The use of a non ionic surfactant is not required with Triad Select Herbicide however it is recommende per the product label for best results and for harder to kill weeds. Without it, it will take longer to see the results. You can treat again in 30 days with the surfactant.
Triad Select Herbicide is mixed at the rate of 0.75 to 0.9 oz. per 1000 sq. ft. in 1 to 5 gallons of water. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions.
Triad Select Herbicide can be either broadcasted over an area or used to spot treat and works well either way. It really just depends on how bad/spread out the weeds are for how you would apply.
Triad Select Herbicide does not contain glyphosate. If a product contains glyphosate it has to be listed as an active ingredient. The active ingredients in this product are 2,4-D 30.89% Dicamba, dimethylamine salt 2.77% MCPA, dimethylamine salt 8.23%. The inert ingredients that make up the other 58.11% are ingredients that the manufacturer does not disclose to anyone.
Per the Triad Select Herbicide product label: Do not apply to newly seeded grasses until well established (this is typically after 30 days or the second mowing). Also do not Reseed sooner than 3 to 4 weeks after application of this product. Failure to observe all precautions may result in injury to turf and/or susceptible plants
Per the product label, you should not reseed sooner than 3 to 4 weeks after application of Triad Select Herbicide.
Yes, Triad Select Herbicide is safe to use on Bermuda grass without harming it. Per the label instructions, avoid broadcast application when temperatures exceed 80 degrees.
Per the Triad Select Herbicide label, you would want to avoid broadcast applications when air temperature exceeds 90°F. When using this product to do small spot treatments applications in temperatures over 90°F, turf injury may occur. If you are treating carpetgrass, avoid broadcast applications when air temperature exceeds 80°F. It can be applied in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are not as high.
Triad Select Herbicide is not labeled to control bindii weed so we cannot recommend it but one of the actives, MCPA, is in another product we see that has shown effective against it. We did find an article here that might be helpful
Triad Select Herbicide can only be applied to dormant centipede turfgrass (TX, LA, MS only) per the product label.
Triad Select Herbicide is not labeled to control thistle but Fertilome Weed-Out Lawn Weed Killer with Trimec is labeled to help control thistle. We recommend to review the product label to make sure it's labeled safe for your turfgrass and for applications instructions.
Triad Select Herbicide is not labeled for nutsedge and will not effect it.
It could take up to 4 weeks to notice results from the application of Triad Select to actively growing listed weeds as directed.
The application rates for Triad Select Herbicide will vary depending on the turf type in the area you are treating. Please see p. 6-7 of the product label to determine the exact rate for your needs.
If you are referring to lawn burweed, Triad Select Herbicide is not labeled to control this weed. Be sure that you have the correct weed identification, and then we can assist you with finding a product that is appropriate for your needs.
It can take 1-2 weeks to see results after using Triad Select Herbicide. The cooler the temperatures the longer it will take to have plant death.
Triad Select Herbicide is not labeled to target Poa Annua. You may consider using a product like Negate 37WG, which is a post-emergent herbicide labeled to target Poa Annua in residential Bermuda grass lawns.
Triad Select Herbicide has a shelf life of 3-5 years when stored in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.
Triad Select Herbicide is not labeled for use on Buffalograss.
Triad has been tested to control henbit quite well. The highest usage rate for henbit is 1.5 ounces per 1,000 sq ft.