Ranger Pro Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 41 to 60 (of 218 questions)
  • Asked by Diane from Kihei, Hawaii
    Is wet Ranger harmful to dogs?

    If dogs enter the Ranger Pro Herbicide treated area while wet, it can be harmful to them. We recommend to keep people and pets out of the treated area until dry.

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  • Asked by Cita from The Heart Of Arizona
    How much Ranger pro per gallon of water?
    I am trying to get rid off "Goat head weeds"
    When treating for Goat Weed mix 2 and 2/3 oz Ranger with 1 gallon water. Always be sure to follow label instructions before application.
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  • Asked by Vince from Valley Cottage, Ny
    Once the weeds have been killed by Ranger Pro, do I need to rake up the dead weeds or can I just overseed?
    We recommend that after applying Ranger Pro that you clean up all dead vegetation prior to overseeding. Please refer to the product label for specific instructions on dilution and application.
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  • Asked by Randy from Pomona California.
    Can I mix Crossbow and Ranger pro to kill a salt cedar tree after it has been stumped? Thanks
    Yes, you can mix Ranger Pro with Crossbow to a stumped tree. You would also want to drill holes in the top of the stump to promote penetration. 
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  • Asked by Jane from Fallbrook, Ca
    How long should I wait after spraying Ranger Pro to weed whack?

    Per the product label, wait 7 days after applying Ranger Pro to use a weed whacker.  

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  • Asked by Mike from Wi
    Is Ranger Pro Herbicide dangerous to humans?

    Ranger Pro Herbicide is safe if used as directed. Only the applicator should be present during the treatment and then leave. All others including children and pets should return when treated areas are completely dry. We do offer chemical resistant gloves, mask, goggles, coveralls in our Basic Safety Kit for the applicator.

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  • Asked by Don from Arlington, Tn
    Can I use Ranger Pro on veg. garden prep and before winter covering. been using Roundup, but gets expensive
    Roundup I have been using is the red label, says OK for garden prep. Looking for something as strong, maybe a little more residual. I have purchased quite a few products from you for insect control. been very satisfied with everything I have gotten.
    Per the manufacturer Ranger pro can be applied to a garden plot if all plants have been removed and the garden will not be used again until Spring.
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  • Asked by Mary
    What weed killer can I spray around fences and fence posts to keep the grass around there from growing back?
    If you are just looking to kill existing grass in a small area, you should treat with a professional glyphosate product like our Ranger Pro product.  This kills grass for longer than typical round up, but eventually it will grow back.  If you really do not want anything to grow back, you can use a soil sterilant.  These products need to be used according to the label though, they are very powerful and can move through the soil, so if there is anything around the posts you would want to not kill, you should not use a soil sterilant.
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  • Asked by Zach from Bowling Green
    Can you mix 2 4-d amine with Ranger Pro Herbicide ?

    Per the product labelRanger Pro Herbicide may be tank-mixed with other herbicides to provide residual weed control, a broader weed control spectrum or an alternate mode of action. Always read and follow label directions for all products in the tank mixture. Use according to the most restrictive precautionary statements for each product in the mixture. Any labeled rate of this product may be used in a tank mix. When this label describes a tank mixture with a generic active ingredient such as diuron, 2,4-D or dicamba, the user is responsible for ensuring the mixture product label allows the specific application.

    Per refer to the product label for complete instructions.

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  • Asked by Mike from Jupiter, Fl
    Will Ranger Pro Herbicide kill Pilea microphylla (Artillery Fern)?
    I understand the active ingredient to kill artillery fern is Atrozine Glyphosate? This is a nuisance plant in my Florida yard not controlled by Roundup.

    Ranger Pro contains glyphosate only and is considered a generic Roundup product.  Glyphosate is an active that should kill anything that it is applied to.  Atrazine products are not actually labeled for this weed and there is not a product that has the 2 actives together.  We are not able to find any product actually labeled to control this weed but would recommend you contact your Master Gardener through your Extension Office for advice on what you could use that will not harm your lawn as well.

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  • Asked by Tom from Louisville, Ky
    How soon can I seed after killing a lawn with Ranger Pro Herbicide?

    Ranger Pro Herbicide can be applied and then a couple weeks later re-seed those areas.

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  • Asked by Guy from West Alexandria, Ohio
    Will Ranger Pro kill hemlock weeds?
    Ranger Pro is a post-emergent non-selective herbicide that will eradicate anything that is sprayed directly and is labeled for eradicating hemlock weeds.
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  • Asked by Roger from Tort Pierce, Fl.
    Is Ranger Pro Herbicide labeled for aquatic use?
    Ranger Pro Herbicide is not labeled for aquatic use. We do carry Diquat Water Weed and Landscape Herbicide, Reward Land and Aquatic Herbicide and Rodeo Herbicide which are labeled for use in and around bodies of water.
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  • Asked by Robert from Shreveport, La
    Can I use Ranger Pro around the base of my 50 year old oak trees to kill grass and weeds without damaging the trees?

    Ranger Pro Herbicide will not harm established trees if you do not spray directly on them. 

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  • Asked by Bill from Chamblee
    What rate should I use Ranger Pro to kill poison ivy?

    Ranger Pro is labeled to eradicate poison ivy. You will mix 2 2/3 fluid ounces per gallon of water per 1,000 sq ft.

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  • Asked by Janet from Broken Arrow, Ok
    Will Ranger Pro Herbicide kill nutsedge grass?

    While Ranger Pro is a non-selective herbicide that will kill any plants treated with it, glyphosate usually will not completely kill the underground nutlets of nutsedge. Our most popular herbicides for nutsedge that will kill the plants more effectively are Sedgehammer and Dismiss Turf Herbicide.

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  • Asked by Parrish
    What type of PPE should be worn while applying Ranger Pro Herbicide with a handheld and boom sprayer?

    Ranger Pro Herbicide  label lists PPE as follows:


    Applicators and other handlers must wear: long-sleeved shirt and long pants, shoes plus socks. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintaining Personal Protective Equipment. If there are no such instructions for washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry. Discard clothing and other absorbent materials that have been drenched or heavily contaminated with this product’s concentrate. Do not reuse them.

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  • Asked by Emory from Augusta
    Do I need to mix a surfactant with Ranger Pro Herbicide?

    Ranger Pro is formulated as a water-soluble liquid with surfactant, therefore no additional surfactant is needed. Ranger Pro moves through the plant from the point of foliage contact to and into the root system. It is then absorbed into the soil and breaks down naturally, and therefore will not spread through the ground and kill neighboring plants. Please refer to dilution table on page 3 of the product label for different strengths of dilution.

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  • Asked by Joe from Houma,la
    Does Ranger Pro Herbicide kill Bermuda grass?

    Yes, Ranger Pro Herbicide will kill whatever it comes in contact with. Be mindful when using this product since it has the same active ingredient as Roundup.

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  • Asked by Roger from Murrells Inlet, South Carolina
    Can I brush on full strength (41%) Glyphosphate on fresh cut Wax Myrtle stumps to kill it?
    Have 3 wax myrtles with branches/stumps about 2 -4 inches in diameter. I want to cut them down and paint the fresh cut stumps with a full strength Glyphosphate Isopropylamine salt product to kill them and their roots which are ruining my yard. I live in South Carolina if that is a factor. If this will work, how many times will I ned to apply it and how often betwen applications? Thank you.

    You can use a Glyphosate product like Ranger Pro and paint on the stump full strength. It would also be advisable to drill into the stump or make cuts so that the stump will take up the product better.

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Displaying 41 to 60 (of 218 questions)