Bobby from Nashville writes
Why would someone still have a lot of mosquitoes even though multiple acres were treated and the proper application techniques and chemical ratio was used
It sounds like the life cycle needs to be interrupted. You may want to use a larvicide. Larvicides- Mosquito larvae will breed wherever suitable water is available, including bird baths, old automobile tires, rain barrels, ponds, abandoned or unused swimming pools (particularly above ground types), ditches, tree holes, roof gutters, flower pots, animal watering troughs, elevator shafts,. If it is not possible to eliminate a particular source, larvicides may be used to kill mosquito larvae before they are able to develop into breeding adults. Larvicides may take the form of either briquettes or granules that are placed in standing water and release chemical for up to 30 days.
Briquette Larvicides: BTI Mosquito Briquettes Granule Larvicide: Altosid Pro-G Mosquito Larvicide
You can also mix in Nyguard Igr which will prevent the larvae from maturing into reproducing adults. Nyguard IGR can also cause sterility and possible death in adult mosquitos.
Answer last updated on: 05/15/2013