

    Verified Purchase

    I had my doubts about this product in one week because the white flies were still there.The tenth day after it had rained earlier they were all gone. This product is well worth the price because you use such a small amount needed to do the job. T.W.Short.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    ImidaPro 4SC

    By Jerry on 06/10/2017

    I use the ImidaPro as a systemic for aphids. This does away with that annoying sticky stuff that gets on everything under the tree. This is a concentrated formula that is much less expensive than the pre-mixed version. Apply annually in June and forget about aphids.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great stuff!

    By Keef on 07/26/2019

    Used this for pink mealy bugs on bamboo, white flies on aphids and thrips on gardenias. It even seemed to get rid of black spot on my hibiscus. I would make one recommendation though. This version (4SC) is a higher concentration meant for commercial farming and you won't find any directions for diluting for small residential uses. After some research I found dilution instructions under the 2SC version which is also sold here. 2SC is the same stuff just in a less concentrated formula. Please follow directions and take necessary precautions and be very careful as this is serious stuff. I did not spray it. I mixed a 1-1/2 gal batch at a time and poured it around the base of the plants and let it soak into the roots. I personally would not use this on or near any fruit trees or edible plants.

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Questions & Answers

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Is Imidapro 4SC systemic? How can I use the product as a soil drench for citrus trees?

My citrus are badly infested with leafminers. I need something that works systemic. I don't like to spray. How long will it take to work?


Imidapro 4SC is a systemic product that you can use as a soil/root drench. Like all systemic products it will depend on the size of the tree, the level of moisture and the health of the tree to determine how long it will take the product to translocate through the tree. It could take a week or two for small to medium trees and several weeks for large trees.

You will use .1 fl oz (3ml) of Imidapro 4SC per inch of diameter of the trunk at breast height. You will mix the product into one quart of water per inch. For example: if the tree is 18 inches around (at chest height) divide by 3.14 to get the diameter = 5.73 inches. For this tree you will need to use .6 fl oz (18 ml) mixed in 5 quarts of water. We do recommend making sure the soil is moist prior to the application and that you keep the soil moist for at least two weeks after the applications to help increase translocation.

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Can ImidaPro 4SC be prepared as a drench to control emerald ash borer?
ImidaPro 4SC is really labeled for agricultural uses and doesn't really have instructions for treating EAB on trees. Imidapro 2SC on the other hand would be a better choice because it is labeled for use on regular trees to control emerald ash borers.

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How often do I have to use ImidaPro 4SC on citrus?

I followed your instruction for citrus to treat leafminers. How often do I have to treat my citrus trees? Every six months, every year? Please advise.

Typically, you would want to treat your citrus trees for leafminers with Imidapro 4SC in the early spring and late fall, or about every 6 months. This will provide you with the most optimal protection.

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How do I treat for Ambrosia beetle treatment of large trees?

We have lost two trees and do not want to lose any more. Our home is in Lowell NC. We do have tree service but until now they haven't attempted to treat for this problem and are proposing a very expensive treatment. Perhaps we will be able to this ourselves?


Once in the tree, Ambrosia Beetle is quite hard to treat for. We recommend to take down the trees that are already infected and chip them. Then you can protect the other trees by using a systemic product like Imidapro 4SC.

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how many gallons will the 32 oz make and can this be used on lawn grass for whitegrub?
Imidapro 4SC is actually labeled for agricultural uses and is not labeled for use on home lawns for grub control. The amount of end product one bottle will make will vary greatly depending on the application. For residential lawns you should choose the Imidapro 2SC which is labeled for your needs. Apply 1.25 to 1.6 pints per acre (equivalent to 0.46 to 0.6 fl. oz. (14 to 17 mL) per 1,000 sq. ft.). Make application prior to egg hatch of grubs, billbugs, annual bluegrass weevil, and European Crane fly to maximize control. Each 32 oz bottle of the 2SC can cover almost 2 acres for grub control.

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ImidaPro 4SC 5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.8 (6 Reviews / 12 Q&A)

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