Yes The Suspend Polyzone is safe once it dries and can be used indoors as well as outdoors. Suspend Polyzone has been tested and will last for 90 days indoors and outdoors. Suspend Polyzone has a unique poly coating over the particles of the product which protects it from weathering and makes the residual last longer. Suspend Polyzone was also designed to stay up on the surface of even very porous areas such as concrete or wood which makes the product more available to insects. We suggest you look at our Roach Control, and Bed Bug guides to treat for roaches and bed bugs.
Suspend Polyzone once dry, will not reconstitute and as long as the product was applied according to the product label there should be no issues. The bigger issue with the sprinkler hitting the treated area is that it could wash the product away sooner than if it stayed dry so it would be best to have the sprinkler set to not spray the patio if possible.
Suspend Polyzone is a great product that can be used indoors and outdoors around the perimeter of your home for insect control. It features an additional polymer in it that protects the active ingredient from weather, irrigation and mechanical abrasion.This controlled release formulation, which resists erosion, ensures your treatment will continue to control targeted pests for up to 90 days outdoors. It also stays right where you put it, so if you want to increase the effectiveness of your treatments, put the science of Suspend Polyzone to work for you. The mixing rate is 0.25-1.5 fl oz per gallon of water. This can be re-applied every 30 days but will last for up to 90 days.
Yes, you can mix Gentrol and Suspend Polyzone together. You would mix 1 oz Gentrol with 1 oz Suspend Polyzone. Do not reduce the mix ratio.
Both are great products, but Suspend Polyzone will give you a longer lasting residual than Temprid FX. The molecular design of the capsule that protects the active ingredient last longer and stays on top of the surface better with Suspend Polyzone. Neither product will kill on contact.
Yes, Suspend Polyzone can safely be broadcast across your lawn, on brushes, trees, flowers etc. and it is labeled for both fleas and mosquitoes.
Suspend Polyzone is only labeled for indoor cracks and crevices and will only treat the adult fleas that come into contact with those areas. We recommend using the products in our Indoor Flea Kit for the most effective control. Please take a few moments to review our treatment article on How to Get Rid of Fleas for more helpful information.
The amount of Suspend Polyzone per gallon of water will depend on the targeted pest. It can be mixed at 0.25 fl oz to 1.5 fl oz per gallon of water per 1,000 sq ft and offer a 90 day outdoor residual. The amount of Exciter you will use per gallon of water will be determined by what you are using the product for. You can find all of the different usage rates by reviewing the product label.
The amount of Exciter you will use per gallon of water will be determined by what you are using the product for. You can find all of the different usage rates by reviewing the product label.
Suspend Polyzone should be used within 24 hours of mixing with water. It should not be stored in your sprayer as the products quickly breaks down after this 24 hours and storing mixed chemicals can cause damage to the sprayer.
Suspend Polyzone may kill Fire Ants that come in contact with it, but it would not be our product of choice for Fire ant control. We recommend applying the Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait or the Advion Fire Ant Bait. If you need to do a whole yard broadcast, most customers in Florida like Talstar XTRA for Fire ants. Please see our Fire Ant Pest Guide for more details about treating for this pest.
Everyone other than the person applying the product will need to be out of the area while Suspend Polyzone is being applied. Once all treated surfaces are fully dry, everyone can safely return.
The kill time for Suspend Polyzone varies. It is a residual product so it will not kill if sprayed directly. Suspend will kill wasps and other insects over a period of several hours after they contact treated areas. It will leave a residual that will last up to 90 days, both indoors and outdoors.
Suspend Polyzone and Bifen IT should not be mixed together. Mixing insecticides together doesn’t create a more powerful product, and it can cause repellency issues causing the insects to avoid the sprayed areas all together.
Suspend Polyzone and Suspend SC? share the same active ingredient but their formulations are very different. Suspend SC will only last for about 30 days outdoors (90 days indoors) while Suspend Polyzone has been tested and will last for 90 days outdoors. Suspend Polyzone has a unique poly coating over the particles of the product which protects it from weathering and makes the residual last longer. Suspend Polyzone was also designed to stay up on the surface of even very porous areas such as concrete or wood which makes the product more available to insects. Suspend SC and Suspend Polyzone cannot be applied to animals including dogs.
Temprid SC has two active ingredients in it, while Suspend SC only has one. They also have different active ingredients in them. The active ingredient is Suspend SC is deltamethrin. The active ingredients in Temprid SC are imidacloprid beta cyfluthrin. and Both are labeled for the same types of insects and the residual is the same indoors (approximately 90 days) and outdoors (approximately 30 days).
The shelf life of Suspend Polyzone is normally 3-5 years if you store it properly in a room temperature stable evironment ,out of direct sunlight. The chances of it being effective after that time is unlikely.