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Image 70 DG herbicide is a selective postemergent herbicide that overpowers stubborn weeds in warm-season turfgrasses that other herbicides just can't control. Absorbed through the root systems of targeted weeds, Image inhibits the enzymes needed for photosynthesis so food production stops and weeds waste away. Image will control crabgrass on St. Augustine Grass, as well as control nuisance summer weeds such as Field Sandbur, Prennial and Annual Ryegrass, Globe Sedge, Green Kyllinga, Rice Flatsedge, Purple Nutsedge and Yellow Nutsedge.
Image 70 DG DOES NOT come with a scooper or measuring device. This product is difficult to measure unless you have a scale or some way to measure .26 ounces to mix with a gallon of water.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Imazaquin 70% |
Target pests |
Crabgrass on St. Augustine Grass, as well as control nuisance weeds such as Field Sandbur, Prennial and Annual Ryegrass, Globe Sedge, Green Kyllinga, Rice Flatsedge, Purple Nutsedge and Yellow Nutsedge, Black Medic, Buttercup, Chickweed (common and mouseear), Cutleaf evening Primrose, Carolina Geranium, Dovetail Geranium, Hairy Bittercress, Henbit, Knawel, Lawn Burweed, Parsley Piert, Purple Deadnettle, Red Sorrel, White Clover, Wild Garlic, Wild Onion and others * See label for complete list |
For use in |
Established lawns of Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, St. Augustine, seashore Paspalum and zoysiagrass Also on Golf Courses, Sod Farms, Commercial and Residential Turf and landscape ornamentals * See label for complete list |
Application |
0.17 oz. per gallon of water (1.5 gallons per 1,000 sq. ft.) Handheld Sprayer * See label for complete application instructions |
Formulation | Professional Product |
Shipping Weight | 0.89 lbs |
Manufacturer | BASF |
EPA Registration | 241-319 |
Image 70 DG should be applied at a rate of 0.2 ounces to 0.26 ounces per 1000 square feet (8.6 ounces to 11.4 ounces per acre). The high-use rate should be practiced where heavy weed infestation occurs.
For spot spraying with a handheld or backpack sprayer, mix 0.5 ounces of Image per 3 gallons of water and spray to wet. Approximately 1.5 gallons of spray solution will treat 1000 sq. ft.
Uniformly apply Image and avoid overlaps when spraying. Avoid drift onto vegetables, flowers, ornamental shrubs, and other desirable plants or injury may result. Irrigation or rainfall of 0.25 to 0.5 inches is suggested within 1 to 7 days of application to wash Image into the shoot/root zone where the greatest weed control activity occurs.
Image can also be applied without harm around and over a wide variety of ornamentals. For a complete list, consult the product label.
Hard on St Augustine
By Anonymous on 07/08/2013
It's hard on St Augustine. It does kill crabgrass. I would not spray it on my St Augustine after April. If the outside temp is high and your lawn is St Augustine then it is going to kill your grass. It will grow back but you have seriously retarded that seasons growth.
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9 of 9 people found this review helpful
Image 70 DG
By Don on 01/24/2013
The only thing that kills all the dollar weed. My world class collection of dollar weed made up 75% of everything green in my yard and Image removed 90% of it. I did not follow up with another application until it started to come back in full force. I am reapplying now and it has started to wilt and die. This stuff really works. I live on a golf course and was able to try some of their stuff but it did not compare to Image.
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7 of 7 people found this review helpful
Read the Label
By Drew on 03/27/2012
Crab grass and Image
By Everett on 10/23/2011
When I searched for crabgrass killer, one of the items which came up, recommended for St. Augustine, was Image 70 DG. After using it, it had absolutely no affect on the crabgrass. It was $147.00 wasted. The zero stars is accurate (except it won't accept zero).
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5 of 14 people found this review helpful
Image 70 DG herbicide is labeled for use on Centipede grass and does list that it can be used to aid in the control of and reduce competition from bahiagrass. Though we will say that all of our experts in our company and others that we reach out to for further advice in this field agree that removing Bahiagrass from Centipede, or vice versa, cannot be done. While some universities may have had success with certain products working in controlled environments for them, there are no products on the market that we are aware of that are labeled or proven to work for your needs. Anything that would kill the Bahiagrass would also kill the centipede as the overall DNA of the plants are too similar to selectively kill one and not the other. The best recommendation would be to spot treat the bahia with a Roundup type product and then reseed heavily with centipede to try and smother out the bahia and keep it from coming back. If you choose to use a product recommended on a university's site you are more than welcome to, and you can search by both product name and active ingredient to see what we carry that you can try. We apologize for not being able to give you the answer you were looking for, but please let us know if you have any other questions!
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22 of 28 people found this answer helpful
I have warm season bermuda grass in Central Texas; however, grassburs (sharp stickers) are growing thicker each summer. Is there some chemical that can control the grassburs without hurting the bermuda grass? If so, when should it be applied?
Image 70 DG will treat sandbug (grassbur) To prevent sandburs you should apply Barricade as a pre-emergent in the late fall. Sandburs are easier to prevent than to try to get rid of once they have invaded your yard. Both products can be used as directed on the product labels on Bermudagrass.
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4 of 6 people found this answer helpful
My grass type is common Bermuda. I have large bare spots from the weed kill.
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3 of 3 people found this answer helpful
I have a ortho dail N spary hose end sparyer that is 32oz how much should i mix in for a 1/8 of an acre with the sprayer dial at 1oz to a 2oz ratio
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2 of 2 people found this answer helpful
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Image 70 DG
Rating: 3.5 (4 Reviews / 10 Q&A)