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Gene from Raleigh, Nc writes

Since SquareOne Herbicide has been discontinued, what would be an alternate herbicide that kills weeds just as well?


Unfortunately, there is not another product with exactly the same combination of active ingredients as SquareOne Herbicide. Solitare is a combination product that contains the same grassy weed herbicide, quinclorac, plus sulfentrazone, which targets sedges and broadleaf weeds. If you have certain warm-season grasses, Blindside may be a better option for you. If you would like to provide more information about what weeds you are targeting, what type of grass you have, and how much area you are treating, then we can make a more specific recommendation for you.

Answer last updated on: 11/19/2017

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SquareOne Herbicide

SquareOne Herbicide


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