Triad Select Herbicide is not labeled for buttercup and cannot be used in grazing pastures. Pasture Pro is a great product that is labeled for buttercup and can be used in grazing pastures.
Triad Select Herbicide is not labeled to be used on or near anything edible. It would be recommended to discard anything that was sprayed and keep applications at least 15 feet away. It can injure plants if contact is made.
Triad Select Herbicide label does not list wild strawberry but lists other broadleaf weeds. The actives it contains have been shown to control wild strawberry.
The rates for Triad Select Herbicide, just like other professional herbicides will vary depending on what type of grass you have. The water amount will vary as well depending on many things, including the equipment being used. You would need to calibrate the sprayer and than use the rate listed on the label per acre for your grass type.
The label of Triad Select Herbicide states to apply only to dormant St. Augustine (common, Raleigh, and Seville varieties grown in TX, LA, MS only. Otherwise, this product will injure or kill these types of turfgrass.
The product label for Triad Select Herbicide suggests the use of a non-ionic surfactant, if one is to be added to the spray solution. Since the Monterey Herbicide Helper contains petroleum distillates, we recommend exercising caution if mixing this with a selective herbicide such as the Triad Select. An oil concentrate can increase selectivity on the desirable turfgrass, especially if it is a more sensitive species.
We suggest testing a small area for tolerance before treating a large area with the Monterey Herbicide Helper or using a non ionic surfactant as suggested on the Triad Select product label instead.
Triad Select Herbicide will not control Poa Annua.
For warm season lawns, Image Kills Nutsedge Concentrate (small lawns) or for larger lawns, Certainty Herbicide - 1.25 oz. or Negate 37WG Herbicide (Zoysia or Bermuda only).
For cool season lawns, poa annua is so closely related to cool season turfgrass that the best option is to spot treat with a non selective such as Roundup QuikPRO - 5 x 1.5 oz. packs and then reseed any barespots after 2 weeks if needed.
Please view our Poa Annua Treatment Guide for more information.
Garden hose applicators are not going to provide the most accuracy of application of Triad Select Herbicide and do not have the coarse droplet size suggested when using other lawn and hand type sprayers.
We recommend using a hand pump sprayer or back pack sprayer for the most adequate and even coverage.
Triad Select Herbicide should be applied to young, actively growing weeds when temperatures are between 65 and 85 degrees.
The manufacture does advise on the product label to avoid broadcast applications when air temperatures exceed 90 degrees.
Surflan Pro Herbicide can be tank mixed with a post emergent herbicide like the Triad Select Herbicide as long as you follow directions completely from each product label for rates and follow the most restrictive instructions.
Triad Select Herbicide does not list dayflower on the product label, just says other broadleaf weeds and it could be used for it. The active ingredients are found in other products that do list dayflower on the label though.
Yes, Triad Select Herbicide is safe for zoysia turfgrass to treat broadleaf weeds. Apply at the mix rate of 1.1 to 1.5 fl oz per 1000 sq ft in 0.5 to 5 gallons of water (3 to 4 pints in 5 to 220 gallons of water per acre)
Please see the product label for complete application instructions.
Triad Select Herbicide needs to be kept away from a vegetable garden by at least 15 feet away. We would recommend covering the raised garden to ensure no drift/overspray contacts the plants.
In general, you can mix an herbicide and an insecticide together. Before applying them together make sure you can follow labeled instructions for both the Talstar P and the Triad Select Herbicide at the time of application. We also advise you do a small jar test to make sure they will mix well together.
Backpack blowers are best to use for insecticide applications. With Triad Select Herbicide, it is best to use a a hand held or backpack sprayer for more accurate applications.
Triad Select Herbicide is not specifically labeled for buffalo grass so we would not recommend applying.
Triad Select Herbicide is not for the use around any crops. It is labeled to be used only in Golf Courses, Sod Farms, Highways, Right-of-Ways, and similar Non-Crop areas, Ornamental Turf-grass (Residential & Commercial), Parks, Cemeteries and Athletic Fields.
Triad Select Herbicide is used alone for the weeds listed on the label and does not mention tank mixing with any other product, only fertilizers, so we would not recommending doing so. It can be applied to listed established turf.
Triad Select Herbicide is not labeled for oxalis. You may want to consider a product like Dismiss instead.