Surflan AS would be a great option. It is safe to be used on most grass types including some of the most sensitive ones like St Augustine. It will control Sandburs in your yard, as well as a multitude of other broadleaf weeds. It is highly recommended that you refer to the product label prior to purchase to make sure your lawn type is listed under grass species that are tolerant to the product.
Yes, Surflan AS Herbicide is pet safe if used as directed on the product label. Pets should be out of the area during treatment until the treated area dries completely. Once the application is dry it is safe for pets to resume normal activity in the area.
Surflan AS is a great pre-emergent and will work on foxtail as well as many other broad leaf weeds, but is not labeled for use in pastures. Most pre-emergents should be applied in both the Fall and early Spring. It varies depending on where you live and climates where you live. We recommend contacting your local county extension office as they should have the most accurate information on how and when to treat weeds and insects in your local area, as well as the best advice on what to use in a grazing pasture.
Surflan AS would be a great option. It is safe to be used on most grass types including Buffalo grass. It will control Sandburs in your yard, as well as a multitude of other broadleaf weeds.
Surflan AS Herbicide is a concentrate that is to be mixed with water. You do not have to do any additional watering immediately after the application, however a minimum of ½ inch of rain or its equivalent in sprinkler irrigation is necessary to active Surflan AS within 21 days of the application.
Yes, Surflan AS Herbicide can be used under and around live oak trees. This product will prevent weeds from growing around it and will not harm the tree.
Apply Surflan AS Herbicide to the soil surface 2-4 weeks after planting, but prior to the emergence of annual weeds. If apply then plant you would be disturbing the treated soil which could break the barrier and would need to reapply.
Surflan AS Herbicide can be tank mixed with 2,4-D following the instructions on each product label regarding doing so and rates.
Surflan AS Herbicide can be applied outside the dripline around fruit trees.