Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed

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Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed

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Product Overview

Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed is a low maintenance and economical variety of Tall Fescue that is unique in that it has an increased tolerance to heat when comparing it to other types of fescue. Light green in color with a coarse texture, this seed mixture establishes easy and tolerates drought and heavy foot traffic. Can be used in areas of medium shade or full sun. A grass seed that is both durable and economical. Penkoted for protection of seedling.

Features and Specs

For use in Residential lawns with medium shade to full sun areas
Application New Lawns: 8 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
Overseeding: 4 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.

* See label for complete application instructions
Special Features Contains Penkote Technology for increase insect and fungus resistance
Shipping Weight 10.12 lbs
Manufacturer Pennington (Mfg. Number: 100516052)
UPC 021496014302


New Seeding

Prepare the soil by tilling to a depth of 4 - 6 inches. Conduct a soil test to be sure your soil has the proper nutrients it needs for a healthy lawn. Apply fertilizer and lime at the recommended rates. If you are unable to conduct a soil test, apply lime and a complete lawn fertilizer according to the recommended rates on the packages. Work lime and fertilizer evenly into the soil, then rake the soil surface smooth to give the seed an ideal bed in which to establish healthy roots. Sow the grass seed by evenly spreading according to the recommended seeding rates. Rake, harrow or otherwise work the seed into the soil ¼” to ½” deep. Keep the area well-watered until the seeds germinate and the seedlings have grown sufficiently to establish a lawn, then water as needed.

Overseeding or Reseeding

Before overseeding, it is important to prepare the soil. Conduct a soil test to be sure your lawn has the proper balance of nutrients. Fertilize and lime if needed. Mow or clip the existing grass as closely as possible. Remove clippings and rake, harrow lightly or aerate the soil where there is existing lawn. This will allow the new seed to make contact with the soil. Sow the seed and gently rake to cover. Keep the lawn moist until seedlings are established, then water as needed.

Undesirable Lawns

Rid your lawn of undesirable grasses following the steps below so that you can establish a desirable lawn:

  • During any growing season, spray the established undesirable turf with a nonselective herbicide labeled for lawn use. Follow the directions on the label.
  • After the lawn turns brown, continue with your seeding program as outlined above. Be sure to start with a soil test or a complete lawn fertilizer.

Improving Bare Spots

Mow your lawn closely, then remove leaves, dead grass, etc. Rake, harrow lightly or aerate the bare spots to prepare the seedbed. Conduct a soil test to be sure the soil has the proper balance of nutrients. Fertilize and lime if needed.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    waiting for fall

    By Steve on 07/24/2020

    waiting for fall to re seed. need other products ordered to get areas ready for re seeding.

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Questions & Answers

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How long does Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed take to germinate?

Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed will germinate in 7-14 days.

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Does the Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted tolerate temperatures in the 100's?
Yes, the Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted is tolerant to temperatures above 100 degrees. However, in these extreme temperatures the grass may go dormant (brown) but you should continue to water and once the temperatures go back down the grass will green back up.

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At what temperature should lawn be seeded with Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed?

Is it too late to seed this grass when temperatures are 70-90 degrees?


The best way to determine timing for when grass seed such as Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed would grow and establish well in your area would be to speak to someone at your Local Master Gardener center for what will thrive in your weather and environments conditions.

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Will Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed grow in Northeast Florida year round?

Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed is a cool season turfgrass that would not do well in areas of high temperatures such as in Florida.  The best way to determine what grass seed would grow and establish well in your area would be to speak to someone at your Local Master Gardener center for what will thrive in your weather and environments conditions.

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How does the Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed grass spread?

Long Rhizomes or stolons? I'm looking for a grass that doesn't creep everywhere and doesn't have thick woody stolons making it uncomfortable to walk on. Must be warm season grass.


Pennington Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Penkoted Grass Seed is made up of Tall Fescue and it will not grow through a Rhizome or a Stolon as it's a root grown grass.  You will need to apply seed to fill in bare areas since it will not creep very fast it is a clumping grass.If you are looking for a warm season and naturally spreading grass, you would look to something such as Bermuda or Zoysiagrass seed or sod. 

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