Customer Reviews for Trapper Rat Glue Board Traps

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4.2 of 5 stars
(38 customer reviews)
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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Good and sticky but not the best choice for rats.

    By Ryan on 02/01/2012

    Verified Purchase

    I bought these in hopes to use them as apposed to poison or dangerous traps. I have a few animals and if they were to, by any fashion, get a hold of the poisoned rat or step in a trap, I would be devastated. Let us not mention how my wife would feel. So I purchased. Wrong!! This rat actually ATE parts of the boards, flipped some over, and it totally didnt catch him. Well i blame the fact that it happened to be really cold that week. If you buy these be sure to place them in the rats routine path and to possibly secure them with say a nail or small screws or even duct tape. Anyway! I love domyown! They have never failed me, this product was just not te best choice for my particular rat. He is too smart.

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