Since the Trimec Southern has a retreatment application of 30 days, we generally recommend waiting that long to apply another post-emergent herbicide. Centipede is a pretty sensitive turfgrass, so you do not want to put too much stress on it at once by applying multiple post-emergent herbicides at the same time. You may be ok waiting 1-2 weeks between these applications, but we suggest testing a small area for tolerance before treating the entire lawn.
Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide is not labeled for ryegrass, but Negate 37WG can be used to control annual and perennial ryegrass in bermudagrass.
You could potentially apply Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide to dormant Bermudagrass. Be sure the air temperature is at least 50 degrees for this product to be effective.
An option that would work better in cooler temperatures is Fertilome Weed Free Zone since it is an ester formulation that has better cool-weather performance.
The Trimec Southern product label does not indicate nor give directions for tank mix combinations. Therefore, we would recommend that you contact the manufacturer, PBI Gordon at 800-821-7925 for further assistance regarding tank mixtures.
Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide should not be sprayed on or around desirable ornamentals. They do have the potential to damage and/or kill any desirable trees. This product should be be sprayed over the top of anything except the listed turf types.
Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide is labeled safe to apply to Bermudagrass when used as directed. It does list that bermudagrass is moderately sensitive to 2,4-D so be sure to only apply at the rates listed on the label and when the lawn is not drought or heat stressed.
You will need 0.37-0.75 oz. of Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide per 1000 sq. ft., depending on what weeds you are treating. Keep in mind that the water is just a carrier, so you will use whatever amount is adequate to evenly disperse the product over the area you are treating. Please consult the product label for complete application instructions for your needs.
Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide is labeled to treat for corn speedwell. It has about a 14 day soil residual so there shouldn't be any safety concerns. This is a commercial grade product, and would be considered a step above things you can by on a local level.
Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide is applied at 0.37 - 0.75 oz per 1,000 sq. ft. (2 - 3 pints per acre)
* See label for complete application instructions
Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide is not labeled to be used in pastures where animals graze. We do have many other herbicides for Range & Pasture here depending on your target weeds and desirable grass in the pasture.
Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide is applied at 0.37 - 0.75 oz per 1,000 sq. ft. The amount of water is not as important as making sure to apply the solution uniformily over the 1,000 square foot section. Most herbicide labels will list how much active ingredient should be used per 1,000 square feet. To calibrate your equipment, for example, mark off an area of 1,000 square feet, and cover that area at your normal pace as evenly as possible. If you used an entire gallon, you would use the recommended amount in 1 gallon of water. If you only use ½ gallon to cover the 1000 square feet then you mix the recommended amount on the product label in a 1/2 gallon of water.
Do not apply Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide to newly seeded turf until after the second or third mowing.
Trimec Southern is not labeled for snake weed (also known as broom weed) and unfortunately we do not carry any products that are labeled to control it that can be used in residential areas. You may wish to speak with a master gardener at your local cooperative extension office to see if they are aware of any products that have been successfully used by others in your area.
Since Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide is not labeled for liriope (monkey grass) we cannot say for sure that it would be safe. We recommend that you contact the manufacturer directly for more information. You can reach PBI Gordon by calling 800-821-7925.
Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide should only be applied to Bermudagrass, Bentgrass, Bluegrass, Fescue, Zoysiagrass, Centipedegrass and St. Augustinegrass. Unfortunately, there are not any post emergent products that can be broadcast over ground covers or ornamentals for broadleaf weeds that will not also harm the plants you spray them over. You would need to hand pull any broadleaf weeds or carefully spot spray them with a Roundup-type product.
Per the product label, Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide, Do not overdose closely-mowed bentgrass and to apply when weeds are young and actively growing. You want to be sure there is enough surface for the herbicide to adhere to the weed and that the weeds are not under any stress from mowing when the cuticles will be closed. We recommend waiting 3 days before applying Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide after mowing.
Yes, Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide can be applied to St. Augustine grass and it is labeled to control oxalis. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions.
Per the Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide label, do not irrigate within 24 hours of application
What size area are you appliyng the 2 gallon mixture spot application? What weeds are you targeting in the Bermuda? When was the application?