Andrew from Dallas, Tx writes
We have Bermuda, Zoysia and Tall Fescue. Weeds are Crabgrass, Poa annua and spotted spurge. Which product is best? Leaning toward Dimension or Gallery. I would also like to have product that we can use in our flower beds ( mostly to control spotted spurge ).
We would not recommend Gallery 75 DF, as it's not labeled for Crabgrass or Poa annua. We would recommend to use Dimension 2EW Herbicide, it's labeled to help with pre-emergent control of Crabgrass, Spotted Spurge and Poa Annua, it's also safe to use on Bermudagrass (except on Tifgreen 328 hybrid), Zoysia and Tall Fescue. Dimension 2EW can also be used on landscaped ornamentals.
Answer last updated on: 09/10/2018