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Rj from Bartlett, Il writes

What is the mix rate for Rodeo Herbicide when using it as a replacement for Roundup?

I want to use this as a replacement for store-bought roundup, but am confused about mix rates for a pumpup or backpack sprayer. I want to use for nuisance weed control around ornamentals and trees- dandelion, thistle, etc- as well as invasive creeping charlie and garlic mustard etc. Also, how much surfactant should I use? Thanks!


You will use 2 2/3 fl. oz. of Rodeo Herbicide per gallon of water. You can use about 1/3 fl. oz. of Kinetic Nonionic Surfactant.

Answer last updated on: 05/10/2016

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Rodeo Herbicide

Rodeo Herbicide

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