Temprid FX Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 121 to 140 (of 148 questions)
  • Asked by Doug from Dayton, Oh
    What should I use outdoors for mosquito at our lake house in Minnesota?

    Temprid FX Insecticide is an option to treat for mosquitoes in areas that are at least 25 feet away from water.  For areas closer to the water, you would be limited to the natural products such as EcoVia or Essentria IC3.  

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  • Asked by John from Spring Hill, Florida
    Will Temprid FX Insecticide transfer and kill the queen or just the ants that cross the treated area?

    Temprid FX Insecticide is not a contact kill insecticide. The product offers a transfer effect that will travel throughout the colony eventually kill the queen. Crazy Ant Colonies are very large in size and may require repeat applications and multiple seasons to get control.

    Please view our How to Treat for Crazy Ants Treatment Guide for more information. 

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  • Asked by Jim from Pa
    Can you mix Temprid FX with mineral oil?

    Temprid FX should only be diluted with water as directed on the label.

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  • Asked by Behzad from Hurst, Tx
    Does Temprid FX have white or any color residue on the base board and ground indoor?
    Does this product have white or dark residue on the floor inside or on baseboards?

    Temprid FX Insecticide should dry clear and not leave any type of residue once dry when the instructions are followed on the product label. If there is a concern of where it is being applied, we would recommend testing a small, inconspicuous area first to be safe.

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  • Asked by Bj from Fl
    Is Temprid FX effective for bird lice?

    Temprid FX Insecticide is not labeled for bird lice. We recommend contacting your veterinarian for advice on what to use as we do not seem to have anything labeled for this use. 

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  • Asked by Mallory
    Should I clean before using Temprid FX Insecticide for insecticide?

    If surfaces are too dust covered or dirty it would be recommended to clean the area before applying Temprid FX

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  • Asked by Richard from Lancaster, Pa
    What should I do if Temprid FX was accidentally sprayed on a couch and chair not thinking about the restrictions?

    Since Temprid FX Insecticide is not to be applied on surfaces that come in contact with the skin or on the surface area of the couch, only to the tufts,folds and seams, we would recommend contacting Bayer directy for instructions on the treatment/cleaning of the couch and chair. Bayer can be reached at 800-331-2867.

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  • Asked by Destinie
    Is Temprid FX Insecticide waterproof?

    Temprid FX Insecticide should not be applied during rain. It could be washed away before having time to dry. It is recommended to treat when you are not expecting rainfall within 24 hrs. It will offer a 30 day outdoor residual.

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  • Asked by Larry from Littleton, Co
    Is Temprid FX Insecticide recommended for Springtail control? Can this be applied around the foundation or would a granular insecticide be better?

    Yes, Temprid FX Insecticide is a great product for springtails. Depending on how healthy the springtail is and how long it spends on a surface treated by Temprid, will depend on how long it actually takes for each individual one to die. It could be hours or even a day. Also, if you are not treating the main nest and only the satellite colony, you are only temporarily fixing your problem. More will appear as they continue to migrate and you will need to fix the moisture issue in your home that is attracting the springtails as well. Until the moisture is gone or the main nest is found and eliminated, you will have an ongoing battle with the pest.

    Please view our How to Get Rid of Springtails Guide for more information. 

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  • Asked by Gerardo
    Como se usa el temario? Cunto de agua?

    Temprid FX Insecticide se diluye a una porci

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  • Asked by Mikeal from Andover, Kansas
    Will Temprid FX Insecticide kill armyworms?

    Temprid FX Insecticide is not labeled to control armyworms. We would recommend Bifen XTS for armyworms in lawns, landscape beds and ornamentals.

    Please view our Armyworm Treatment Guide for more information. 

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  • Asked by John from Tucson
    How is Temprid FX Insecticide mixed?

    Temprid FX is mixed at 8 ml to 16ml per gallon of water depending on the target pest and where you are treating (indoors/outdoors).

    Please refer to the product label for full instructions on application.

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  • Asked by Mel
    Can Temprid FX Insecticide be applied along baseboards around the perimeters of the room where Cimexa Dust has previously been applied?

    We would recommend vacuuming along baseboards and wiping any residue in other areas where Cimexa was previously applied before spraying with Temprid FX Insecticide.

    Once the Temprid FX application has full dried, then you can reapply Cimexa Dust using a bellow hand duster along the same baseboards but also around electrical outlest, around windows, doors, and in wall voids.

    Please take a moment to view our How to Apply Cimexa Dust Video and How to Apply Temprid FX Video for more information. 

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  • Asked by Lynda from Westminster, Md
    Can Temprid FX Insecticide be used with a fogger?

    Temprid FX Insecticide can be used in hand pump and backpack sprayers as well as mist blowers, but is not labeled for applications with any type of ULV or Thermal Fogging equipment.  

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  • Asked by Wilvert from Massachusetts
    Will Temprid FX Insecticide kill grubs?

    Temprid FX Insecticide is not labeled to treat grubs. Please take a few moments to review our article on How to Get Rid of Grubs for the best results.

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  • Asked by Christine from Murrieta, Ca
    How fast does Temprid FX kill bed bugs?
    When bed bugs come into contact with Temprid FX, how fast does it kill them?

    Temprid FX Insecticide uses two active ingredients for a dual mode of action for insects. Once the bed bugs have crossed the treated area, the beta Cyfluthrin and Imidacloprid start working together immediately to attack the nerves and stop normal nerve transmittal signals throughout the the insect. The exact kill time of how long it takes, we are not able to determine. It may take a few hours up to 24 or more depending on a few factors.

    Bed Bugs do require a combination of products to fully eradicate and repeat treatments every 7-10 days until you can go 30 days without seeing any signs of bed bugs, bites or skin casings. Please review our How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Treatment Guide and Bed Bug Kits for all the necessary products to eradicate. 

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  • Asked by Denise from Cleveland Ohio
    When can I vacuum baseboards after applying Temprid FX?

    You can vacuum when the application of Temprid FX Insecticide has completely dried. 

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  • Asked by Vanessa from Tullahoma
    I applied Temprid FX Insecticide at the rate of 16ml per gallon of water both inside and outside my home, why am I still seeing roaches 4 days later?

    It is normal to still see roaches once treatments begin using Temprid FX. This insecticide contains two active ingredients that offer a quickdown but also a non repellent residual that goes undetected as roaches cross the treated areas. This non repellency quality allows roaches to transfer the active ingredient throughout the colony.

    Eliminating roaches is not a quick treatment depending how severe the infestation is. Repeat treatments will be required and Temprid FX should not be the sole product used.  When dealing with a roach infestation, you will need to be sure to eliminate the food and water source for the roaches and use an insecticide (Temprid FX), a roach gel bait, and an insect growth regulator (IGR) labeled for roaches to completely eradicate the population.

    Please take a moment to review our Roach Control Kits and Treatment Guide for step by step instructions on how to eliminate a roach infestation. 

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  • Asked by Melodie
    Does Temprid FX Insecticide create toxic vapor/fume?
    When we treated the kitchen with Temprid FX, the only area we sprayed was the baseboards and we opened the windows to help air it out for ~ 5 hours. We left apples, garlic, onions baskets and potted herbs on the countertop. They were further away from the baseboards so the spray wouldn't get on them but we are wondering about the vapor released into the air while it was drying. Should we throw them away? Should we wash all kitchen wares? Or only those that are not in the cupboards?

    Temprid FX does not release toxic vapors or fumes into the air. You would only need to throw away food or wash utensils if any came in contact with the product. 

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  • Asked by Th from New Jersey
    What are the effects if some Temprid FX stays on the skin and if it's inhaled for awhile?
    I used a very flimsy mask while applying the spray, and after some time, it made me very lightheaded. Also, some spray got on my forehead. I wiped it off with a wet towel but didn't really rinse. I probably got some on my wrist as it dripped from my glove. This happened several hours ago, so I'm asking about its effects on people, not about the immediate action to take because it's too late.

    If you have gotten Temprid FX Insecticide or any insecticide on your skin, the proper steps are to immediately take off contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash off immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. The product label advises that to contact a physician or poison control center immediately and be sure to let them know you also inhaled the product for assistance.

    Please have the product label and SDS Sheet available for additional safety information on the product.

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Displaying 121 to 140 (of 148 questions)