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Julie from Lexington writes

Will Prodiamine 65 WDG (Generic Barricade) be good to use on freshly made berms down my 1/4 mile driveway?

I'm looking for a preemergent to use in landscaping beds as well as down the sides of our new driveway. Also for use in the stone driveway.


Snapshot DG Herbicide would be an excellent product to use in the berms once any new plants are established, and Prodiamine 65 WDG would be an excellent product to use in your turf. Be sure to check the product label to ensure that the weeds you are controlling are listed on the label.

The best and longest-lasting pre-emergent herbicide to use around areas like a gravel driveway where you do not want any plants to grow would be a vegetation management product like Martin's TVC Total Vegetation Management. This product will prevent any plant growth in those areas for up to 1 year. Just be sure not to apply in a way that would run off or contact the roots of desirable plants/turf since this product last for so long. If you have existing weeds in the gravel areas, then you can use RoundUp QuikPro to spot treat and kill any existing plants.

Answer last updated on: 02/26/2021

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