SedgeHammer could contaminate water. It is not recommended to be used in or around bodies of water. According to the product label, do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark.
No, per the product label, SedgeHammer Herbicide can only be used around established woody ornamentals.
As long as you are not allowing the drift to contact the soil or plants in the garden you can use the SedgeHammer Herbicide right around the perimeter of the garden outside the dripline of any desirable plants.
Each packet of Sedgehammer will treat up to 1,000 sq feet and should be mixed with 1 gallon of water. Please refer to the Label for complete application instructions.
Yes, SedgeHammer + Herbicide can be used on a centipede lawn safely as directed on the product label.
For best results when applying, SedgeHammer Herbicide applications should be made when temperatures are between 60 – 70 degrees or when the nutsedge has reached the 3 to 8 leaf stage of growth.
Each 13.5g packet of SedgeHammer Plus Herbicide will treat up to 1,000 sq feet and should be mixed with 1 gallon of water. This is the smallest amount it can be mixed at and any mixed solution should be used within 24 hours. Please refer to the Label for complete application instructions.
Sedgehammer can be applied to established listed turfgrasses for nutsedge control. Allow 4 weeks between application and seeding. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions.
Sedgehammer Herbicide is safe for use around established ornamentals, such as ornamental strawberries.
SedgeHammer Herbicide is meant more for nutsedge control in turf grass and it cannot be used near a vegetable garden or anything edible. For nutsedge in landscaped areas it is recommended to spot treat the sedge with a glyphosate or Round Up type product directly. We recommend Roundup QuickPro 1.5 oz. packs for ease of use.
You can plant new perennials/annuals at least 4-6 week after SedgeHammer Herbicide application
SedgeHammer Herbicide would not have harmed the fig tree if used as directed. While it is not labeled to be applied around edibles and applications should be kept outside of the dripline of edible trees, unless you sprayed the tree directly it should not have been affected. There are many possible factors which could be affecting the tree. We would recommend that you contact your local cooperative extension office for advice on what may be causing this appearance and how to best treat it.
Sedgehammer can be applied to established listed turfgrasses for nutsedge control. Allow 4 weeks between application and seeding. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions.
According to the SedgeHammer Herbicide label: Allow the turf to develop a good root system and uniform stand before application.
We do not recommend Sedgehammer for crabgrass control as it is only labeled for eradication of yellow and purple nutsedge and kyllinga. You can spot treat carefully with a non-selective post emergent control around Natal Plum and Sweet Pea etc. Sedgehammer is for lawn applications as directed.
SedgeHammer Herbicide is only sold/packaged individually.
You will use one scoop of SedgeHammer Herbicide in one or two gallons of water to treat 1000 square feet.
SedgeHammer Herbicide could be used in the cacti beds but not over the top of them. Care should be taken to spot treat only the nutsedge and to avoid spraying the cacti directly.
Yes, you can remove the soil that has been treated with SedgeHammer Herbicide so that you can plant in the area and avoid waiting.