Merit 75 WP - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 71 questions)
  • Asked by Therese
    How much Merit insecticide do I need?
    I am a bit confused about how much product I would need. I have used Bayer Advanced and they ask for the distance around the tree and then to use 1oz per inch of distance. These instructions are quite different with this product. You have me dividing that distance(circumferance)to get the diameter. According to your formula I have 7 trees with a combined DBH of 82.72. Which at a rate of 1.4 tsp would mean about 116 teaspoons. So how many teaspoons are in the 2oz jar of product.

    One 2oz jar of Merit WP contains enough product for about 30 cumulative inches of tree trunk diameter (at the highest concentration for systemic control). These small 2oz jars are usually purchased by people who only have to treat one or two trees or shrubs. When you need to treat several trees the Merit 75WSP envelope is usually the way to go. One envelope of the Merit 75WSP contains enough product for about 96 cumulative inches of tree trunk diameter at the highest concentration. As a low cost alternative we recommend Dominion 2L which has the same active ingredient as Merit and treats the same insects.  One bottle of Dominion 2L contains enough product for about 137 inches of tree trunk diameter at the highest concentration.

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  • Asked by Roger from Toms River Nj
    How do I drench apply Merit 75 to treat Bronze Birch Borer?
    Do I dilute one package (1.6 oz) into 10 gallons of water and pour it around the tree? The instructions are not complete clear.
    We agree, the directions can be very confusing. You will dilute the 1.6 oz pack in at least 10 gallons of water and pour the dilution around the base of the tree. You will need to use 1.6 oz (1 packet) MERIT 75 WSP per 24 to 48 inches of trunk diameter.
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  • Asked by Susan from Tulsa Ok.
    To spray the foliage of shrubs, how much Merit 75 WP to a gallon of water spraying for Aphids?
    Using Merit 75 WP for the treatment of Aphids as a foliar spray you mix 0.7 to 1.4 level teaspoons MERIT 75 WP Insecticide per foot of shrub height or 1 to 2 ounces per 30 cumulative feet of shrub height. Below is the recommended application dosage rates for Merit 75 WP MERIT 75 WP
    (Level Measure)                       (Water)
    0.25 tsp.                               2.5  Gallons
    0.5 tsp.                                 5.0 Gallons
    1 tsp.                                  10.0 Gallons
    2.5 tsp.                               25.0 Gallons 
    5 tsp.                                  50.0 Gallons
    3 Tbsp. + 1 tsp.                  100.0 Gallons
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  • Asked by Keith
    How do I use Merit 75 WP for emerald ash borer control on two trees?
    I have been told by your expert that Merit 75 WP is the product to use as a drench for protecting 2 trees that I have from the emerald ash borer. What quantities, and what dilution rate do I need for a tree that is 10 to 12 inches in diameter?
    The Merit 75 WP product label is one of the most confusing of all the products that we sell.  You need 1.4 level teaspoons of Merit per inch of diameter. This is the highest rate and should be used for all boring insects. The amount of water that is used will vary depending on soil conditions and volumes that are easy for applicators to use. The minimum amount of water that should be used is 1 pint per inch of tree diameter but you may use 1 quart -1 gallon of water per inch as well. Denser soils such as clay do not accept water as readily, so the lower volume of water is suggested.  Since sandy soils can accept more water, using the higher volume of water is preferred.
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  • Asked by Ellen from Asheville, Nc
    Is Merit 75 WP the best product to treat wooly adelgids on hemlocks?

    Merit 75 WP is labeled for adelgids and will be able to help with hemlock wooly adelgid infestations. Because hemlocks are shallow rooted, a soil drench with Merit 75 WP can be effective. Whatever method is being used to make a soil drench, whether using power equipment, a bucket or watering can, it is important to make sure the application is evenly distributed and does not run off. Soil treatments should be made when the soil is moist. Fall to early winter and spring to early summer are recommended periods for making soil applications for the HWA. It can take 2-3 months for imidacloprid products to be translocated through trees that are about 15 inches in diameter. This process may be faster or slower, depending upon the size and health of the hemlock and other environmental conditions during and after the application.  It is advisable to make soil applications of imidacloprid products to hemlocks before they become heavily infested and stressed by the HWA— to ensure good translocation through the tree.

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  • Asked by Matt
    I have a problem with grubs in my lawn. What kind of spray works best to kill them?

    Merit, or the active ingredient in Merit, Imidacloprid, is the best product for grub control. It is important to start treatment prior to egg hatch. For optimum control irrigation or rainfall needs to occur within 24 hours of the application to move the product through the thatch layer and into the soil. You can contact your local cooperative extension office to see when egg hatch normally occurs in you region. Dominion 2L contains the same active ingredient as Merit and can be used as a money saving alternative.

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  • Asked by Russ
    Do you sell a deep soil instrument to administer the Merit 75WP?
    Not sure where to buy a deep soil injector that will work with this stuff.
    Unfortunately, we do not sell any injection rods or kits due to their cost and that they typically are used with expensive large tanks and gas powered systems that are not really economical for a homeowner to purchase.  However, you can apply the Merit as a soil drench which prevents you from having to inject it, or many of our homeowners just use a long piece of rebar or thin steel and use a hammer to make injection holes around a root system and then fill the holes with the merit.
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  • Asked by Raymundo from El Paso, Tx
    Will Merit when applied for grub worms harm earth worms?

    Merit 75 WP can harm beneficials such as earthworms.

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  • Asked by Armando from Miami, Fl
    I got a Chapin Premier 2 Gallon Sprayer, how many teaspoons do I have to use of MERIT 75 WP for a 1000 ft. yard. Thank you
    You want to use 4 teaspoons Merit 75 per 1,000 square feet to treat for Chinch bugs.
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  • Asked by Doris from Fresno, Ca
    I have 2 huge elm trees that are only 6 feet apart. Do I treat them as one or two trees when applying Merit?
    One elm has 22 inch diameter and the other has a 23 inch diameter (they are huge trees). They were recently thinned out by an arborist. Their root systems totally overlap.
    The trees should be treated as separate trees. When applying merit your aim is to treat the roots that are close to each tree, not at the outer limits of the dripline. Instead go out about a foot from the base of the tree and do the application there in a bout a two foot band.
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  • Asked by Nicole from Loganville, Ga
    How many teaspoons are in a 2 oz jar of Merit 75WP?

    There are aproximately 40 teaspoons in a 2 oz jar of Merit 75WP.

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  • Asked by Betty
    What is the best method for treatment of cottony maple scale?
    We recommend Merit for cottony maple scale. When dealing with soft scale insects, Merit can be applied as a root/soil drench. Insecticides applied to the soil are taken up by the roots and translocated throughout the tree or shrub. Root/soil drenches offer the advantage of requiring no special equipment to apply (other than a bucket or watering can). However, surface layers of organic matter, such as mulch or leaf litter, can bind the insecticide and reduce uptake. Before applying drenches, it is important to remove or pull back any mulch or dead leaves so the insecticide solution is poured directly on the mineral soil. It is also important to keep the soil around the tree or shrub moist for the next 7-10 days after applications to encourage uptake. Low cost alternatives to the Merit would be Dominion 2L or Mallet.
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  • Asked by Paul
    Can I use Merit 75 WP Insecticide to control bagworms?
    I have about 300 Leyland Cypress trees around two sides of our property (40+ feet tall). Have been spraying once/year with Isotox (Orthene) to control Bag Worms. Can no longer purchase that product. Can I use Merit for this purpose, and if so, approximately how much would I need - ounces/gallon?
    Merit 75 WP is not labeled for bagworm control. We recommend using Talstar P for bagworm control. Timing is key when spraying for bagworms. Apply when larvae begin to hatch and spray larvae directly. Applications when larvae are young will be most effective. You can check with your local Cooperative Extension Office to see when bagworms become active in your region.
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  • Asked by Jon from Pompano Beach, Fl
    What pests are controlled by Merit 75 WP?
    Can't find any listing for what insects controlled i.e. Scale,mites. Looking for root mealybug control on phalaenopsis orchids?

    Merit 75 WP is labeled for Mealybugs, Chafers, Chinch Bugs, Garden Beetles, Japanese Beetles, Billbugs, Mole Crikets, grubs and others. Please see the product label for a complete list.

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  • Asked by Don from Cape Coral, Fla
    What do I use for Mealy Bugs and Spiral White Flies on ornamentals?
    Bayer Advanced Natria Multi insecticide is labeled to treat whiteflies and mealy bugs among many other pest. It is ready to use and can be applied to ornamentals.
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  • Asked by Jason from Adirondacks, Ny
    Will Merit 75 WP kill tent catperillars?
    My sugar maple has thousands of them and they are way up in the canopy.

    Merit 75 WP is not labeled for treating tent caterpillars. We do offer other products to eradicate this insect. We would recommend the Chapin Slide Pump Sprayer to disperse a liquid to reach the furthest distance than hand pump or backpack sprayers.

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  • Asked by Osvaldo from Pembroke Pines
    Can I mix Merit 75 WP with my high nitrogen plant food?

    Per the Merit 75 WP label: The addition of a nitrogen containing fertilizer, where applicable, into the solution may enhance the uptake of the active ingredient.

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  • Asked by Adrian
    I have Thrip on my ficus which is about 9 feet tall. Should I spray the hedge or soak the root with Merit WP?
    Also how much Merit WP should I use?
    You should do a foliage spray with the Merit WP as waiting for the product to be taken up by the roots from soil drench and trans-located through the plant can take too much time when you already have a damaging pest population. You will need to use 0.25 tsp of Merit per 2.5 gallons of water and thoroughly spray the foliage (don't forget to spray the underside of leaves). Foliage sprays will also work systemically. In the future you can choose to do soil drenches before the pest population has a chance to build. You will need to use 0.7- 1.4 level teaspoons of MERIT 75 WP Insecticide per foot of shrub height or 1 to 2 ounces per 30 cumulative feet of shrub height mixed in at least one pint of water per foot of shrub height. You will be required to pull back mulch or leaf debris near the root base prior to the application and you will be required to water in the application with about 1/2 inch of water. It is important to keep the soil moist for at least two weeks following the application to help with root uptake.
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  • Asked by R. from Dublin, Tx
    Will Merit 75 kill squash bug adults?
    Merit 75 is not actually labeled for squash bugs but squash bugs that try to feed off of treated plants would surely be effected. Merit 75 is most likely not labeled for squash bugs because it cannot be used on most edible plants which are the ones that will most likely be infested by this pest. We do carry Bayer Advanced Fruit, Citrus and Vegetable Insect Control and while it does share the same active ingredient as Merit 75 the formulation is a bit different which is what allows you to use it on edible plants.
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  • Asked by Rick from Albany, Or
    Is my tree a typical response for over a month after treatment with Merit 75 WP?
    Tree was in early stage (class 2) infection. All branches are now drooping despite recommended watering and occasional green leaves are being lost. Drench treated a 50 ft., four trunk birch for bronze borer w/ Merit 2nd week of May.

    With a systemic application of a product like Merit to the root zone, it can take a couple of weeks for a large to tree to complete aborb and have the ingredients translocate all the way through the plant. Some borers once they have started damage to a tree do such quick harm to it that the tree cannot be salvaged or saved even with the strongest insecticides. Below is a link to information on the bronze birch borer and the average timing, life cycle and treatments that can be used. 


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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 71 questions)