Surflan AS Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 52 questions)
  • Asked by Paul from Spring Branch, Tx 78070
    What is a good pre-emergent for controlling sticker burrs/goatheads?
    I live in central Texas and have a terrible problem with stickers in the yard. Don't know the exact name of the stickers; we call them goatheads among other things.

    Surflan AS would be a great option. It is safe to be used on most grass types including some of the most sensitive ones like St Augustine. It will control Sandburs in your yard, as well as a multitude of other broadleaf weeds. It is highly recommended that you refer to the product label prior to purchase to make sure your lawn type is listed under grass species that are tolerant to the product.

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  • Asked by Tim from Rodeo, Nm
    I have a backback and a 30gl tow behind sprayer with a boom and a wand. I am looking for a simple mix ratio
    to kill various weeds.
    Surflan AS Herbicide should be mixed at 1.5-2oz per gallon water.  
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  • Asked by Doug from Glendale, Az
    What is the shelf life of Surflan AS Herbicide?
    Surflan AS Herbicide should be used within 3 years of the date of purchase.
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  • Asked by Scott from Slidell, La
    Amount of Surflan AS per Gallon in Tank Sprayer
    In the Label I do not see a recommendation for Tank Sprayer mixing. For non-crop land application, it recommends 4.5 oz/1000sq ft. Do you have any idea about the conversion for a 1 gallon tank sprayer?
    The amount of water used to apply Surflan AS herbicide is not critical, but should be sufficient for uniform coverage of the target area.  You can follow these steps from page 2 of the product label to calibrate how much water you will need.
    Steps in Calibration:
    1. Mark an area of 1,000 square feet (i.e. 20 by 50 feet, or 25 by 40 feet).
    2. Place the sprayer on a level surface and add water noting the final level of water in the
    spray tank.
    3. Spray the marked area with a sufficient volume of water to provide uniform coverage.
    Refill the sprayer to the same level as before measuring the amount of water added. The
    measured water added to the sprayer is the volume needed to cover 1,000 square feet.
    4. Determine the application rate (fl oz/1000 sq ft) for Sur
    flan AS from the “Approved Uses”
    section of this label.
    5. To each volume of water used, as measured in step 3, add the amount of Surflan AS as
    determined in step 4.
    If the sprayer used 2 gallons of water to cover 1,000 square feet and the desired
    application rate of Surflan AS is 3 fluid oz/1,000 square feet, then you would add 3 fluid
    ounces of Surflan AS to every 2 gallons of water to be used.
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  • Asked by Richard
    What would you recommend?
    I have about 75 acres I am treating. There is Bermuda and St Augustine but in most places it is not established very well. I work right outside the Dallas Area. The stickers are the main problem.
    Although Surflan AS is labeled for sandbur which we believe is the "sticker" you are talking about, it is not recommended to use in turf grass that is not well established as you suggested.  You could damage the turf grass using this product.  We recommend Image 70 DG to treat sandbur.  Also, to prevent them for next year, you should apply Barricade as a pre-emergent in the late fall.
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  • Asked by Robert from Phoenix, Az
    Is Surflan AS Herbicide safe with a pet on the property?
    Is this safe for our dogs, what precautions do we need to take?

    Yes, Surflan AS Herbicide is pet safe if used as directed on the product label. Pets should be out of the area during treatment until the treated area dries completely. Once the application is dry it is safe for pets to resume normal activity in the area.

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  • Asked by Alan from Phoenix, Az
    Want a pre-emergent to spray on desert landscape to control weeds & not harm existing plants
    What is a good product to use? I live in Phoenix, Az. Thanks!
    Surflan AS is our most popular product for your type of setting.  It is highly recommended that you refer to the product label prior to purchase to make sure the type of weed you are trying to control is listed.
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  • Asked by Mike
    Do you recommend Surflan AS Herbicide as a pre-emergent for foxtail barley in my pasture grass?
    Some information I have read for foxtail says to apply the herbicide this fall and some say to apply it next spring. When do you suggest I apply it? I live in Grand Junction, CO. (Elev. 4800 ft.) where there are late Falls and early Springs. The pasture is a wheat grass and some orchard grass.

    Surflan AS is a great pre-emergent and will work on foxtail as well as many other broad leaf weeds, but is not labeled for use in pastures.  Most pre-emergents should be applied in both the Fall and early Spring.  It varies depending on where you live and climates where you live.  We recommend contacting your local county extension office as they should have the most accurate information on how and when to treat weeds and insects in your local area, as well as the best advice on what to use in a grazing pasture.

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  • Asked by Michelle from Payson, Az
    Is the 2.5 gal container of Surflan AS a concentrate?
    After reading the label on-line, it appears that it is. I just want to make sure. Thank you
    Surflan AS is indeed a concentrated herbicide.
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  • Asked by Tyra from Lewes De
    Can surflan be combined with Round-up?
    I have a large cutting flower business. I need to control sedges now and then any future weed?
    We do not see why you could not Surflan AS and Roundup. However, each chemical has different molecular makeups that may counter act each other. Please contact the manufacturers Monsanto for Round up 800-332-3111 and Agrisel for Surflan AS 877-247-4735.
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  • Asked by Tom from Saint Francis, Ks
    Is there a pre-emergent for grassy sand bur in buffalo grass?
    Best most cost effective pre emergent hebicide to help control grassy sand bur/field sand bur in native buffalo grass, fence rows, road ditches, non crop areas in Kansas

    Surflan AS would be a great option. It is safe to be used on most grass types including Buffalo grass. It will control Sandburs in your yard, as well as a multitude of other broadleaf weeds.

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  • Asked by Jim from Coalinga, Ca
    Does Surflan AS Herbicide have to be watered in?

    Surflan AS Herbicide is a concentrate that is to be mixed with water. You do not have to do any additional watering immediately after the application, however a minimum of ½ inch of rain or its equivalent in sprinkler irrigation is necessary to active Surflan AS within 21 days of the application.

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  • Asked by Doug from Wichita Falls
    Is Surflan AS Herbicide safe to use under live oak trees?
    We have numerous live oaks in our recently purchased 6 acre home but the yard has been neglected. I want to restore the bermuda but not kill the trees

    Yes, Surflan AS Herbicide can be used under and around live oak trees. This product will prevent weeds from growing around it and will not harm the tree. 

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  • Asked by Planting from Hendersonville, Nc
    How long do I wait after spraying Surflan AS Herbicide before planting

    Apply Surflan AS Herbicide to the soil surface 2-4 weeks after planting, but prior to the emergence of annual weeds.  If apply then plant you would be disturbing the treated soil which could break the barrier and would need to reapply.

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  • Asked by Toxie from Montague Texas 76251
    What preemergence prevents goathead stickers
    Surflan AS would be a great option. It is safe to be used on most grass types including some of the most sensitive ones like St Augustine. It will control Sandburs in your yard, as well as a multitude of other broadleaf weeds. It is highly recommended that you refer to the product label prior to purchase to make sure your lawn type is listed under grass species that are tolerant to the product.
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  • Asked by Kk from Elk Grove, Ca.
    Should I weed the yard before application of Surflan AS?
    I'd assume that would be optimum, but will it still work if weeds are left in place?
    Surflan AS is a pre-emergent herbicide. This means that it will only control weed growth before they pop up out of the ground.  Pre-emergents are best applied in fall and early spring to best prevent future weed growth later in the seasons. So, yes you can apply a pre-emergent without first weeding, as it will not take care of the already grown weeds - it only will prevent more future growth from sprouting.
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  • Asked by Dan from Oklahoma City, Ok
    Is Surflan AS harmful to chickens?
    My chickens are free range chickens and can lock them in the coop for a couple of days post-spray to keep them safe if need be.
    Surflan AS is safe to use around chickens as long as you are following the instructions on the product label.  You would need to keep them out of the area until it dries, typically 3-4 hours.
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  • Asked by Juliann from Auburndale, Fl
    Can I mix Surflan with 2-4-D?

    Surflan AS Herbicide can be tank mixed with 2,4-D following the instructions on each product label regarding doing so and rates.

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  • Asked by Dana from Galiano Island, Bc
    Can Surflan be safely used on established asparagus beds?
    Surflan AS is not labeled to be applied in any type of edible garden.  We do not carry any pre-emergents labeled to be used in vegetables garden.  The main product used for weeds in a vegetable garden is a Roundup type product, like our RoundUp QuickPro product. Roundup Professional products do not leave a residual that could possibly be soaked up by the roots of your garden. Of course you do not want to get the RoundUp product on any plants you want to keep. You should only direct it at the weeds you want to get rid of.
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  • Asked by Bryan from Roanoke. Tx
    How close to a fruit tree can you safely spray Surflan AS?

    Surflan AS Herbicide can be applied outside the dripline around fruit trees.

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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 52 questions)