Don't feel bad, the herbicide labels are very hard to read and never tell you an amount of water. This is because the amount of water doesn't really matter, or actually it would be different for everybody. Once you determine how much product you need to apply over 1/2 acre, the amount of water depends on how ever much water it takes for you to cover that area. If you can equally cover 1/2 an acre with 1 gallon of water, or it takes 20 gallons of water, it doesn't really matter. As long as the amount of active ingredient is spread equally over that area. To calibrate your equipment, for example, a 1 gallon sprayer, mark off an area of 1,000 square feet, and cover that area at your normal pace as evenly as possible. If you used the entire gallon, you would use the recommended amount of product in 1 gallon of water.
The Solitaire label recommends applying between 8 ounces and 16 ounces per 1/2 acre, where 8 ounces would be for if you have a minimal amount of weeds, and 16 being used if you have a lot of weeds. We usually recommend splitting the difference which would be around 12 ounces per 1/2 acre. So you would add 12 ounces of product to however much water it will take to cover 1/2 of an acre.
Solitare Herbicide does not need to be reapplied if the treated areas were completely dry prior to the rain the following day.
The shelf life of Solitare Herbicide is 3-5 years from the date of purchase if kept sealed and away from extreme temperatures.
Solitare Herbicide should be applied as a broadcast application and is safe for listed cool and warm season turgrasses. This type of application will offer the best results, but it can be applied as a spot treatment as well. You will need to use .367 - .735 oz of product per 1,000 sq feet. The exact amount of water use will not be important. As long as the amount of active ingredient is spread equally over that area the amount of water is not important. To calibrate your equipment, for example, a 1 gallon sprayer, mark off an area of 1,000 square feet, and cover that area at your normal pace as evenly as possible. If you used the entire gallon, you would use the recommended amount of product in 1 gallon of water.
According to the product label, pets should not enter the treatment area until the Solitare Herbicide application has dried.
Solitare Herbicide is safe for pets after the product has dried. Keep pets and children out the area to be treated during the application. Please follow the label instructions for details on your treatment.
When using Solitaire Herbicide or any other herbidice for broadlead weeds it can take up to 10-14 days to see the complete results. Make sure that if you have gotten no rainfall or irrigation within 7 days after your initial application of this product in the amount of 0.5 inches, that you irrigate the application area with at least 0.5 inches of water as recommended on the product label.
Yes, Solitare Herbicide is labeled for Japanese Stiltgrass.
Solitaire is known to suppress dallis grass in Bermuda (will not completely control it) and it will control many other weeds. Unfortunately there are no products available (that we carry or others carry) that will kill the Dallisgrass without killing the surrounding grass. Best option is once it has emerged is to either spot spray or wipe on something like Round Up Quick Pro, or hand dig up the clumps of dallisgrass down to the root system and re-seed.
Both Solitaire Herbicide and Certainty Herbicide suppress dallisgrass. Both would be an excellent option for you. If you are looking to control crabgrass, Solitaire would be a better option for you.
MSMA is not something that is currently available anymore, so it is not necessary to use it. Yes, Certainty Herbicide will suppress dallisweed without the use of MSMA.