Bronco E Equine Fly Spray

Bronco E Equine Fly Spray

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Product Overview

Bronco E Equine Fly Spray is an insecticide spray for horses that kills and repels horse flies, face flies, mosquitoes, ticks and more - while leaving a fresh citronella scent. This handy ready-to-use fly spray is water-based, and is excellent for horses and foals. Also ideal for stable and horse barn applications. Versatile and convenient, this insecticide spray is a must-have for every stable.

Available in:

  • 32 ounces RTU bottle 
  • 1 gallon jug

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Permethrin 0.1%, Piperonyl butoxide 0.5%, Prallethrin 0.03%
Target pests Stable, horse, face, deer, house and horn flies, gnats, ticks, fleas, chiggers, lice and mosquitoes.
For use in For use on horses and in horse barns and stables.
Pet safe Yes, if followed as directed on the label.
Special Features Citronella scent.
Shipping Weight 3.00 lbs
Manufacturer Farnam Companies (Mfg. Number: 100502328)
UPC 086621023284
EPA Registration 270-329



For use as a surface spray:

  • Except when applying to horses, ponies and foals, do not enter or allow to enter until all sprays have dried.
  • Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application.

For use as a space spray or fog:

  • Do not remain in treated area. Exit area immediately and remain outside the treated area until aerosols, vapors, and/or mists have dispersed.
  • Do not apply this product in a way that will contact adults or children, either directly or through drift. Do not enter or allow adults, children, or pets to enter until vapor, mists, and aerosols have dispersed, and the treated area has been thoroughly ventilated.
  • Do not apply whenn food or feed is present.
  • Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, storm drains, water bodies, or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or after application.

For outdoor applications:

  • Other than applications to building foundations, all outdoor applications to impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, patios, porches and structural surfaces (such as windows, doors and eaves) are limited to spot and crack-and-crevice applications only.
  • Not for use in outdoor residential misting systems or metered release systems.
  • Do not make applications during rain.
  • Do not water the treated area to the point of run-off.

FOR HORSES USE FULL STRENGTH. This non-oily insecticide repellent may be applied with a trigger spray applicator, or as a wipe. Kills stable flies, horse flies, face flies, deer flies, house flies, horn flies, gnats, ticks, fleas, chiggers, and lice and repels mosquitoes. Not for use on horses intended for slaughter.

DIRECTIONS FOR TRIGGER SPRAY USE: Remove excess dirt and dust. Apply light spray mist to coat while brushing lightly against lay of the hair. Avoid spray in eyes and mucous membranes. Apply with sponge or cloth to those areas.

DIRECTIONS FOR WIPE-ON USE: Thoroughly brush horse to remove excess dirt and dust. Extremely dirty horses should be shampooed, rinsed, and allow to dry before applying wipe. Use a sponge or clean soft cloth or mitt. Apply liberally over areas to be protected. Pay special attention to legs, belly, shoulders, neck, and facial areas. Avoid eyes and mucous membranes.

TO KILL FLYING INSECTS AND REPEL MOSQUITOES IN HORSE QUARTERS: Use this product in horse barns and stales to kill stable flies, horse flies, face flies, deer flies, house flies, horn flies, gnats, ticks (including Deer Ticks), fleas, chiggers, and lice to repel mosquitoes. Applu undiluted as either a surface spray or sprace spray (fog).

Surface Spraying: Use a good sprayer adjusted to deliver a coarse wet spray. Apply as a coarse wet spray using 1 pint per 1,000 square feet. Direct the spray whever flies congregate or alight, until surfaces are moistened. Treat area around doorways, feed storage rooms, alleyways and windowsills. Spray around outside of door facings and screens to render area unattractive to insects. This helps to repel insects and prevent entrance into building.

Remove pets, birds, and cover aquariums before spraying. Remove or cover exposed food and drinking water before application. Remove or cover dishes, untensils, food processing equipment, and food preparation surfaces, or wash them before use. All outdoor applications to building must be limited to spot crack-and-crevice treatments only, except for applications to building foundations, up to a maximum height of 3 feet.

Space Spraying: Remove horses prior to application. Before applucation, close doors, windows and other openings and shut off ventilating systems to reduce air movement as much as possible. Apply with a good machine adjusted to deliver a fine mist or fog. Direct spray at an upward angle, distributing it uniformly throughout the entire area at a rate of 2 fluid ounces per 1,000 cubic feet (10 ft x 10 ft x 10 ft). Apply by directing spray toward ceiling and corners until the space is filled with mist. For best results, keep doors and windows closed, when possible, for 10 minutes during spraying and after application. Applicator must not remain in treated area. After the 10 minute treatment period, the area should be opened and thoroughly ventilated prior to reoccupation by humans or animals.

Do not use where livestock (other than horses) are housed or fed, or where livestock feeds are stored. Do not contaminate water, feed or foodstuffs, milk or milking untentils. Do not repeat treatment more than once every day.

FLEAS AND MOSQUITOES ON DOGS: Start spraying at the animal's head, avoiding eyes and mouth as you spray. Make sure the animal's entire body is covered including the legs, underbody and tail. While spraying, fluff the hair so that the spray will penetrate to the skin. Make sure spray wets thoroughly, but do not saturate dog. Do not allow dog to become chilled. Avoid contact with genitalia. Reapply every 7-9 days.

PET AREAS : To kill fleas and repel mosquitoes in areas where dogs rest: Thoroughly spray infested areas, dog beds, resting quarters, nearby cracks and crevices, along and behind baseboards, moldings, window and door frames, and local areas of floor and floor covering. Plase fresh bedding in animal's quarters following treatment. Treat dog in conjunction with premise treatment. Reapply everyday. Do not use on cat bedding.

TO KILL FLYING INSECTS AND REPEL MOSQUITOES IN ANIMAL QUARTERS: Spray in areas where insects congregate. Direct spray to contact insects for rapid knockdown and kill. Spray around outside of door facings and screens to render area unattractive to insects. This helps to repel insects and prevent entrance into building.

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Bronco E Equine Fly Spray use on Foals?

What age should I wait to use this on my goal? Should he not be nursing anymore if I'm going to spray mum?


Bronco E Equine Fly Spray can be used on foals 6 weeks and older.  

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Can Bronco E Equine Fly Spray be used on 4-H Steer Projects for Livestock Auctions?

I am trying to determine if this product can be used on my son's 4-H Steer Project, which he plans to sale in a few weeks. What is the chemical restrictions, prior to slaughter?


Bronco E Equine Fly Spray is only labeled for use on horses, not cattle.  Martins Horse and Stable Spray (RTU) would be an option on cattle and there are no restrictions listed in regards to animals for slaughter.  For more information you can contact your vet for advice, or the manufacturer, Control Solutions at 1-281-892-2500

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Can Bronco E Equine Fly Spray be used to kill bedbugs?

Bronco E Equine Fly Spray is not labeled to treat bedbugs. It targets stable, horse, face, deer, house and horn flies, gnats, ticks, fleas, chiggers, lice and mosquitoes. Please check out our Bedbug Kits and our treatment guide/videos for tips on a successful program.

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