Sublime Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 9 (of 9 questions)
  • Asked by Thomas from Overland Park, Ks
    Mixing rate in ounces per gallon of water to control creeping charlie using Sublime Herbicide?
    What is the ounces Sublime Gerbicide per gallon of water that is recommended for controlling creeping charlie along a fence line and spot spraying in fescue? Thanks.

    Sublime Herbicide is mixed at .75 oz per gallon of water for spot treatments alone with 3 tsp of surfactant per the product label.

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  • Asked by Jetome from Philadelphia, Pa
    Is Sublime Herbicide harmful to Kentucky blue grass?

    According to the product label, the Sublime Herbicide can be safely be used on Kentucky Bluegrass before or At Seeding from Early Spring through Fall. 

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  • Asked by Scott from Hillsborough
    I looked at the Sublime Herbicide label and best I can tell the mixing rate is .75 oz/1000 sft. Is that correct?

    Yes, this is the correct rate for spot treatment when using Sublime Herbicide

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  • Asked by Mike from Greensboro, Nc
    What is the rainfast time on Sublime Herbicide?

    Sublime Herbicide is best applied when no rain is expected with 24 hours for best results.

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  • Asked by Tcreed from Nashville, Tn
    Better Performance than Q4 in TTTF?
    Debating if I should give this a shot over Q4….love Q4’s effectiveness, but feel like it can be a little harsh. Curious if this has as good or better performance with grassy and broadleaf weeds in turf type tall fescue? The addition of meso intrigues me

    Sublime Herbicide is labeled for some of the same weeds as Q4 so it really depends on the target weeds you need to treat.  They are each effective for the labeled weeds and have the same precautions really.  Sublime also requires the use of a non ionic surfactant while Q4 does not.

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  • Asked by Roger from Raleigh Nc
    Will Sublime Herbicide kill virginia buttonweed in tall fescue? if not, what is the most effective product

    Sublime Herbicide is labeled to control Virginia buttonweed in a fescue lawn. 

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  • Asked by Jason
    How long after use of Sublime can seed be planted?

    The seed timing after using Sublime Herbicide will depend on the type of seed. Please review the product label on pages 5-6.

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  • Asked by Bruce from Milton, Ga
    Can Sublime be used on Zoysia to kill poa annua that has emerged during the winder?

    Sublime Herbicide states on the product label that it will injure poa annua while being safe on Zoysia. Keep in mind that post-emergents cannot be applied till soil temperatures are above 55 degrees as they will not work very well or at all when too cold. Here is our lawn care schedule & you may also reach out to your local extension office for assistance on timing in your area 

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  • Asked by Carlos from New Britain, Ct
    Can I tank mix Sublime and Ethofumasate, how long do I have to wait to reapply after seeds germinate in KBG?

    Sublime Herbicide can be safely be used on Kentucky Bluegrass before or At Seeding from Early Spring through Fall. Before tank mixing this product with other herbicides, conduct a compatibility, safety, and efficacy test before treating larger areas. It is the pesticide user’s responsibility to ensure that all products are registered for the intended use. Read and follow the applicable restrictions, limitations, and directions for use on all product labels involved in the tank mixture. Users must follow the most restrictive directions for use and precautionary statements of each product in the tank mixture.

    According to the product label, the Sublime Herbicide can be safely be used on Kentucky Bluegrass before or At Seeding from Early Spring through Fall. 
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Displaying 1 to 9 (of 9 questions)