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SpeedZone Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf - Gallon is a highly effective selective post-emergent herbicide with superior cool-weather performance. Contains four powerful active ingredients which help in establishing cool and warm-season grasses for common and troublesome weeds in turfgrass such as clover, spurge, ground ivy, pennywort, dandelion, and plantain. Evidence of injury can be seen within hours of application, and plants can die within 7 to 14 days. It is proven safe to apply on tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, annual bluegrass, red or fine leaf fescue, perennial ryegrass, creeping and colonial bentgrass, and mixtures of cool-season species in noncropland. The SpeedZone Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf can be used on institutional, ornamental, and residential sites, sod production, and noncropland. The spray solution must be above pH 5 and below pH 8. Available in a one-gallon jug.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Carfentrazone-ethyl - 0.62% 2,4-D, ethylhexyl ester - 28.57% Mecoprop-p acid - 5.88% Dicamba acid - 1.71% |
Target pests | Clover, Plantain, Ground ivy, Spurge, Dandelion, Common chickweed, other broadleaf weeds as listed on the label. |
For use in | Kentucky bluegrass, Annual bluegrass, Annual ryegrass, Perennial ryegrass, Tall fescue, Red or fine leaf fescue on Residential sites, Golf courses, Commercial areas, Recreation areas, Athletic fields, Sod farms, Roadsides, Cemeteries. |
Application | May be used as a spot treatment or a broadcast treatment for ornamental turfgrass and sod farms. |
Pet safe | Yes, if used as directed on label. |
Formulation | Liquid Formulation. |
CA, PR LA, MA, NJ, NM, TX, WA (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only) |
Dimensions | 11.7 x 7.3 x 5.4 inches. |
Special Features | Highly selective in both warm- and cool-season turfgrasses and rainfast in three hours. |
Time to Kill | 7 to 14 days. |
Shipping Weight | 8.60 lbs |
Manufacturer | PBI Gordon Corporation |
UPC | 07025165476 |
EPA Registration | 2217-833 |
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.
Speed Zone is an emulsifiable concentrate intended for dilution with water. In certain applications, liquid fertilizer may replace part of the water in the mixture.
Mixing with Water:
Add one-half the required amount of water to the spray tank, then add Speed Zone slowly with agitation, and complete filling the tank with water. To prevent separation of the emulsion, mix thoroughly and continue agitation while spraying.
This product forms an emulsion and can separate upon extended or prolonged standing. Reagitate to assure uniformity of the spray mixture. Storage of the spray mixture beyond 72 hours is not recommended.
Do not use tank additives that alter the pH of the spray solution below pH 5 or above pH 8. Buffer the spray solution to alter the pH range as appropriate.
Mixing with Liquid Fertilizers:
Use suitable sources and rates of fertilizer based upon local recommendations. Refer to the mixing directions on the labels of the liquid fertilizers (e.g. UAN or urea solutions). Always perform a jar compatibility test before large scale mixing.
Speed Zone provides selective broadleaf control in warm-season and cool-season turfgrass in five (5) use sites.
Prohibition of Sites:
Early post-emergent applications of Speed Zone are recommended for annual, biennial, and perennial weeds. Apply Speed Zone to broadleaf weeds that are young and actively growing for the best results. Speed Zone combines a contact herbicide with systemic herbicides and provides little or no residual activity at recommended use rates.
Speed Zone may be applied as a single broadcast application or as a split/sequential broadcast applications in the spring, summer, or fall. Spring and fall treatments under adequate soil moisture conditions are preferred to the summer treatments. Generally, summer broadcast applications to older, drought-stressed weeds are less effective.
Sequential broadcast applications or follow-up applications as spot treatments with a minimum of 30 days between applications are recommended for more mature weeds, for dense infestations, and for adverse environmental conditions.
Spot treatments during the summer may be appropriate for sparse infestations, or as a follow-up treatment anytime broadleaf weeds are susceptible. Apply on a spray-to-wet basis for the best results.
Extremes in environmental conditions e.g. temperature and moisture, soil conditions, and cultural practices may affect the activity of Speed Zone. Under warm moist conditions, herbicide symptoms may be accelerated. While under very dry conditions, the expression of herbicide symptoms is delayed, and weeds hardened off by drought are less susceptible to Speed Zone.
*See the label for the full list of controlled weeds.
SpeedZone is a good choice
By Sa on 06/29/2011
I've been using SpeedZone commercially for 4 years now, on about 190K sq. feet of 'high impact' grass areas. It's the best product for Dandelions, which has been a hard one to beat. I like to use it in conjunction with a liquid fertilizer. This helps SZ to work faster for me. Dandelions propagate so quickly, the product needs to work as fast as possible. SZ is not the best choice for thistle, but any other cheaper herbicide with 2,4-D will handle that. SZ keeps your tank and pump clean, which many others do not. Lastly, I've cut back my use of SZ this year because of its cost. I've tried diluting a little, but then it doesn't work. I would use it more, if it cost less.
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22 of 24 people found this review helpful
Impressed so far
By Matt on 06/03/2011
I waited a little too long (May 20) to try to kill the wild violet in my yard with Speed Zone. One treatment killed about half of it and very fast. Temps are above 90 now so I guess I'll try again in the fall or spring so I don't injure the grass. Be very careful if you have a vegetable garden though. I sprayed in what I thought was calm conditions and it managed to drift enough to cause injury in my garden. Next time I'm putting a tarp barrier up.
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22 of 23 people found this review helpful
Post Emergent herbicide
By John on 06/08/2012
Late April 2012 I planted a new lawn by seed--approximately 3/4 acre, consisting of a mixuture of cool and warm season grasses. The imported top soil was unfortunatly loaded with weed seed which came up along with the new grass. The weeds were dominated by Virginia Knotweed, which at 6 weeks were ~12" inches in height and beginning to form seed heads. Using a 1:1 mix (oz Speed Zone to gallon water), due to the new grass being ~6 weeks mature, Speed Zone killed the knotweed and did not harm the tall fescue/little bluestem mix. Weeds wilted within 24 hrs and were mowed 7 days after application--the first cutting for the new grass. There are a few nut grass still in the seeded area not killed by Speed Zone, but these are small enough instances to be pulled. Speed Zone was very effective at controlling post emergent weeds in a stand of newly planted grass seed. I plan to extend it's use to my established lawn--spot treating small areas of white clover and oxalis (woodsorrel).
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18 of 19 people found this review helpful
Spring Cleanup
By Jackie on 03/26/2012
SZ works great on Chickweed, Henbit and Dandalions. It did not get my clover and it does not work on crab grass. It does work well in the cool Springtime and even if it rains the next day. The note said rainproof in 4 hours.
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15 of 16 people found this review helpful
As Advertised
By Chris on 08/01/2011
Not withstanding use restrictions, this stuff does the job! It took care of problems that Ortho wouldn't and more! You still have to pull the dead material so the lawn isn't full of dead weeds though. I recommend this for serious, no kidding around post-emergent turf weed control!
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13 of 13 people found this review helpful
It is recommended not to mow within 2 days before or 2 days after applying SpeedZone Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf.
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32 of 35 people found this answer helpful
I would like to use non-Ortho concentrates in my Dial-N-Spray sprayer but I cannot find conversion ratios. For cool-season turfgrasses I prefer Bonide Weed Beater Ultra, but its broadcast application rates are listed in pints per acre. I am treating 9000 square feet and have no idea what setting on my hose-end sprayer to use. For spring treatments next year I would also like to use Speedzone Red, which lists rates for ounces per thousand square feet and gallons per thousand square feet; not ounces per gallon.
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29 of 70 people found this answer helpful
It is not necessary to use a surfactant when applying SpeedZone Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf and it actually says on the label that adding a surfactant could reduce the selectivity on the turfgrass. Please look at the label for application instructions.
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15 of 18 people found this answer helpful
Have a very stubborn and dense infestation of Pennsylvania Smartweed. Have used Speedzone last couple of years only to have it come back again. What am I doing wrong? Should I try another product, maybe Surge? Do I need to add anything to a herbicide?
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13 of 19 people found this answer helpful
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8 of 34 people found this answer helpful
SpeedZone Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf - Gallon
Rating: 4.7 (36 Reviews / 31 Q&A)