Tsunami DQ

Tsunami DQ

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Product Overview

Tsunami DQ is a unique herbicide formulated to be non-selective with a diquat dibromide base for both floating pond and submerged weeds. Tsunami DQ is efficient in controlling water hyacinth, duckweed, pondweed, coontail, slender leaf pond weed, and other aquatic weeds. This formula can be compounded with other herbicides for various numbers of use. This herbicide kills weeds that are copper resistant may it be surface or submerged. It is used to control and regulate aquatic weeds in waters such as lakes, ponds, reservoirs, bayous, marshes, drainage ditches, and other slow-moving bodies of water. Excellent and maximum control of submersed weeds is achieved by applying this herbicide when the weeds are photosynthesizing or actively growing, usually during Spring or early Summer when the temperature of the water is about 50 Fahrenheit or up.

Product Documents

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Diquat dibromide 37.3%
Target pests Water lettuce, water hyacinth, duckweed, Salvinia spp., pennywort, frogs bit, cattails, bladderwort, hydrilla, watermilfoils (including Eurasian), pondweeds, coontail, elodea, Brazilian elodea, naiad and others
* See Label for complete list
For use in Aquatic areas, commercial greenhouses, and nurseries, dormant established turfgrass, landscape, industrial, recreational, commercial, residential, and public areas and others
* See Label for complete list
Application * See label for complete application instructions
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on Label
Yield 2-8 quarts per surface acre depending on infestation and type of weed for aquatics
Formulation Professional Product
VT (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only)
Shipping Weight 2.66 lbs
Manufacturer Sanco Industries
UPC 768980001379
EPA Registration 83190-3-72838



Subsurface Applications: For submersed weeds, especially Hydrilla, that have reached the water’s surface, apply Tsunami DQ in a water carrier or an invert emulsion through boom trailing hoses carrying nozzle tips that direct the dilute spray below the water surface to ensure adequate weed coverage.

Bottom Placement: For submersed weeds (ex. Hydrilla, Bladderwort, or Coontail) that have reached the water surface and/or where the water is slowly moving through the weed growth, apply Tsunami DQ in an invert emulsion carrier with weighted hoses that inject the diluted spray solution near the bottom. Adding a copper-based algaecide may improve control. Alternatively, a pretreatment application with a copper based algaecide may improve overall control if algae are present along with submersed weeds.

Surface Application for Submersed Aquatic Weeds: For submerged weeds, apply Tsunami DQ as a spray insufficient carrier to fully cover the target area and to ensure complete coverage of the weed areas. The higher rate is recommended for mixed weed populations. Surface spray applications are not recommended for densely-packed submersed weeds or if water is over 2 feet deep (use subsurface applications of Tsunami DQ in these situations). 


Weeds Controlled in Established Dormant Turfgrass: Little Barley, Annual Bluegrass, and Bromes including Rescuegrass, Sixweeks fescue, Henbit, Buttercup, and Carolina Geranium. 

Submersed Weeds Controlled or Suppressed: Bladderwort, Hydrilla, Watermilfoils (including Eurasian), Pondweeds, Coontail, Elodea, Brazilian Elodea, Naiad, and Algae.

Floating and Marginal Weeds: Water lettuce, Water hyacinth, Duckweed, Salvinia spp., Pennywort, Frog’s Bit, and Cattails.

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Is Tsunami DQ for all types of pond weeds?

Yes, Tsunami DQ is a unique herbicide formulated to be non-selective with a diquat dibromide base for both floating pond and submerged weeds.

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Is Tsunami DQ poisonous to aquatic life such as fish, snails, frogs, etc?

Tsunami DQ is safe to use around aquatic life when used as directed on the product label.

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After applying Tsunami DQ, what is the recommended wait time before we can use the water for irrigation? Is it at least 48 hours or more?

Please refer to the water restriction chart on Page 5 of the product label for information on recommended wait times to irrigate after applying Tsunami DQ

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