TZone SE Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 41 to 60 (of 61 questions)
  • Asked by Karen from Owasso, Ok
    Is TZone SE Herbicide safe for pets or is this dangerous for dogs?

    Keep people and pets out of the area while spraying TZone SE Herbicide and until the application has completey dried. Once dry, it is safe for animals to enter the area as normal. View the full product label for more information. 

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  • Asked by Dawn from Saint Peter, Mn.
    Can lime pellets be used on my lawn before or after using TZone to get rid of creeping charlie?

    Yes, you can use the lime before or after an application of TZone SE Herbicide but we would recommend to apply after 24 of dry time. 

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  • Asked by Bob from Joelton, Tn
    Can I tank mix TZone SE Herbicide with pendimethalin?

    TZone SE Herbicide should be applied as a post-emergent application when the listed weeds are young and actively growing. Pendamethalin and other pre-emergents work best prior to weed germination. With any product tank mix, please perform jar test for compatibility first. 

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  • Asked by Kathy from Morgantown
    How long will I need to wait to over seed my lawn after using TZone SE Herbicide?

    Areas that were treated with TZone can be reseeded 3 weeks after application per the product label.

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  • Asked by Matt from Marysville, Ca
    I seeded turf type tall fescue/Kentucky bluegrass in fall. Tons of weeds emerged. Can I apply TZone in spring?
    Seeded new lawn Nov 23 fall. Slow growth due to colder temps. I have mowed twice since then because weeds have emerged everywhere. Can I apply this product in spring and then reseed after the time period it says to wait? Zone 9 CA.

    You can apply TZone SE Herbicide to tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass as long as the grass is well established. We would suggest to wait until the grass starts growing and you have moved a few times. Temperatures should be between 55-85 degrees for best results. You can overseed after stated waiting period but cool season grass will grow better if seeded in cooler weather in the fall. 

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  • Asked by Harvey from Darien, Ga
    Mixing TZone SE Herbicide with Celsius WG Herbicide
    I have Zoysia grass and mostly want to get rid of crabgrass and carpet grass.I have some other weeds too and want to get rid of as many weeds at once without killing my grass. Can I mix Tone with Celsius WG Herbicide.

    We would not recommend tank mixing TZone SE Herbicide with Celsius WG as it requires the use of an additional surfactant.  TZone SE Herbicide does not require the use of a surfactant and doing so may damage the leaf tissue of turfgrass. 

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  • Asked by Denise from Glenwood, Iowa
    After T-Zone is applied to pasture, how soon can I turn out the horses?
    TZone SE Herbicide is not labeled to use in pasture, therefore we wouldn't recommend to use this product in pasture. 
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  • Asked by Jen from Buffalo Ny
    How long after the application of TZone SE Herbicide should we wait to let our pets on the grass?

    TZone SE Herbicide is pet safe if used as directed on the manufacturers' product label.  Pets and people should be removed from the area during the application, and when the treated area has completely dried, it is then safe for pets and people to re-enter that area.

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  • Asked by Lou from Ct.
    How much time in between applications of TZone SE Herbicide?

    With TZone SE Herbicide you will want to wait at least 30 days in between applications and do not exceed 2 applications per year.

    View the product label for more information. 

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  • Asked by Rob from Bruceton Mills Wv
    Want to walk around with backpack sprayer & spot kill ground ivy. How much much TZone SE Herbicide per gallon?

    The mix rate of TZone SE Herbicide when spot treating will vary depending on your turfgrass type.  Per the product label:

    Kentucky Bluegrass, Annual Bluegrass, Annual Ryegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Red or Fine Leaf Fescues, the application rate would be 1.2-1.5 oz of product per 1 gallon per 1000 sq ft.

    Hybrid Bermuda, Common Bermuda, Zoysia, or Bahiagrass, the application rate is 0.75-0.83 oz of product per 1 gallon per 1000 sq ft.

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  • Asked by Dave
    When can pets go on grass after treating with TZone SE Herbicide?

    It is recommended to keep pets out of the area while treating and kept off the treated areas until the applicaiton of TZone SE Herbicide has completely dried. 

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  • Asked by Matt from Va
    Is TZone SE Herbicide safe for dormant Augustine?
    Per the product labelTZone SE Herbicide is not safe for St. Augustine, creeping bentgrass, carpetgrass, dichonra, legumes or lawns where desirable clovers are present. 


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  • Asked by K from Ct
    Can TZone SE Herbicide be used on properties using well water?
    I know with Tenacity, if you kept a certain distance it was fine, but don't see any guidance on this product. Thanks!

    When applying herbicides such as TZone SE Herbicide, it is recommended to keep 100ft radius away from well heads or cisterns to avoid any contamination of drinking water or ground water. 

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  • Asked by Thomas from Tamaqua
    Does TZone SE Herbicide take care of wild strawberry?

    The manufacturer's product label for TZone SE Herbicide  does include Wild Strawberry as one of the many different targeted broadleaf weeds.  You can refer to the linked label for the full list of targeted weeds, and for complete application instructions.


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  • Asked by Phillip from Ks
    Will TZone SE Herbicide to kill sericea lespedeza in native grasses?

    According to the product label, the TZone SE Herbicide can be used for sericea lespedeza. Unfortunately, we are unsure if it is safe to use on native grasses. We encourage you to contact the manufacturer for more specifics on your native grasses. You may reach PBI Gordon at (816) 421-4070


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  • Asked by Donny from S.a.,tx. 78219
    Does TZone SE Herbicide kill creeping charlie (ground ivy)?

    Yes, TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide is labeled to treat creeping charlie aka ground ivy. Please see the label for complete application instructions. 

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  • Asked by Stanley from Kalamazoo
    When can children play on a lawn that has been treated with TZone SE Herbicide?

    As long as you keep pets/children out of the area while you treat with TZone SE Herbicide and until the product has had time to completely dry or settle it is safe for pets and people to return and resume normal activity.  Typically after 4-6 hours.

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  • Asked by Justin from Rochester, Mn
    Tree safety with TZone SE Herbicide
    I have an ash tree in the middle of my lawn and my lawn is being overtaken by ground ivy. I've held off treating it for fear that a broadleaf herbicide sprayed within the drip zone of the tree might kill it. Should I be worried or will the mature Ash tree be alright?

    We would not recommend applying TZone SE Herbicide as a broadcast spray under the canopy of ash trees but could be used to spot treat just do not contact the tree itself or exposed roots.   Treating with a non selective glyphosate product  such as Roundup QuickPro directly to the poision ivy would be the safest treatment as this glyphosate will not leach into the soil. You will want to keep applications away from exposed feeder roots and foliage of the ash tree. Applying using a paint brush or cloth directly to the poision ivy can also be done.


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  • Asked by Wilvert
    Can TZone SE Herbicide kill Bugle weed in my lawn?
    I get this ajuga weed or bugle weed in my lawn. Thanks

    TZone SE Herbicide is not labeled to control this weed.  We currently do not have any products that are labeled to eradicate Ajuga/Bugleweed, you may have to spot treat with something like Roundup QuikPro in the areas that have the weed and then reseed the areas in 2 weeks


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  • Asked by Prem from Houston, Texas
    Can TZone SE Herbicide be used to kill doveweed in St. Augustine? If so, when is the best time to apply?

    TZone SE Herbicide is not labeled to be used on St. Augustine lawns. We would recommend Blindside Herbicide as it can be used for doveweed in St. Augustine grass.

    Please view the Blindside WDG product label for more information. 

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Displaying 41 to 60 (of 61 questions)