Yes, the best time to apply Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St Augustine Grass is early morning or late evening when the temperatures are the coolest. As long as the application has had time to dry, high temperatures in the following days will not injure the lawn.
Hi-Yield Atrazine Weed Killer and Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St. Augustine Grass are very similar except for the manufacturer. Almost the same mix rate, same percentage of active ingredient, and they also treat for the same weeds.
Per the product label for Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St. Augustine Grass: Rain or water within 2 or 3 days of application may decrease the effectiveness on emerged weeds. However, for the control of weeds from seeds, rainfall or watering is necessary within 7 to 10 days after treatment
It is recommended that you wait at least two days before or two days after to mow after applying Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St. Augustine Grass.
Do not apply Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St. Augustine Grass when temperatures exceed 90 F to avoid damaging your desirable turf.
Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer kills many broadleaf weeds, both emerged weeds and weeds from seeds. It is labeled safe for Centipede as well as St. Augustine.
Yes, Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St. Augustine Grasses is able to be used on St. Augustine Floratam lawns. It is both a pre-emergent and post emergent and is best applied when weeds are small or have not yet emerged. Pre-emergents are meant to be applied in early Spring and late Fall before the weeds have started to actively grow (when temperatures are 60 degrees for 4-5 consecutive days). Please follow instructions per the label. With Floratam St. Augustine grasses being extremely sensitive to post emergent herbicides, weeds that have already broken the surface of the lawn should be removed manually either with a weed whacker or by hand.
Yes it is recommended to apply Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St. Augustine Grass to grass that is wet.
Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer will not kill bermuda grass in a centipede lawn. Unfortunately, because these two grasses are so closely related, what kills one will likely harm the other as well. In this situation, it is normally recommended to spot treat the bermuda as much as possible with a Roundup-type product (which will also kill the centipede immediately surrounding it) and then replant with centipede in a couple of weeks when the bermuda is gone.
Yes, Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St. Augustine Grasses can be used on St. Augustine Floratam lawns. Do not apply this product when temperatures exceed 90 degrees F to avoid damaging your desirable turf.
Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St Augustine Grass may be applied during both dormant and growing seasons. Best results are usually obtained when applied in early spring or dormant periods when weeds are small or have not emerged.
Speedzone Southern is labeled for Dollarweed and for use on St Augustine grass. According to the Speedzone Southern product label: The turf tolerance to this product may vary and temporary turf grass yellowing may occur on St Augustine. Do not apply Speedzone Southern to Floratam, Bitterblue or other improved species of St Augustine. Do not broadcast or spot spray St Augustine during the fall to winter transition or if temperatures are expected to fall below 40F within 10 days of the application.
Please take a few moments to read through the product label completely for full instructions and other precautions.
No, Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St. Augustine Grass should only be used on established turf. You will need to wait through at least 3 mowings before applying this product.
Per the product label for Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St. Augustine Grass the rate is 4.3 oz. per gallon of water per 500 sq. ft.or 1.1 pints in 4 gallons of water to treat 2000 sqft so it could be used in a larger tank as long as you applying to the correct coverage area for the rate you use.
Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St Augustine Grass is labeled to suppress crabgrass only.
Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St Augustine Grass may be applied during both dormant and growing seasons. Best results are usually obtained when applied in early spring or dormant periods when weeds are small or have not emerged. The only temperature restriction on the label is to not apply when the temperature is above 90 degrees.
Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St Augustine Grass and be tank mixed with an insecticide like Talstar as long the rates and instructions on each product label are followed. We recommend performing a small jar test for compatibility any time you are using two new products together for the first time.
Southern Ag Atrazine Weed Killer for St. Augustine Grass is not labeled to treat Florida Pulsey. We cannot recommend it for you. Dismiss is labeled to treat for Florida Pulsey. Please refer to the product label to make sure your Turf Grass is tolerant of this product.