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Tengard SFR containing Permethrin provides fast, effective, long lasting control for over 75 different types of pests both indoors and outdoors. Tengard SFR is professional grade, low-odor product. One quart makes up to 20 gallons of finished solution.
Tengard SFR is a Permethrin based product that acts as an insecticidal barrier against a broad range of insects such as ants, bees, fleas, aphids, beetles, ticks, and roaches. Also used to control and prevent subterranean termite infestations in and around structures. For effective control, the insecticide emulsion must be adequately dispersed in the soil to establish a barrier between the structure and the termites in the soil. The manufacturer and DoMyOwnPestControl DO NOT warrant or guarantee against termite infestation or termite damage with the use of Do-It-Yourself termite control products. If you are not willing to accept these risks, PLEASE contact a reputable Termite Control company for a professional termite treatment.
Not for use in lawns for mosquitoes, only in and around livestock premises. Nor can it be used to treat clothing.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Permethrin 36.8% |
Target pests | Subterranean Termites, general and ornamental insect control. |
For use in | Commercial & Residential, Recreational areas |
Application | Perimeter treatment of Lawns, Ornamentals, Recreation areas and Athletic Fields, Indoor spot, Crack & Crevice Treatments |
Pet safe | Yes, when dry |
Yield | 20-96 gallons |
Formulation | Professional Product |
AK CT, NY, VT (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only) |
Shipping Weight | 2.57 lbs |
Manufacturer | United Phosphorus Inc. |
EPA Registration | 70506-6 |
Tengard SFR is a liquid concentrate insecticide containing the active ingredient Permethrin. Permethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid that is made to mimic the chemical properties of naturally-occurring pyrethrins. When target pests come in contact with the direct spray or dried spray residual, permethrin attacks the central nervous system, causing paralysis and death. Tengard SFR contains a high percentage of permethrin for faster knockdown of target pests and convenient versatility.
Subterranean termites; Fleas, Ants, Cockroaches, Beetles, Livestock Pests, Flies, Wasps, Lawn and Ornamental Pests, Pantry Pests, Spiders
PESTS CONTROLLED: Subterranean termites (Coptotermes, Heterotermes, Reticulitermes, Zootermopsis); Ants, Ant Mounds, Aphids, Armyworms, Bagworms, Bark Beetles, Bat Bugs, Bed Bugs, Bees, Beet Armyworms, Beetles, Birch Leafminer, Borers, Boxelder Bugs, Brown Dog Ticks, Cabbage Looper, Cankerworms, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Carpet Beetles, Centipedes, Chicken Mites, Chinchbugs, Citrus Thrips, Cockroaches, Cockroaches (Asian), Coneworms, Crickets, Darkling Beetles, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Fire Ants, Fleas, Flies (Drain, Cluster, House), Firebrats, Fungus Gnats, Ground Beetles, Gypsy Moths (adults and caterpillars), Heliothis spp., Japanese Beetles, Lace Bugs, Leaf Beetles, Leaf Feeding Caterpillars, Leafhoppers, Leafminers, Leafrollers, Lesser Mealworms, Lygus Bugs, Mealybugs, Millipedes, Mole Crickets, Nantucket Pine Tip Moths, Pantry Pests: Flour Beetles, Indian Meal Moths, Larder Beetles; Pillbugs, Pine Sawflies, Plant Bugs, Root Weevils (Adult), Scorpions, Seed Bugs, Silverfish, Sod Webworm, Sowbugs, Spiders, Stable Flies, Tent Caterpillars, Ticks (including Deer Tick and Western Black-legged Tick), Wasps, Webworms, Whiteflies, Zimmerman Pine Moth; Clearwing Moth Borers: Ash Borer, Banded Ash Clearwing, Dogwood Borer, Lesser Peachtree Borer, Lilac Borer, Oak Borer, Peachtree Borer, Rhododendron Borer; Bark Beetles: Dendroctonus spp., lps spp., Elm Bark Beetles, Mountain Pine Beetle, Pine Engravers, Turpentine Beetles, Western Pine Beetle; Coleopteran Borers: Bronze Birch Borer, Flatheaded Appletree Borer; Livestock pests: Horn Flies, Black Flies, Deer Flies, Eye Gnats, Face Flies, Horse Flies, Lice, Mange Mites, Scabies Mites, Sheep Keds, Stable Flies, Ear Ticks, Stable Flies, Northern Fowl Mites, Mange; Fruit and Nut Pests: Navel Orangeworm, Peach Twig Borer, Green Fruitworm, Oblique Banded Leafroller, Plum Curculio, Redbanded Leafroller, Rosy Apple Aphid, Spotted Tentiform Leafminer, Tarnished Plant Bug, White Apple Leafhopper, Lesser Peachtree Borer, Rose Chafer, Filbertworm, Oriental Fruit Moth, Pear Psylla, Leaffooted Bugs, Stinkbugs
Tengard SFR is a broad label insecticide as well as a very effective termiticide for use in and around homes, on lawns and shrubs.
Tengard SFR is professional grade, low-odor product that is labeled to include everything from pre- and post-construction termite treatment, indoor and outdoor pest control, and turf and ornamental applications. More homes are treated with Tengard SFR by professional pest management companies than any other product.
Tengard SFR is safe for children and pets when used as labeled. Areas treated as labeled are safe to return to after area is completely dry. Product should not be sprayed or applied directly to animals, feed, or drinking bowls. Tengard SFR is considered safe for carpeting, furniture and flooring when used as directed.
Tengard SFR may be used to control pests inside and outside of homes and buildings, on lawns, shrubs, bushes, ornamentals, and outside surfaces of buildings, and for post-construction and pre-construction treatments for termites.
Tengard SFR may be applied inside homes and businesses on most nonfood areas, carpeting, pet beds, upholstered furniture, basements, attics, crawlspaces, wall voids, cracks and crevices around sinks and appliances and flooring. For outdoors on siding, wood, grass, bushes, shrubs, ornamentals.
Tengard SFR is pet safe when dry and used as directed on the label instructions. (Please read instructions and use caution when using around all aquatic life.)
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Permethrin 36.8%
Always read the product label completely before use. Shake container well before using.
For subterranean termite treatments, Tengard SFR may be used pre-construction or as a post-construction treatment. For post-construction treatments, use 4 gallons of finished solution per 10 lineal feet of treatment area in a 6 in. by 6 in. trench adjacent to the structure. A continuous zone must be created for complete protection. See our article How to Do a Termite Treatment for more information. See product label for complete directions for termite treatments.
Each quart bottle yields 19 gallons of finished solution for most treatments, or covers 40,000-80,000 sq. ft. for lawn applications. Each 1.25 gallon bottle yields 95 gallons of finished solution for most treatments or covers 4-10 acres for broadcast applications.
On ornamentals grown in interiorscapes, for perimeter insect control on lawns, ornamental trees and shrubs around residential, institutional, public, commercial, and industrial buildings, parks, recreational areas and athletic fields, treatment of preconstruction lumber and logs, and for use on buildings/structures. For control of subterranean termites pre-construction and post-construction; lawns adjacent to or around private homes, duplexes, town-houses, condominiums, house trailers, apartment complexes, carports, garages, fence lines, storage sheds, barns, residential structures, commercial and institutional buildings, and other areas where pests congregate or have been seen; plants intended for aesthetic purposes in interior gardens and plantscapes; inside residential homes and the non-food/feed areas of commercial establishments including garbage rooms, lavatories, floor drains (to sewers), entries and vestibules, offices, locker rooms, machine rooms, garages, mop closets, packaged good storage areas and other non-food/feed areas of Food Handling Establishments; in and on buildings and structures used for agricultural purposes and their immediate surroundings; Dairies, barns, feedlots, stables, poultry houses, swine and livestock houses, animal hospitals, pens and kennels, outside meat processing premises; Livestock spray for lactating and non-lactating dairy cattle and goats, beef cattle and sheep, poultry, swine, horses; Companion dogs; Fruit and Nut Trees around residential sites only: Almond, Apples, Cherries, Filberts, Peaches, Pears, Pistachios
For fleas, roaches, ticks, ants, and other indoor pests, use 1 – 1.6 oz. per gallon of water.
Fleas: Prior to treatment, carpets and furniture should be vacuumed thoroughly and vacuum cleaner bag discarded in an outdoor trash container. Evenly apply a broadcast spray at a rate of 1 gallon per 800 to 1,600 square feet to infested areas such as crawlspaces, rugs, carpets, pet beds and other pet resting areas. Avoid wetting or soaking. For crawlspace applications, the applicator must wear a respirator recommended by NIOSH for filtering spray mists and organic vapors. When treating upholstered furniture take care to treat between and under cushions. Pay particular attention to areas which are frequented by pets. Old pet bedding should be replaced with clean, fresh bedding after treatment. To control the source of flea infestations, pets inhabiting the treated premises should be treated with a flea-control product registered for application to animals.
General Pest Control Indoors: Apply to cracks and crevices, as a pinstream, as a fine/course, low-pressure spray, spot application or with a paintbrush. Treat where pests are found or normally occur, such as cracks and crevices in walls, in and around kitchen cabinets and drawers (remove all utensils, foodstuffs, shelf paper and other objects before spraying), along baseboards, behind sinks and around plumbing and other utility installations. Ant infested wood may be drilled and injected with Tengard SFR.
For fleas, ticks, ants, mole crickets, chinch bugs, and other insects, 1 ounce will treat 1,000 sq. ft. of lawn (use ample water as needed for coverage).
Broadcast Treatment for Control of Nuisance Pests: Apply using a 0.5% emulsion as a residual spray to outside surfaces of buildings including, but not limited to, exterior siding, foundations, porches, window frames, eaves, patios, garages, and refuse dumps.
Perimeter Treatment: Apply a band application 6 to 10 feet wide around and adjacent to the structure. Also, treat the base of the structure to a height of 2 to 3 feet. Use a spray volume of 2 to 10 gallons of emulsion per 1,000 sq. ft. If mulch or debris is present, a higher volume application rate may be needed to ensure adequate coverage. Treat the base of the structure to prevent insects from entering the structure.
Companion Animals (Dogs Only): Do not use on dogs under 12 weeks old. Consult a veterinarian before using this product on medicated, debilitated, aged, pregnant or nursing animals. Sensitivities may occur after using any pesticide product on pets. If signs of sensitivity occur, bathe your pet with mild soap and rinse with large amounts of water. If signs continue, consult a veterinarian immediately. Avoid contact with face, eyes, and genitalia. Repeat applications every 2 weeks, if necessary. Mix ¼ fl. oz. to 1 pt. water for low pressure spray. Use 1 to 2 fl. oz. spray per animal. For dip wash, use ¼ fl. oz. to 1.25 gal. water (or 4 fl. oz. to 20 gal. water) and thoroughly wet animal to skin with sponge or rag. Let drip dry.
Compare to: Permethrin SFR
This stuff does the job No Need to hire anyone to come out!!
By Sandra on 07/17/2010
This product works GREAT. I bought this 2 years ago and still have some left. A little bit goes a long long way. I spray maybe 3 to 4 times a year. With AZ heat & Monsoons this stuff does the job. I have a neighbor who sprays for a company and he offered to do my yard front and back. I figured ok why not, I will try once and I noticed critters within a week. I pulled out my trusted Tengard and the critters were gone and haven't been back for 3 months. I love this product!!
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52 of 53 people found this review helpful
Flea and Tick control
By Dagmar on 08/01/2011
I used the product recently and am happy to say that it really works. This has been a very bad season for fleas and ticks. A CSR recommended this product while I was ordering Precor and I'm glad she told me about it. It is easy to prepare and spray, leaves no aftersmell, residue and any tell tale signs that my home has been sprayed. I could not detect any on the floor, carpet or furniture.
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38 of 38 people found this review helpful
By Cru on 10/02/2010
This is a great product...just not great for the problem I am having. I am having issues with some type of biting mite. I have not been able to capture one to positively identify it because I don't see them! I applied Tengard to every area of my home and experienced immediate relief. But three days later the problem was back. I can only surmise that the product does not kill the eggs and when they hatch the problem starts up again. The reason I ordered this product is because of the residual killing ability - it is supposed to last for 90 days. Hopefully after a while the newly hatched mites will be killed by the Tengard as well. I suspect there areas in the upholstery they can "hide"!
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35 of 38 people found this review helpful
Tengard SFR
By Rick on 09/14/2010
This is the BIG GUN, a highly effective product but also rather expensive. if you have a pesky pest problem, this is the one to shoot it with. If you're a pro, I'm sure you already know that, but for the average homeowner doing their own general pest control, it's a great product. I use this to control lawn pests like biting ants, chiggers, fleas, etc. and have rarely needed to reapply. I recommend using this when all others have failed, because this one very rarely fails.
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33 of 33 people found this review helpful
Bed bugs gone
By Jose on 04/01/2011
I'm a Pest control technician and this product with Demand CS does the job on Bed bugs. I also use D.E. dust in the wall voids to help eliminate the problem. Very strong and will kill any insect that comes across it. Just hope they won't pull this product from the market like they do other great insecticides.
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25 of 30 people found this review helpful
I've read that permethrin is toxic to cats. Is this only if the product is used directly on them? Can they get sick by coming into contact with permethrin after it has dried? My concern is the cats (and dogs) will possibly get some on their paws and lick them, causing them to get sick. I'm also concerned if I spray the grass and they eat it. What is the difference between Tengard SFR and Permethrin SFR?
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68 of 73 people found this answer helpful
I am using Tengard SFR + Nyguard IGR for fleas. I sprayed baseboards and the tile floors and vacuum every few days. I am still seeing fleas. Do you think the fleas might be resistant to this insecticide?
Fleas are most likely not resistant to the chemicals like Tengard that you are using. Flea elimination can take several weeks and it is normal to keep seeing fleas even after the initial spray. Flea eggs and pupa are protected from all of the insecticides that you can use and they will not be exposed to the application until they reach the adult flea stage. Once the adult fleas are exposed to the application they will usually die within 24 hours. You should only treat once every 14 days and continue to vacuum every day. It is also very important to treat all pets and all outside areas where pets frequent to avoid reintroducing fleas to the indoor areas.
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39 of 42 people found this answer helpful
We are looking to get rid of the ticks and chiggers in a 50 acre grassy area. There is going to be a lot of foot traffic and pets in the area. We are starting to develop the land from pasture into a home and work area.
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34 of 36 people found this answer helpful
I have a NorthStar 16 gallon, 2.2 GPM, 70 PSI broadcast sprayer. I want to use Tengard to spray my yard (large area) for ants, army worms and other insects.
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31 of 46 people found this answer helpful
Tengard SFR Termiticide Insecticide
Rating: 4.8 (116 Reviews / 136 Q&A)