Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed will germinate in 7-14 days.
The best way to determine timing for when grass seed such as Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed would grow and establish well in your area would be to speak to someone at your Local Master Gardener center for what will thrive in your weather and environments conditions.
Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed is a cool season turfgrass that would not do well in areas of high temperatures such as in Florida. The best way to determine what grass seed would grow and establish well in your area would be to speak to someone at your Local Master Gardener center for what will thrive in your weather and environments conditions.
Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed is made up of Tall Fescue and it will not grow through a Rhizome or a Stolon as it's a root grown grass. You will need to apply seed to fill in bare areas since it will not creep very fast it is a clumping grass.If you are looking for a warm season and naturally spreading grass, you would look to something such as Bermuda or Zoysiagrass seed or sod.