Weedmaster - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 54 questions)
  • Asked by Brent from Utah
    Following application of Weedmaster, how long until it is rain safe?

    Irrigation or rainfall within 4 hours of post emergence application of Weedmaster may reduce the effectiveness of the product.

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  • Asked by Bob from Lamoile Nevada
    How hot can it be before you need to stop spraying Weedmaster?

    Weedmaster should be applied when temperatures are between 65-85 degrees.  

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  • Asked by Ken from Sequim, Washington
    What is the re-entry period for people and dogs in an outdoor area after using Weedmaster?

    As long as you keep pets/children out of the area while you treat and until the product has had time to completely dry or settle it is safe for pets and people to return and resume normal activity

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  • Asked by Mike from Ellensburg,wa.
    How long does it take for weedmaster to dry or settle after application?

    Weedmaster will dry within about 4 hours after application. Safe for children and pets after dried. 

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  • Asked by Bri from Hendersonville, Nc
    How long do horses need to be off a pasture after it's been sprayed with WeedMaster?

    According to the product label, people and animals may return to treated areas once the Weedmaster has had time to completely dry.

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  • Asked by Karen from Wimauma, Fl
    What is the difference between Weedar 64 and Weedmaster?
    Could you tell me what the major differences are between these 2 ?

    Weedar 64 contains  2,4-D at 46.8% and Weedmaster has 2,4-D at 35.7% and Dicamba at 12.4%.  The Weedmaster will control more broadleaf weeds with two active ingredients.  

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  • Asked by Dayne from Cleburne,tx
    Do I need an applicators license to purchase Weedmaster?

    If you are applying Weedmaster at your own property, or you are not charging someone to apply, you do not need to have a license to apply it.  

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  • Asked by Leota from Molalla Or
    Can I spray Weedmaster when the grass is wet?

    Weedmaster is best applied to dry lawns.

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  • Asked by Doug from St. Peters, Mo
    What is the shelf life for Weedmaster and can you sell it in smaller quantity?

    Weedmaster if stored on a cool dry area will last up to 3 years on the shelf. We do apologize we only sell this product in 2.5 gal jugs.

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  • Asked by Carla from Or
    Can I spray Weedmaster any time of year as long as temp is low and it's not raining?

    Yes, Weedmaster can be applied any time the target weeds are actively growing and temperatures are below 85 degrees.  It is best applied when you are not expecting rainfall for 24 hours.

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  • Asked by Kim-anh from Pflugerville, Tx
    How should I apply Weedmaster? Do I need to spot treat? Will it kill my grass if I spray over the whole yard?

    Weedmaster is not labeled for use in residential lawns. 

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  • Asked by Natalie from Denver, Pa
    Can Weedmaster be tank mixed with insecticides?
    My target is ticks and I would like to spray with Permethrin SFR 36.8%.

    According to the product label, physical incompatibility, reduced weed control, or crop injury may result from mixing the Weedmaster with other Insecticides, additives, or fertilizers. 

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  • Asked by Larry from Deweyville, Ut
    How soon after spraying Weedmaster can I water my lawn?

    If it has been at least 4 hours since application of Weedmaster, you can water the lawn. 

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  • Asked by David from East Bend
    How long should I wait to reseed after spraying Weedmaster?

    The interval for reseeding after applying Weedmaster would depend on the amount of product used.  You would need to wait 10 days for every pint used per acre.  For example for 3 pints used per acre (or 1.1 oz per 1,000 sq. ft.), wait 30 days.  

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  • Asked by Pat from Colville, Wa
    How soon can animals graze after applying Weedmaster?

    There is not a waiting period between grazing and treating with Weedmaster for non lactating animals. For animals for slaughter, there is a waiting time of 30 days. Lactating animals should not graze for 7 days after application.

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  • Asked by Peggy from Greenville
    Which surfactant works best with Weedmaster?
    I used to use Activator 90 and can no longer find that.

    Weedmaster can be used with any non-ionic surfactant.  The Southern Ag Non-Ionic Surfactant for Herbicides would be a good choice. 

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  • Asked by Eric from West Jefferson, Nc
    Does Weedmaster herbicide kill wild strawberries?
    I have sprayed with Weedmaster at rate of 1 oz per gallon with no effect. Do I need a higher ratio or something else like Speedzone?

    Weedmaster Herbicide is not labeled to control wild strawberries, so we would not recommend it for this use. Weedmaster will control blackberry and other vines at higher rates. You would use 2-4 ounces of concentrate per gallon of water to cover 1,000 square feet for vine control. You may need to wait 1-6 weeks to see full results when treating vines.

    For wild strawberry, Speedzone would be a great choice. Most herbicides with Trimec will treat this plant, and you will get the best control when spraying plants that are in the 4-leaf to flowering stage. You can browse all the herbicides we carry for this weed here.

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  • Asked by Jan from Sarasota, Fl
    Is Weedmaster effective during the winter months in Florida?

    Weedmaster can be applied in pastures whenever the targeted weeds are actively growing. 

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  • Asked by Irene from Richmond, Tx
    Does Weedmaster kill dollar weed?

    Weedmaster is not labeled to control dollarweed.

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  • Asked by Michelle from Rochester Wa
    How long before cows can safely graze after Weedmaster is applied?

    Per the product label, lactating dairy animals must be kept out of the area for 7 days after Weedmaster is applied.  There is no waiting period for other animals. 

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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 54 questions)