Plant Hormones

Plant hormones can give your plants, fruits, and vegetables a boost, helping them grow bigger and yield more. Plant hormones regulate certain growth processes, and applying specific types of plant food, like plant hormones, will give you specific desired results. Explore our selection of plant hormones for more beautiful ornamental plants.

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A plant supplement and stimulant that revitalizes all types of plants for building a strong root base, flower blooms, fruit and vegetable production and reduces transplant shock.
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This makes blossoms set fruit despite poor weather and nearly every blossom will produce larger, meatier, tomatoes, ripening up to 3 weeks earlier.
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A plant growth hormone IBA that accelerates root development of plants and ground-cover for root cuttings and transplants.

About Plant Hormones

Plant hormones are naturally produced in plants, and are necessary for normal growth processes like flowering, fruit ripening, and cell division. Adding more of these hormones to a plant will manipulate the plant’s growth to suit your needs, like growing bigger tomatoes or growing another magnolia from a cutting. They are also sometimes labeled as plant growth regulators, and many products may contain plant hormones. Plant hormones include auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene, and abscisic acid, and each is produced in a different part of the plant and produces different results, like cell growth and shoot initiation.

How To Use Plant Hormones

Plant hormones are fairly easy to use and safe for all plants when used as directed on the label. Each product will be used for different plants and different results, so each has different directions. Some are as simple as diluting in water and using when watering targeted plants. Others are directly sprayed onto plants to target specific areas in the plant, while others can only be used with cuttings. Make sure to read all labels carefully to ensure you are choosing the right plant hormone for you.

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