Product Q&A

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Sandra writes

Is Demize Nylar IGR effective outdoors?

If so, how do I apply it? If not, will you recommend an outdoor treatment?


Demize Nylar IGR is a product that is meant to treat fleas and roaches indoors.  Although you could use it outdoors, it is not recommended because it is not formulated to remain effective when it is in sunlight.  It breaks down very quickly.  We do carry another IGR product that is formulated for outdoors and is photo-stable called Archer IGR.  It works the same way as the Demize Nylar IGR, which is to prevent adult fleas and roaches from reproducing.  These products are effective in slowing down populations, but you should mix these products with a insecticide for faster knockdown of adult insects such as Conquer or Onslaught.  You can mix the Archer IGR and one of the other insecticide products I mentioned in a one gallon hand pump sprayer and apply it over your yard and landscape.  All of the products mentioned can also be used indoors as well.   Indoor Flea Control Outdoor Flea Control

Answer last updated on: 09/24/2009

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Demize Nylar IGR

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