Each mouse will walk up the ramp of the Victor Tin Cat Mouse Trap. When they get to the end of the ramp, the mouses weight will push down the ramp, after they step off it will rise back up effectively trapping the mouse and will be ready for the next mouse to enter. The Victor Tin Cat Mouse Trap can hold up to 30 mice at a time, can be used as a live trap without a glue board and a kill trap with a glueboard.
The Victor Tin Cat-Solid Top is made of a thicker, hardier metal than the Catchmaster 612. These traps are made by two different manufacturers.
The Victor Tin Cat Mouse Trap - Solid Top M312 is safe when used as directed, the opening is only small enough for a mouse to get into and it contains nothing harmful inside.
You use the trap either with just bait to catch mice and release elsewhere or you use a glueboard inside the trap to make it a kill trap.