Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer should not damaged ornamentals such as your hydrangeas when applied as directed on the label.
The Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer should not be applied with any type of duster. It is meant to be sprinkled dry over the ant mounds. Evenly distribute 1-2 teaspoons over each mound.
We are not medical professionals and we are not qualified to give medical advice. Please contact your veterinarian and show them the Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer SDS here.
Surrender Fire Ant Killer is labeled for Outdoors and should not be used inside at all.. We would recommend cleaning up product used in home and removing with mild soap and contacting the manufacturer directly for further advice on removal.
Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer can be used in flower beds once a year for mound treatments. Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait that is labeled for mound and a broadcast application and is applied on a dry day when you are not expecting any rainfall for atleast 24 hours.
Since Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer is only labeled for direct mound treatments of fire ants and not a liquid concentrate or granule insecticide that is mixed with water or required to be watered in, there should be no concern applying to properties with a well. We do recommend keeping 5ft away from the well opening as a precaution.
Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer is highly toxic to birds and is also highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops or weeds, according to the product label. Although not specified by the manufacturer, lizards could potentially be adversely effected by this product as well.
You may wish to contact Control Solutions directly for clarification and product support by either calling 1-800-242-5562, or via their website's contact page here.
We have never heard that dogs or other animals are attracted to the smell of Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer
Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer is not labeled for fleas or pets. Here is a link for products that are labeled for fleas on dogs.
Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer is very toxic to birds/poultry. Never place anywhere it can be accessed by birds/poultry. This product is for outdoor use only.
We would suggest contacting your Vet for immediate assistance if your dogs are showing signs of toxic poisoning after consuming dirt treated with Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer.
Have the product label and SDS Sheet on hand for important information regarding the product.
Martin's Surrender Fire Ant Killer is not considered a bait since it does not include specific food attractants. The ants contact this product and ingest the active ingredient when they groom. So while this does not cause traditional transfer like other baits, you will still see fast results that usually result in colony collapse.
Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer is safe to use if the Guineas Fowl , chickens or other birds are not in the area and cannot access the mounds at all. They can return to the area once rain has washed the area. For areas where animals actually graze on the grass we recommended Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait since Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer is not labeled to be used around cattle, horses, or anywhere animals will be grazing.
Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer is not labeled for Carpenter Ants. We would recommend using Taurus SC outdoors. This is a great product to use to treat around the perimeter of your home to control Carpenter Ants. For indoors, we would recommend using our Indoor Carpenter Ant Kit. It comes with everything you will need to do a complete treatment for Carpenter Ants.
Please take a moment to review our Carpenter Ant Control Guide for more information on treating and preventing this pest.
Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer is only labeled for fire ants and is only for outdoor use.
For best results we recommend using Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer per the label instructions. It is possible that using too much product will prevent you from getting the best results.
Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer is not labeled for Carpenter Ants. We would recommend using Taurus SC outdoors. This is a great product to use to treat around the perimeter of your home to control Carpenter Ants. For indoors, we would recommend using our Indoor Carpenter Ant Kit. It comes with everything you will need to do a complete treatment for carpenter ants.
Please take a moment to review our Carpenter Ant Control Guide for more information on treating and preventing this pest.
Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer is not meant to be mixed. It is meant to be sprinkled dry over the ant mounds. Evenly distribute 1-2 teaspoons over each mound.
Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer is not labeled for roaches nor for indoor use. You can find our roach control products here.
Since our products are professional grade, most of them cannot be purchased at big box or local hardware stores. You can purchase Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer directly from our site 24/7, or simply call us at 1-866-581-7378 M-F 9am-5pm EST and one our our customer service specialists will be happy to assist you!