Talstar P Professional Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 41 to 60 (of 1268 questions)
  • Asked by Peter from Venice, Florida
    What product kills the Sri Lanka Weevil. Can we treat the soil where larvae live?
    We know it lays its eggs in the soil so would like to kill the larvae before they hatch. When we returned from the North, we found they have eaten Live Oaks, dahoon holly, crepe myrtle.
    The only product that we know of that is recommended for the Sri Lanka Weevil is Talstar, but Talstar will not kill the eggs. (Talstar is not labeled for the Sri Lanka Weevil but is recommended by many universities that have done research on this pest) We recommend that you contact your local cooperative extension as they may have more information on the Sri Lanka Weevil that is invading your region.
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  • Asked by Monte from Derby, Kansas
    Can I use Talstar P where my chickens are walking around and eating?
    i have chickens and they are free roaming, i know you can spray in poultry areas but if i spray Talstar p about 10 feet out from my home and my chickens are pecking around that same area and or eating the bugs that have been treated, will it harm my chickens or will it harm the eggs i receive from them?
    Talstar P is labeled to be used in poultry houses and chicken pens so it should not harm your chickens or their eggs. You must make sure your chickens are out of the area while you apply Talstar P and then they can return to the area as soon as it is dry. You should dilute 1 ounce of Talstar P per gallon of water and using a hand pump sprayer apply the solution on all door frames, window frames, areas where utilities (cables, pipes, wires) enter into the structure, a band of soil 6 to 10 feet adjacent to the structure, also to a height of 2 to 3 feet on the foundation where pests may be active or may find entrance.
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  • Asked by Ed from Central Florida
    How often should I apply Talstar P outside for normal pest control?
    During the warm months of the year you can apply Talstar P once a month. As the seasons cool and the insects become less active you can apply Talstar P once every 3 months for general pest control.
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  • Asked by Jeff from Florahome Fl.
    Is Talstar P safe on plants and would vegetables sprayed with Talstar P be safe to eat if washed off?

    Talstar P is labeled to safely be used on trees, bushes and other ornamental plants. Talstar is not labeled to be used on vegetables or any type of edibles, so you should discard any edible vegetation that has come in contact with this product.  

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  • Asked by Rj
    How to use Cyonara 9.7 for outdoor mosquito control?
    I have been using Flit 10EC for mosquito control, mixing about 8 oz per gallon of water. In mid morning or afternoon, once mosquitoes have retreated to the shade of the foliage, I'll spray on, in and under our evergreens and deciduous bushes, as well as spraying the foliage on the edge of our property as a repellent. We are bordered by forest and about 1/2 mile from mosquito heaven (water and designated wetland). We have had a very wet spring and summer in Chicago. The Flit has done pretty well- especially compared to our neighbors- but I'd like something better, and I am using about 12 gallons of mix per treatment. So would you recommend the Cyonara for my purpose and at what concentrate/water ratio? Does the Cyonara have a longer residual than permethrin? Can I use it as a residual/repellent for wasps/yellow jackets on wooden and plastic play sets (they now need regular monitoring for new nests).

    Talstar P is our most popular selling product for mosquito control.  It is a liquid concentrate that you mix with water and apply using any hand pump sprayer or backpack sprayer.  The key is to apply it to all shrubs, trees, and other foliage around the house or patio you are trying to provide relief at.  It should be directed not only on top of the leaves and plants, but on the underside of the leaves as well which is where the mosquitoes hang out.  It should be applied every 30 days for optimum control.  It is also very good for bees and wasps, however you would not want to apply it or any other product directly to play sets where children will touch treated surfaces.  Also, Talstar P is labeled for over 100 different insects and will work in just about any situation. 

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  • Asked by Angie from Cleveland ,tennessee
    How long should it take for Talstar to dry before pets are ok to re-enter area where it is used?
    I want to spray my lawn for fleas and ticks, but I have dogs that go outside and was just wondering how long it takes for it to dry and be safe for my dogs to go out again???
    Generally, it should take any where between 30min-1hour to dry. After the treated area has completely dried it is safe for the pets to re-enter.
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  • Asked by Jason from Middletown Ohio
    Does Talstar P kill spiders?
    Talstar will kill spiders.  However, it is not a contact kill product....it is made more for longevity and having a long residual.  It will work much faster when a spider is present when you are spraying and you spray directly on the spider.  It will still not die immediately, but rather quickly. Once the spray dries, if a spider walks over it at a later time, it will pick up the dried Talstar on its body, but it will take much longer to kill it.  It can take hours to a day or so for it to finally kill the spider, depending on the size of the spider.  Most all residual insecticides will work this way
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  • Asked by Keith
    What is the shelf life of Talstar P?
    Talstar P should be used within 3 years of the date of purchase. It is important to keep the product out of direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.
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  • Asked by Eric from Lawton, Ok
    Is Talstar P effective against Brown Recluse?
    I was wondering if the residual residue of Talstar P is effective against Brown Recluse spiders if not directly sprayed. I learned that they do not have much contact with the ground and this makes them hard to kill.
    Talstar P is specifically labeled (page 4 of the product label) for a number of medically significant spiders including Black Widow, Brown Recluse and Hobo Spiders. It is important to remember that Talstar P does not give an immediate knockdown but instead works over a period of several hours to kill spiders that have come into contact with the product. Talstar P will also help to get rid of the insects that spiders feed on and that will help to stop new spiders from moving in. Indoors, spray around all baseboards, door frames, window frames, under appliances, in closets and storage rooms and in areas where utilities enter into the structure. Outdoors you should spray around the bottom of the foundation, on the ground adjacent to the foundation, door frames, window frames and places where the utilities enter into the structure. Brown recluse spiders are a bit trickier to eliminate because they often stay hidden in areas where people do not or cannot spray. We recommend that in addition to the Talstar P, you also use glueboards in areas where spraying would not be appropriate and to help monitor the infestation (cabinets, closets, under furniture, storage areas)
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  • Asked by Lance
    Will Talstar P do a good job controlling bagworms?
    I have been using a service to spray our Spruce and Junipers for bagworms each year. The cost has become rather high lately. Are there any health concerns with this product?
    Talstar P is the #1 recommended product for bagworm control. TalstarP is known to have a very low toxicity for mammals making it safe to use around people and pets. Please visit the Talstar P product page where you can review the product label as well as the MSDS. Talstar P applications should start in April and continue monthly through June for bagworm control. Be sure foliage is sprayed thorughly to the point of runoff to achieve adequate coverage.
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  • Asked by Joe
    Can I buy Talstar P locally?
    No, most states do not allow you to buy Talstar P locally. You can however purchase it on our website anytime and we always provide fast, free shipping.
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  • Asked by Phil from Albany, Or
    After mixing, how long can Talstar be stored?
    Mixing directions is for 1 gallon -- did not use it all up. How long can I store it mixed in a sprayer?
    Like any other concentrate product of this sort, Talstar P needs to be used with 24-48 hours after mixing. After that point the product will start to not only break down and be less effective, but will eat at your sprayer parts as well. If you do not think you will need the full 1 gallon of solution for the area you are treating, you can cut the dilution in half and mix up only half a gallon at a time.
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  • Asked by Linda
    Will Bayer Tree & Shrub Protect & Feed kill bagworms?
    Bayer Tree & Shrub Protect & Feed is not labeled for bagworm control. The imidacloprid products that we carry are not labeled for bagworms and we would not recommend that you try to use them for bagworm control. We recommend that you choose a product that lists bagworms on the product label such as Talstar P (Talstar P is the product most commonly selected by pros for bagworm control), Thuricide, Mavrik, or Permethrin SFR. Please take a few minutes to read our article Bagworm Control to learn when you should start spraying for bagworms.
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  • Asked by John from Kansas
    How long does it take for Talstar to dry indoors?
    Most insecticides I have noticed are 30-45 minutes, just wondering if Talstar was the same?
    Talstar P is a water based insecticide and it takes the same amount of time as water to dry. In most cases it is dry within 1 hour.
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  • Asked by Monte
    Is spraying along the baseboards inside considered a crack and crevice spray using Talstar P?
    Spraying the baseboards with Talstar P is not considered a crack and crevice spray.  Although pest control companies used to just go around the inside of a home and spray down the baseboards, it is not really considered acceptable practice any longer.  99% of all pests enter the home from the outside so the most important treatment of any home is the outside perimeter.  On the inside you should just hit the "hot spots" which are underneath and behind appliances, inside water heater closets, and in wall voids where pipes go into walls and cupboards behind toilets and under sinks. We actually have an instructional video that demonstrates how and where to spray around and inside your home.
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  • Asked by Eric
    How does Demon WP compare to Talstar P?
    I have been using Demon WP and had no problems. How does this compare? Specifically will it control roaches, especially German roaches, as well?

    Talstar P and Demon WP are both synthetic pyrethroid products and work in a very similar way. The key difference here would be that the Demon Wp is a wettable powder and as such, it is able to stay on the surface of porous areas allowing insects to come in contact with it a bit better. That being said Demon WP also leaves a white powdery residue that is visible on dark surfaces. Talstar P is a concentrated liquid that is odorless, dries clear and is labeled for a huge variety of insects (including roaches) and areas making it a bit more versatile.

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  • Asked by Betty from Raymore, Mo (straight South Of Kansas City, Mo)
    Will Talstar P kill earthworms if applied to flowerbeds or the lawn?
    I need to kill ants and roly poly bugs (those that roll up in a ball) because the roly polys are eating my plants roots/bulbs. The ants are everywhere and get in the house, but to go around the perimeter of the house I'd have to also apply the Talstar to some flowerbeds. And I'd want to put it in every flowerbed IF it won't harm the earthworms because they are beneficial and I want to especially rid the beds of roly polys.

    Talstar P could potentially harm earthworms and other benficials should they come in contact with it; however, a surface application would not get deep enough into the soil for this to be an issue. Keep in mind, also, that earthworms have a coating that protects them from exposure to many products that would easily kill insects.

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  • Asked by Mamie
    Does Talstar P insecticide kill mole crickets?

    Yes. According to the Talstar P product label:

    Mole Cricket adults: Achieving acceptable control of adult mole crickets is difficult because preferred grass areas are subject to continuous invasion during the early spring by this extremely active stage. Applications should be made as late in the day as possible and should be watered in with up to 0.5 inches of water immediately after treatment. If the soil is not moist, then it is important to irrigate
    before application to bring the mole crickets closer to the soil surface where contact with the insecticide will be maximized. Grass areas that receive pressure from adult mole crickets should be treated at peak egg hatch to ensure optimum control of subsequent nymph populations (see below).

    Mole Cricket nymphs: Grass areas that received intense adult mole cricket pressure in the spring should be treated immediately prior to peak egg hatch. Optimal control is achieved at this time because young nymphs are more susceptible to insecticides and they are located near the soil surface where the insecticide is most concentrated. Control of larger, more damaging, nymphs later in the
    year may require both higher application rates and more frequent applications to maintain acceptable control. Applications should be made as late in the day as possible and should be watered in with up to 0.5 inches of water immediately after treatment. If the soil is not moist, then it is important to irrigate before application to bring the mole crickets closer to the soil surface where contact with the insecticide will be maximized.

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  • Asked by David from Reedsburg, Wi
    How long will Talstar P last outdoors? Will rain wash it off?

    Talstar P will last up to 30 days outside.  You do want to apply about 24 hours before you are expecting any rain.  After that point, rain will not affect it. 

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  • Asked by Melissa
    Is Talstar P safe to use in a home with children?
    I have two small children (a toddler and infant) and am concerned about their health and safety.
    Yes. Unless other wise noted,  the pesticides on our website are safe to use in a home with children. As with any product, it is important to follow the label instructions and precautions to ensure safety. Talstar P is non-irritating, non-staining and contains no odorous or plant-damaging solvents. It's even labeled for food-handling area.
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Displaying 41 to 60 (of 1268 questions)