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Julie from Glendo, Wyoming writes

What is the best way to get rid of my mosquitoes?

I have a tractor mounted PTO powered mister with a 100 gallon tank. With a slight breeze my mist will go well over 100 feet. I have a half mile of treed creek bed and some pasture and lawn.


You can certainly use the products in the Mosquito Control Kit – Professional to treat your property as long as your sprayer is a mister and not a ULV fogger. Be sure that there would not be any overspray onto bodies of water with aquatic life or edible plants like a vegetable garden. You want to concentrate on ornamental shrubs, low tree branches, around structures, and other spots where mosquitoes are likely to land. The Altosid Pro-G in this kit is a larvicide to use in standing water, containerized water, or spots that may flood when you have rain to prevent new mosquitoes from breeding in treated areas. Please take a look at our Mosquito Treatment Guide here for more tips. If you are spraying on a pasture, then you need to use a product such as Essentria All Purpose which is labeled for use in these areas. You can use All Purpose near bodies of water, too.

Answer last updated on: 06/18/2019

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