Proflex Encapsulated Solution

Proflex Encapsulated Solution

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Product Overview

Proflex is an all-in-one concentrate that actively controls ants, mosquitoes, gnats, flies, litter beetles, and other insect pests. A microencapsulated concentrate that contains three active ingredients making it long-lasting and highly effective. This powerful insecticide is perfect to use on both indoors and outdoors as a general surface, crack and crevice, or as a spot treatment. Convenient combination of two insect growth regulator and adulticide that immediately kills full-grown insects like roaches, crickets, and fleas. It can be used on industrial buildings, warehouses, hotels, hospitals, and servicing establishments. Available in 32 oz. 

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Lambda-cyhalothrin - 3.88 % Novaluron - 1.30 % Pyriproxyfen - 1.30 %
Target pests Ants (including RIFA), bed bugs, cockroaches, crickets, earwigs, firebrats, silverfish, stinkbugs, fleas, ticks, flying insect pests, stored product pests, boxelder bugs, centipedes, millipedes, mosquitoes, pillbugs, and sowbugs.
For use in Aircraft cargo, apartments, bakeries, buses, food manufacturing, food processing, food establishments, granaries, grain mills, hotels, industrial buildings, laboratories, mobile homes, offices, restaurants, schools, ships, trucks, warehouses, wineries.
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label.
Formulation Microencapsulated concentrate.
NOT FOR SALE TO NY-Restricted to Commercial Applicators Only
Special Features Microencapsulated concentrate and contains adulticide and two IGRs.
Shipping Weight 2.50 lbs
Manufacturer Control Solutions (Mfg. Number: 82300329)
UPC 072693032989
EPA Registration 53883-427



It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

IMPORTANT: Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed production, or for research purposes. For use on plants intended for aesthetic purposes or climatic modification and being grown in interior plantscapes, ornamental gardens or parks, or on lawns or grounds.

This product is RESTRICTED for use in New York State.

Mixing Instructions 

Dilute PROFLEX with water for application using hand-held or power-operated application equipment as a coarse spray for crack and crevice or spot and general surface (nonfood/ nonfeed areas only) treatments. Application equipment that delivers low volume treatments, such as the MicroInjector or Actisol applicator, may also be used to make crack and crevice or spot and general surface treatments. Fill applicator tank with the desired volume of water and add PROFLEX. Close and shake before use in order to ensure proper mixing. Shake or re-agitate applicator tank before use if the application is interrupted. Mix only the amount of treatment volume as required. PROFLEX may be applied by using a paintbrush or other porous applicator attached to a handle as a general surface treatment. If the mixture is allowed to sit for more than 2 hours, shake well before application.

Tank Mixing

PROFLEX may be tank mixed with other currently registered pesticides unless expressly prohibited by the product label. A small volume mixing test with the other products is recommended to ensure compatibility. If other chemicals are added to the applicator tank, add PROFLEX last. If mixed with EC formulations, use within 24 hours. Fill tank to the desired volume and continue to agitate while making applications.

Foam Applications 

PROFLEX may be converted to a foam and the foam used to treat structural voids to control or prevent pests including ants, bees, termites (above ground only), wasps, or other listed arthropods harboring in walls, under slabs, or in other void areas.

FOOD HANDLING ESTABLISHMENTS (Places other than private residences in which food is held, processed, prepared, or served): 

Application within Food Serving Areas: For facilities where foods are served, such as dining rooms. Apply as a crack and crevice or spot treatment to selective surfaces such as baseboards, under elements of construction, and into cracks and crevices. Do not treat surfaces likely to be contacted by food. (Do not apply when the facility is in operation or foods are exposed.) Food must be covered or removed in the area being treated. Do not apply directly to food or allow applications to contaminate food.

NOTE: Only apply this product in the Food Areas and/or Food Serving Areas of Food Handling Establishments as a spot and/or crack and crevice treatment. Limit the use of application equipment to those such as the Micro-Injector or Actisol applicator in food areas to crack and crevice treatment only.

Food/feed handling establishments are any place other than private residences where exposed food/feed is held, processed, prepared or served, including areas for receiving, storing, packing (bottling, boxing, canning, wrapping), preparing, enclosed processing systems (dairies, edible oils, mills, syrups) of food and edible waste storage. Serving areas where food is exposed and the facility is in operation are also considered food areas.

Nonfood areas in which applications are allowed include entries and vestibules, floor drains (to sewers), garages, garbage rooms, lavatories, locker rooms, machine rooms, mop closets, offices, and storage (after canning or bottling).

Some of the use sites that are allowed include: Aircraft (cargo areas only), apartments, buildings, bakeries, bottling facilities, breweries, buses, cafeterias, candy plants, canneries, dairy product processing plants, food manufacturing plants, food processing plants, food service establishments, granaries, grain mills, hotels, industrial buildings, laboratories, meat/poultry/egg processing plants, mobile/motorhomes, nursing homes, offices, railcars, restaurants, schools, ships, trailers, trucks, vessels, warehouses†, wineries.

WAREHOUSES and GROCERY/PET STORES: PROFLEX dilution may be applied as a surface, spot or crack and crevice treatment in food and nonfood storage warehouses and stores. Apply to all areas that may harbor pests, including under and between pallets, bins, and shelves. Do not apply directly to food, grain bins (interior), or animals.

If used as a spot or crack and crevice treatment, PROFLEX may be applied in both food/feed and nonfood areas of food/feed handling establishments.

Use as a crack and crevice or spot treatment in and around both food and nonfood areas. Apply in small amounts directly into cracks and crevices, using equipment capable of delivering a pin stream of insecticide, in points between different elements of construction, between equipment and floor, openings leading to voids and hollow spaces in walls, equipment, and bases. Clean food contact surfaces and equipment with an effective cleaning compound and rinse with potable water before using.

Limit individual spot treatments to an area no larger than 20% of the treated surface. Individual spot treatments may not exceed two sq. ft. Take extreme care that the product is not introduced into the air. Do not contaminate food and food processing surfaces.

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How many ounces of Proflex Encapsulated Solution per gallon of water for mosquito control?

Proflex Encapsulated Solution is mixed at 1 fl oz. per gallon of water for structural perimeter barrier applications for mosquitoes and other listed insects. The product label states to apply to outside surfaces of buildings, porches, patios, garages and other areas where these pests have been seen or found. To help prevent infestations of buildings by flying insects, treat soil, vegetation or other substrates in a band 6-10 feet wide adjacent to the building foundations, walls, around doors and windows, and overhead areas where these pests are active and may find entrance or harborage. 

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Does Proflex Encapsulated Solution last up to 3 months for Mosquito Control?

This is a fairly new product and I was wondering if it actually last up to 3 months like the manufacturer says it will? For mosquitoes that is?


Proflex Encapsulated Solution can last up to 90 days outside, depending on the amount of sunlight/weather it is exposed to where it is applied.   The key with treating mosquitoes is to apply to the underside of leaves on trees/bushes which is where the adults lay during the day.  It can be reapplied at 14 day intervals if needed per the product label.  Please refer to the label for complete instructions.

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Can you mix ProFlex Encapsulated Solution with Nyguard?

Would this work with a combo with nyguard to increase the IGR A.I?


No, Proflex already includes two IGRs, one of which is Pyriproxyfen, the same active ingredient as Nyguard IGR. By adding Nyguard to the mixture you would be going over the allowable label rate for the product.

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Does PROFLEX kill caterpillars, butterflies, and/or bees?

I have a property that has many flowers, designed to attract the butterflies and bees. The mosquitoes are really bad, though. I am looking to target the mosquitoes, while protecting the other listed insects. Will this work, or is there something else that will do what I am looking for?


Yes, Proflex Encapsulated Solution can harm beneficial insects if they are sprayed directly or contact a treated surface long enough to receive a lethal dose. Insecticides are not designed to be selective in the insects they kill really. To avoid contact we would recommend applying early morning or late evening when they are less active and avoid spraying any blooms.  Also key with mosquitoes is to apply to the underside of the leaves on trees/bushes which is where the adults lay during the day.  The only product we have that would be safe for bees once dry is the Mavrik.

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How long will diluted Proflex last?

I have a large property (50,0000 sq. ft.) and am considering using a large tank with a pump and a 200 ft hose reel connected to my backpack blower/sprayer, rather than constantly returning back to refill the 3.5 gallon tank. The hose will hold a considerable amount of mix, so I am wondering if it will still be good for the second spraying in 2-3 months?


Proflex Encapsulated Solution needs to be used within 24 hours of mixing with water.  You should only mix what you can use at one time.

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