There is no time restriction for applying Scotts GrubEx and a fertilzer, they can be applied at the same time or close to it.
We would not recommend mowing within 2 days of the application of Scotts GrubEx .
Scotts GrubEX needs to be watered-in thoroughly with at least 1 inch of water within 24 hours after applying the product, in order for the active ingredient to be released into the soil.
Yes, there is no active ingredient that will hinder grass seed growth in the Scott's GrubEx so there is no time restriction.
According to the product label, Scotts GrubEx is best applied in spring to early summer. Application timing is very important and it varies from region to region. We recommend you contact your local cooperative extension office and speak to the master gardener on staff as he or she will be able to give you the most accurate information in regards to application timing.
Scotts GrubEx is not labeled to control earthworms, but it is not really selective. It could harm earthworms if they are in contact with a treated area long enough to be affected, although they are pretty protected by the mucus on their bodies.
Scotts GrubEx is only for use in lawns. Acelepryn G contains the same active ingredient and would be an option for flower beds.
It is recommended to delay mowing for 2 days before and 2 days after the application of Scotts GrubEx due to the stress mowing can cause on the turfgrass. Mowing causes the leaf blade cuticle to close up which would prevent the application from being absorbed in the grass blades.
Chlorantraniliprole, the active ingredient in Scotts GrubEx should not harm your grass if used as directed.
There is no time restriction for applying Scotts GrubEx after seeding or sodding. Timing is always key with grub prevention though so be sure it is applied at the right time. You can contact you local Extension Office for the correct timing in your specific area.
Scotts GrubEx has a shelf life of between 3-5 years, if stored in a temperature controlled environment, whether opened or unopened.
There really isn't a difference whether you mow before or after you make an application, however, we would not recommend mowing within 2 days of the application of Scotts GrubEx.
Scotts GrubEx is only for use in lawns. Acelepryn G contains the same active ingredient and would be an option for flower beds.
Scotts GrubEx is not labeled to control cicadas. For cicada killer wasps, it is commonly recommended to use Delta Dust in each individual burrow. Cicada Killer wasps thrive in disturbed environments, such as landscaped yards and places where bare soil is exposed. You can discourage the wasps from nesting in your yard by cutting your grass on the highest setting and by adding a thick layer of mulch to flower beds during the Cicada Killer Wasp season. These wasps do not like over saturated lawns either, so over watering during their season will help prevent them. Unfortunately, there is no fool proof way to prevent cicada killer wasps.
We also like to let our customers know that the Cicada Killer wasps are beneficial insects that provide free pest control for a couple months each year. Cicada killer wasps paralyze and provision their burrows with other insects to feed their young. The beneficial Cicada killer wasps, while large and intimidating to see, are mostly harmless and there have been very few reports of anyone getting stung by just being near them. In most cases where a sting was reported, the wasps were being held or molested in some way. Cicada Killer Wasp stings are also reported to be almost painless.
If you did this method with Scotts GrubEx, the new soil would not be treated.
Per the manufacturer, Scotts GrubEx can be applied near wells that have a lid on them. Otherwise, you would need to apply at least 25 ft from the well. Please refer to the label for complete applications.
Scotts GrubEx is not labeled to control earthworms, but it is not really a selective insecticide. It could harm earthworms if they are in contact with a treated area long enough to be affected, although they are pretty protected by the mucus on their bodies. Usually earthworms are too deep in the soil and too protected to be affected by regular pesticides.
Grubex would not be harmful to trees as it is only an insecticide that works as a contact kill on existing grubs and plant damaging insects the first 24-48 hours after you apply it. That being said, trying to eliminate grubs from your lawn will not work to eliminate moles. Please see our Mole Control Guide and the appropriate treatment methods to eliminate them from your lawn in a more direct fashion.
Scotts GrubEx does include chinch bugs as one of the targeted insects on the product label.
You would want to make sure you apply Scotts GrubEx outside the drip line/root zone as it is not labeled for edibles.