Torocity Herbicide (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) is labeled to suppress poa annua as a pre-emergent but will not control it as a post-emergent. This product is only intended to be used on dormant Bermuda and only lasts 30 days as a pre-emergent so has to applied often for prevention, the label also states to tank mix with a true pre-emergent for better prevention. Pendulum 2G Granular Herbicide gives better results when trying to prevent poa annua. And either Image Kills Nutsedge Concentrate or Certainty Herbicide - 1.25 oz. will control it once it has emerged
We have a guide here for treatment of poa annua.
Yes, the Torocity Herbicide is labeled for use on Buffalograss lawns as directed on the product label.
With any product you use you will want to follow the product label instructions to ensure any risks associated with it are reduced. You should keep pets, children, and anyone not applying the Torocity Herbicide out of the treatment area while making the application, and until all surfaces have had time to dry or settle. This is on average 4-6 hours after application before resuming normal activity.
Torocity Herbicide (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) can cover over an 1 acre with the 8 ounce bottle depending on the rate used. Complete instructions on the product label.
When using Torocity Herbicide as a pre emergent it would be applied at the rate of 5-8 oz per acre, or roughly 0.113 - 0.18 oz per 1000 sq/ft. This comes out to about 1/2 a teaspoon per 1000 sq/ft in 1-2 gallons of water. Complete instructions on the product label to review.
Correct, Torocity Herbicide is not labeled to be applied to zoysia lawns as it can cause injury. Instead, you can check out Drive XLR8 as a post emergent option.
For spot treating, you will need to use 1 tsp. of Torocity Herbicide (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) along with 3 tsp. Non Ionic Surfactant in 2 gallons of water per 1,000 sq. ft.
Tenacity Herbicide may be applied when soil temperatures are around 55 degrees or higher. Do not apply when air temperature exceeds 85 degrees. Also do not apply if the grass is under any type of stress.
Best results are achieved in late summer early fall applications just prior to onset on renewed bentgrass growth rather than spring/summer applications. Please refer to the product label for complete instructions.Torocity Herbicide is just a Generic Tenacity Herbicide, they have the same active ingredient and instructions, just different manufacturers. Neither are labeled to control spurge but will control yellow nutsedge.
Torocity Herbicide (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) should be applied in early morning or late afternoon/evening when temperatures are the coolest for the day. As long as you do not apply when temperatures are at the highest above 85 degrees, applications should be fine.
Torocity Herbicide (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) tank mixed with atrazine, bentazon or simazine. Other tank mixture partners may be safe but have not been tested. Tank mix compatibility test should be performed as directed on a small basis for safety and efficacy before treating large areas per the product label. See product labels for full directions and precautions and follow the most restrict of the 2 labels.
Post-emergent herbicides applications of Torocity Herbicide (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) work best when the target weeds is young and actively growing and temperatures are between 65-85 degrees. We have a general lawn schedule here for reference.
For best results, apply Torocity Herbicide (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) when there is no rain in the forecast for 24 hours.
Torocity Herbicide and Gordon's Ornamec 170 may be applied together (with surfactant recommended) if applying to tall fescue only. Depending on the type of grass you have, you will need to check each products' label for further information/instructions to avoid undesirable turf injury or just apply in separate applications since for different target weeds. Torocity is only applied as a spot treatment directly to weeds actively growing when used in post emergent applications unless doing a lawn renovation.
When using Torocity, foliage of treated weeds cease growth after application, then turn white (loss of chlorophyll) and death may take up to three weeks. A repeat application may be required depending on what weeds you are treating.
Torocity Herbicide (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) when applied per label will not harm established Centipede.
For best results, Torocity Herbicide (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) should be applied along with a surfactant for post emergent applications.